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Topics - Terror_tD

Pages: [1]
Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Terror_tD City Application
« on: May 08, 2012, 08:48:28 pm »
City name:

City location:
The location is Roughly...
X: 2481 


Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):

Approximate dimensions:
Dimensions Will depend on Land I am allowed to claim. I have Outlined the Land i Wish To Claim in a picture.

Number of active residents:
Right now the Town is in a Beta State. Only two people Are active Residents Though I will have room for close to 150 people or more.

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:
Right now there are Roughly 20+ structures complete. Many Many more to come.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
The Project is maybe 30% complete. I have Much more to do Though Grief keeps haulting my work. I plan to build many public Activities such as Spleef Arenas , A Mining Area Which i will Keep Stocked for people to continue digging, Parkour Courses, Mazes, Public Farms, Markets, Parks, A haunted house (Just for fun), Fishing Ponds, Archery Games, And Much Much more.

Why should we grant this city protection?
I think TerrorTown will add a lot of fun to the server, As well as, add many activities. I Plan to get a large number of Residents which will keep people coming back to the server. I am Very Active on the Server and I hope my residents to be active as well because of the fun they have on this server. I will host many different games to keep everyone involved. Also I have showed this City to many Moderators, Trusted, and Developers, and all have said my town was one of the best they have seen on Opticraft. My town will Help people to grow friendships, and People living in my town will not have to worry about grief and can focus on having fun and playing the game. I realize this is a big plot of land, but I think by putting homes close to each other More people will be able to live in the land then without my town.
Thank you For reading this and I hope to get this protection soon so I can really Start Working on this City at my full potential.

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