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Topics - headshotopen

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / City of Norwood
« on: May 11, 2012, 05:17:50 pm »
City of Norwood

Location: /home headshotopen

To become a citizen you must at least somewhat dedicated to playing and getting on and of member status or soon to become member status!

Payment on living in Norwood accordingly is 1/10th of your property value once every 2 weeks which can either be paid by cash or anything tantamount to what is owed

Come live in Norwood, a beautiful winter biome surrounded by water views on either side, and plenty of beautiful pre-made houses. The people are reasonable, and the place is beautiful. There is a market center currently in construction for citizens and for works, and plans for roads to go in all throughout the city.

For any details feel free to /msg headshotopen or ecorrigall.

List of command:



Construction General

Farmer General




Rejected / City App - Norwood - Headshotopen
« on: April 30, 2012, 03:57:09 pm »
City name: Norwood

City location: Winter Biome/Extreme Hills/barely part of a Plains biome (X = 2694, Z = -1897)

Contributors: Ecorrigall, Codepmman, Evospikes, Shimmerdude, Interbane, Scotty602AB, Jowee20, Potoes6, Oreojr123456789, Kethamin, Leganie, and a few more that I can't remember
Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Headshotopen (Co-Owner - Ecorrigall)

Approximate dimensions: ~ 450x600

Number of active residents: 7

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 5

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The state of the Project is in final stages because the furnished buildings are done and the wall perimeters. The capitol building structure has just been finished and needs to be built inside and a bit on the surrounding area and the door I was thinking of. In the future for all houses there will be walkways and centers all around the city, and a market place for citizens and workers, and possible gates to certain parts of the walls.

Why should we grant this city protection? To protect the hard work and dedication of the workers of the largely constructed walls, the Capitol building that is roughly based on The National Library in Minsk, Belarus, -that took ChosenProdigy and I 12 straight hours to make- and the rest of the nice houses/tower already created in the city

General Discussion / Need More Help: New City - Look if interested!
« on: April 15, 2012, 09:21:04 am »
"I'm looking for someone to help me build and co-own a new city/town I'm currently working on! Preferably someone that has a skype or some other form of communication rather than the text chat! :D If you are interested hit me up and also if you just want to work for me for a while and claim and easy spot in the city/town when done also tell me. Thanks for viewing!"

Update 1: I have put in the city application finally! I no longer need to find a co-owner for my city. I am always still looking for more help for slight building and resource gathering if anyone is interested and now people have the ability to purchase houses-there are a few for sale at the moment- on the land!

Update 2: Completed the wall archways now I just need designs for gates and start those!

Pages: [1]