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Topics - thanatoszx

Pages: [1]
Projects / Roma's Wonders
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:50:24 am »
You like Rome? So you're gonna like this project. Take part if you want.
So all we need to do is rebuild roma's wonders: St.Peter Square, Castel Sant'Angelo, The Colloseum,....many more

If you're interested, contact me and we'll plan about THIS!

All your help will be apprieciated! Thanks for reading!!!

Accepted / [Builder Application] - Thanatoszx
« on: August 11, 2012, 07:27:21 am »
Ingame name: Thanatoszx
Join date: Tuesday 3rd July 2012, 5:48:43

Briefly describe all your creations:

First is the building which is built when I was a member, a house maybe...still unexperienced that day.
(click to show/hide)

Second is an observatory sphere, i built when I got recruit, it's a sphere(of course) and inside it I made a round glass column covering stairs and a water elevator leads to higher places. On top of the sphere is another column covering a water elevator to the top of the lighthouse (which is above the sphere) for a nice scenery (maybe...) and full-sight of Recruit world because it reached the highest height of this world (96).
(click to show/hide)

The third is St.Peter Square and Baslica in Roma. Maybe it's not as same as the real one because there's no neccessary textures but it seems, seems like it. Maybe.
(click to show/hide)

The fourth is the Parthenon, just a large pillar house it is but it got me 9 hours of making...I decorated the roof and the door with some mushrooms (i intended to do it with candles, but there's no candle *sigh*) to highlights it.
(click to show/hide)

The fifth and the sixth are sprites, first one is sonic and the other is Arceus (Pokemon)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

And the last, my new creation: Taj Mahal. Built in new Recruit world (sorry with the texture pack, you'll see it different from yours)
(click to show/hide)

What worlds are the creations on: Recruit, Recruit51, some in Member32.

Names of players who helped contribute: No one, just me XD

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): No.

Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes

Thank you for reading!

Rejected / [BUILDER] Application - Thanatoszx
« on: July 12, 2012, 07:33:15 am »
Ingame name: Thanatoszx
Join date: Tuesday 3rd July 2012, 5:48:43
Briefly describe all your creations:
First is the building which is built when I was a member, a house maybe...still unexperienced that day.
Second is an observatory sphere, i built when I got recruit, it's a sphere(of course) and inside it I made a round glass column covering stairs and a water elevator leads to higher places. On top of the sphere is another column covering a water elevator to the top of the lighthouse (which is above the sphere) for a nice scenery (maybe...) and full-sight of Recruit world because it reached the highest height of this world (96).
The third is St.Peter Square and Baslica in Roma. Maybe it's not as same as the real one because there's no neccessary textures but it seems, seems like it. Maybe.
The fourth is the Parthenon, just a large pillar house it is but it got me 9 hours of making...I decorated the roof and the door with some mushrooms (i intended to do it with candles, but there's no candle *sigh*) to highlights it.
The fifth and the sixth are sprites, first one is sonic and the other is Arceus (Pokemon)
That's all for now, I'll create more for sure.
What worlds are the creations on: Recruit, some in Member.
Links to screenshots of the creation: All is in there:
Names of players who helped contribute: No one, just me XD
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): This was the second time I applied. Hope I get it this time.
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes
Thank you for reading!

Rejected / [BUILDER APPLICATION] - Thanatoszx
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:32:48 am »
Ingame name: Thanatoszx
Join date: Tuesday 3rd July 5:48:43 2012
The first thing is a...what can I say? it's not really a house but, whatever. It's kinda...square as Kurseddragon said...and GLASSY
The second is a sphere, observatory kinda..and a lighthouse on top of it, it reached to sky limit so i can't build it any higher... the sphere is 50x50 one, inside it has a glass column which cover stairs and a water elevator to the top of the building. The water elevator with carry you to the top of the lighthouse for the highest sight of the member world (maybe)
And the one i've just finished, St.Peter Square and Baslica in Rome, from a picture of it...hard to build cuz minecraft don't have the necessary textures...cost me 9 hours..less than the sphere one but it's my proudest creation
The link is in here, all 3:

These creations are on the new Recruit and Member world.
Names of players who helped contribute: I built it myself. Sometimes Kurseddragon give me some tips, advices but all is my idea, and my work.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): Sorry for my bad english. And I hope someday i'll become builder and even Op! (maybe too far)
Do you agree with our terms( ?:Yes
Hope to be accepted. Thank you for reading my application.

Creations / My Buildings so far...
« on: July 09, 2012, 10:18:06 am »
Hi Everyone, I'm Thanatoszx, new member (now recruit) in Opticraft Community, these are the buildings i have built since i joined.
I'm a bit...erm...less experienced. So please don't go too hard on me.

This's the thing got me recruit...a...what can I say? it's not really a house but, whatever

The second is a sphere, observatory kinda..and a lighthouse on top of it, it reached to sky limit so i can't build it any higher...

And the one i've just finished, St.Peter Square and Baslica in Rome, from a picture of it...hard to build cuz minecraft don't have the necessary textures...

That's all for now, please comment as you want, but please, go easy on me :-s

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