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Topics - Pilot10334

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / Moderator Application - Pilot10334
« on: August 27, 2012, 05:50:46 pm »
Age: 16
Location: Florida, United States
Timezone: UTC/GMT -5 hours
Join Date: May 04, 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator: Long story short, I'm now active on Opticraft and I'd like to take an administrative role, again. Long story: After being very inactive from my role as Classic Operator, I decided it wasn't right for me to be one and I asked to resign. I was gone for some time and I missed the Opticraft community so I decided I would come back and maybe even try to be a Moderator. I wasn't active at first so I didn't think it would be right to apply, but now I'm back, active, and ready for more.

Discussion forum / Read more:
« on: June 29, 2012, 02:35:32 am »
Greeting, all.
    The discussion for today is: I MISS YOU ALL. You have no idea.

    Begin conversing :P

Offtopic / My poem
« on: March 08, 2012, 10:03:21 pm »
You will see my name, get over it.

Until Then - Cody Pelissier

I miss the way it was
our happiness was shared,
when troubled times came
there was someone who cared

But the tide has struck
and I’ve opened my eyes,
your boat is departing
and we’ve said our goodbyes

Tis true that Fate’s indecisive
and she cannot always be trusted,
but these ends will need meeting
for a life of mine to be accepted.

A day will soon appear
and I certainly hope soon,
where life will intermix
and I’ll find myself in tune

But until that day comes
when a smile’s always soon,
I’ll settle here alone
and I’ll sing for the moon.

Offtopic / 9/11 Never Forget
« on: September 11, 2011, 05:26:03 pm »
!0 years ago: 2,997 people died. 411 people risked their lives to save others. 246 people left on an airplane and never got to see home again. At least 200 people jumped or fell to their deaths. 2 beautiful buildings were destroyed. 2,997 innocent people left their homes one day and never got to see their families again. R.I.P. All of you.

Offtopic / What do you think?
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:28:57 am »

Offtopic / Let's Play Minecraft Beta
« on: July 26, 2011, 01:50:39 am »
Anyone up for it? I'll take 2 other people at max.

Creations / Eiffel Tower Example
« on: July 21, 2011, 05:51:34 am »
I've been thinking about if we will ever get another Lobby world and thought that the Eiffel Tower would be perfect. Just my opinion.
So anyway I built an example on /j oldnotredame seeing as it's a very tall map which is needed. Keep in mind this is just an example which I made in maybe 3 or 4 hours so it's not to scale by any means but you get the idea.
[EDIT] I made some awesome improvements so you'll have to go see because I'm not posting them.

Bottom, 1st and partly 2nd story

2nd Story

Top Floor and Spire


I even got the weird hole in the 1st floor! :P

So again, it's not perfect, especially since it's stone for the most part, but hopefully you get the point. Also, just a heads up, if you would like to see it, I didn't put the frame work everywhere, just mostly on the face. I also didn't put any stairs so remember to have WoM or /fly.


Offtopic / 1 MONTH!!!
« on: July 20, 2011, 05:34:14 pm »
I am glad to say that yesterday was the 1 month anniversary of my Operator status (On-Trial). You guys are all great and I'm glad to be part of this server and will continue to be a part of this server.

Offtopic / I need a Beta server
« on: July 05, 2011, 09:23:49 pm »
Please pm me if you have a multiplayer server on beta i can play on... and i wont grief lol

Projects / MOUSE TRAP!!!
« on: July 03, 2011, 06:28:39 pm »
After reading through many threads, mouse trap randomly popped into my head.

If anyone else thinks this could have potential, hopefully at least three people, then I will start to design plans in hopes of approval.

Offtopic / My first website with potential!
« on: June 29, 2011, 09:56:44 pm »
Ok so this is my 3rd website which I have completely figured out. It's for the Wii Edition of Call of Duty Black Ops. If you have a wii and the game too, feel free to join. The website is cod7death.webs.com Please feel free to leave constructive criticism on this topic of what you think.
P.S. Im [DEATH]Ghillie

Creations / Restuarant
« on: June 22, 2011, 10:09:30 pm »

Accepted / Operator Application Pilot10334
« on: June 19, 2011, 08:56:05 pm »
Name: Cody
Age: 15
Location: Florida, United States
Timezone: (GMT - 4:00)
Join date: April 30, 2011
Forum Join date: May 04, 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: After much thinking time and given support from fellow players, I have finally came to the conclusion that the position of operator is what I want and how I can help the server the most.
Why you should become an operator: I believe I can be a help to Opticraft as I am always on and many times when other Operators are not. I already frequently find Griefers and report them to either an Operator or on the forum if no Operators on on at the moment.
Have you been temp-op before?: No
Extra information: I am always coming up with ideas on how to help the server. I am also very investigative and if I see a building on Guest that dosen't look right, I use the /about command to find out who the Creator was and who the Griefer was.

Creations / !SPLEEF!
« on: June 05, 2011, 02:52:13 pm »
Armhead314 and I made a builder+ arena on the builder world (/j builder). It is quite sweet and not just because I helped make it, but I seriously have never seen a better arena. It is all the way to the back and to the right a little.

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