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Messages - frobalt

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Suggestions / Re: All player using essential signs for selling
« on: July 29, 2013, 01:35:04 pm »
Yes, and these suggestions have been turned down because of the spam that would ensue. People would go to areas around the spawn and warps trying to get space for their shops and just when you think you found land to build on, you would find a chestshop made by a player who has been inactive for the past 6 months.

Personally I think that has been wildly over exaggerated. I bet there are servers out there where this doesn't happen.

Also, unfortunately, you'll always have people that are douches with these sorts of things. It shouldn't be an excuse to avoid implementing it. Unless, of course, the feature is used to do nothing but grief or something.

The truth is though, people already can place chest shops where-ever they want, it's just more complicated to do it.

Trade Central / Re: Buying normal rail
« on: July 29, 2013, 05:10:03 am »
Much appreciated :)

« on: July 28, 2013, 06:24:22 pm »
These bows will also be more in demand with PvP being released soon, so expect to pay a lot more for them.

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 28, 2013, 05:35:50 pm »
Darn, losing stuff. Could we make it into a mini-game? Like a limit of... say 6 people. They're put into a small chamber with a chest no one else is allowed in. They're allowed to put stuff in a chest, and keep stuff. If you've already made the arenas and have finished, I guess not. Excited! BTW any teaming? If yes, anyone team? I'm OK with a bow, just need a nice one.

If you want to play PvP, don't take any items you want to lose in there.

Makes it hard though since you'll have to take at least some armour and a weapon to even remotely stand a chance.

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:46:20 am »

As far as I know, there isnt going to be anything dealing with items and dying. If you die with your items, you lose your items.

That's what I thought.

You'll inevitably get someone whining about lost items though, so it's probably better to warn in advance.

You'd still get people complaining about it, but at least then you could just say 'well, we did warn you about it'.

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:30:43 am »
I think it would be worth noting that, if you die you lose your items.

I know it seems obvious, but by pointing it out you can stop people complaining (kinda like how McDonalds warns you that their coffee may be hot)
/gamerule Keepinventory true

Is that a generic command that applies for all deaths? Or is it a pvp related command that might not be added to the server?

I ask because Nick said:

Due to the fact that nothing has been coded for pvp

So I figured that this sorta thing isn't part of the server code. At least, not yet.

Server News / Re: PVP coming soon!
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:13:09 am »
I think it would be worth noting that, if you die you lose your items.

I know it seems obvious, but by pointing it out you can stop people complaining (kinda like how McDonalds warns you that their coffee may be hot)

Suggestions / Re: Lack of people
« on: July 28, 2013, 03:11:01 am »
Why not get rid of the old guest world, old guest nether, and old guest end? Just keep the member and new guest worlds. Of course there would be a time delay, and everyone would be warned to get all of their stuff.

I might not play much at the minute, but I would be royally pissed if the old guest world was eradicated. Actually, it would push me away from the server completely, as most of my creations (Namely my iron farm and sheep farm) are in the old guest world, and I bet I'm not the only one.

Projects and Creations / Re: Public iron farm. [Not Hiring]
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:54:31 am »
Ingame Name:JLSLover123                                                                                                                                                                  How often are you on the SMP server? :Come on dude you know me on everdayXD
Why should you be a Staff Member:Well I am on alot I take resposibility very carefuly I will donate alot of redstone
Anything else to say:Nuff' Said.

Glad you didn't put attention to detail in there since staff applications closed the post before yours :P

Projects and Creations / Public mob farms
« on: July 28, 2013, 02:43:17 am »
Since I'm not playing much (basically not at all) at the minute, I've decided to open my 2 mob farms to the public. These are ender and blaze farms.

The ender farm is at /home frobalt ender. This is mostly a 1 hit farm, although you'll find the occasional enderman that takes a good few hits to kill. There is also an enchantment table readily available. I would have made the anvils public, but I won't be online to replace them when they break, so it seems pointless. This farm was originally built by Notabronie, which I purchased for $250k.

The other is a blaze farm at /home frobalt blaze. This is mostly safe to use, but blazes can sometimes get a hit if you stand in the wrong place.  Recommended that you take a sword to this, as they aren't damaged before they get to the colleciton area. Also, close the gate once you are killing blazes so that they aren't knocked back too far, and loot isn't pushed back. Not the most efficient blaze farm, but it's free, so...y'know...


Trade Central / Re: Buying normal rail
« on: July 27, 2013, 12:47:09 am »
Alternatively, you can earn iron at /home frobalt ironfarm. It can help anyway :)

General Discussion / Re: The Truth.....
« on: July 25, 2013, 07:22:01 pm »
What do you mean setup for failure?

Support / Re: LWC is being a meanie!
« on: July 25, 2013, 12:38:52 pm »
You've not really described the problem very well here at all.

Luckily for you, I've had this a couple of times too:

Basically, what happens is, when you use an LWC command and click on a protection, the system sends that red message back instead of performing what action you want.

IE: If you do /cinfo and click a door, it should tell you info about the door, but can sometimes tell you that you have another action pending for some reason.

Just keep trying and you'll get it to work. If it still doesn't, relog and make sure to only type the command once.

Projects and Creations / Re: Public iron farm. {not hiring}
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:43:49 am »
You can't just make a fully functioning 27 cell farm in two weeks unless you are tiggy lol
is this a challenge? muhahaha I accept it!

               ALSO I am Hiring fellas read up I modified how!

well mine was just 6 days....  :P
further driving in my point..
note, he also made an 18 cell in a few days. I cant imagine how much patience you must have :p

villagers are a pain

The best way to deal with villagers is to have 1 of the central cells of a layer act as a breeding ground for them. Means you have less distance to transport them in total and will likely always be within processing distance of them for breeding. You can then take a few out of the breeding cell to breed further in a newly created cell while you start to build another cell.

With any luck, it should minimise the waiting time.

Suggestions / Re: Make TNT usable
« on: July 24, 2013, 12:24:50 am »
Now let's do it that way /w the suggestions people previously said.
Let's do it this way. Each plus is a point, and each minus reduces it to one. Each trait can get up to three.


Great for mining underground ++
Easy to create defense systems with, even if it is a bit overkill +
Fun +
Easy to flatten land if controlled properly +


Extremely destructive, by far best grief tool ever --- (Only destroy's placers buildings)
Would result in constant monitoring of players - (Only destroy's placers buildings)
I don't know if LB detects TNT damage -- (LB will only be needed on colaboratinal projects -)
Even honest players can accidentally put down a bit too much TNT, blowing up stuff that shouldn't be blown up -- (Only destroys placers stuff, plus players should make sure they use TNT in moderation amts.)

So there you have it. Uses for bad outweigh the uses for good by two.
Total= +4
Get to writing the code to regulate those 4 things you crossed out. Let me know when you're done.
There are a few people here that could right code to regulate those things, i think chief149 might be able to and some other people that are in school for IT and tech stuff. If dej or optical are way too busy as i assume they are, we could have someone else step in to help.

S'pose I might as well do it.

I did just get a degree in games programming, might as well use it :P


Although, tbh with you, I don't have the time or patience to learn how to code plugins in bukkit.

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