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Topics - kagarium

Pages: [1] 2 3
Ban Appeals / Forum ban on one device?
« on: February 05, 2016, 04:06:35 pm »
Not sure if this really belongs here, but I'm apparently banned from the forum. But only on my Chromebook.

Again, only on my Chromebook, doesn't matter if I'm at school or home or my grandparents. I can access and post in the forums just fine from my PC (I'm doing it right now)

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Support / Can't join Opticraft Server
« on: October 08, 2015, 02:23:21 am »
Hey all,

So recently when i try to connect to the SMP server i get this error:


I have no idea what this magikal gibberish is so... help?

Suggestions / General Forum Board
« on: June 19, 2015, 02:25:52 pm »
Now that there's two servers, I personally think there can (or may be in the future) with some parts of the forum.

One of these is the Server News. The news for both the Survival and Creative Server are posted in "Server News" under Opticraft SMP, rather then each having their own separate news forum or being put into a general board (which is what this suggestion is about.

Another example is the support section (excluding ban appeals)
When only the SMP server was around, all support type questions would go into that forum. Now, there is nowhere for general support question, not pertaining to any server in particular (i.e., general issues with minecraft it self)

I think an idea could be to merge the discussion board with a 'general board'. This would be a board that doesn't belong to any server in particular; It could be used for the current general discussion, helpful articles, off-topic, and introductions, with the addition of the server news, and a generalized support section.

Just an idea that popped into my head last night


Offtopic / Share your setup!
« on: June 15, 2015, 01:53:05 am »
So, what do you play Minecraft (or other games) on?

Send a link to where you bought it, take a picture of it, or post the specs if you know them!

I'll start this topic of with my evolution of computers over the years.

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Support / /near not working
« on: May 09, 2015, 07:24:48 pm »
I've noticed that the command /near doesn't seem to be working. Even when people are near you, it show "None!" when you type in the command

Also, people in local chat are still able to hear me.

Support/Ban Appeals / Recruit warp in lobby
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:14:00 am »
I have a concern... concerning the creative server's lobby.

I'm a recruit on creative, but when i go to the lobby the recruit warp is blocked by orange glass, with a sign that says "Rank up to build in /j recruit"

Does anyone else have this issue? or is it just me?

Support / Can i get my $$$?
« on: January 03, 2015, 03:23:39 am »
First of all, I'm back under a new account, kag1999_

What I'm wondering is if i can get the 15,000 from my other account (kag1999) transferred to my new one. I have no way of accessing the old account to do so.


Offtopic / Besides Minecraft, what do you play?
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:51:25 am »
So, everyone here does (or did :P) play Minecraft. So, what games do you play besides Minecraft? If you only play Minecraft, feel free to express that fact :) Nothing to be ashamed of.

Anyways, I play many. Many games.

For all the games I own on Steam, click here.

Those are 35 of 68 games I have on my computer. I play somewhere around 45 of them. Most of them I just haven't got around to playing yet, since I just installed about 15 games on my computer within the last 2 weeks. Then my Steam install got all screwed up, I had to un-install Steam and every game I ran through Steam, causing my computer to be on for 4 days STRAIGHT, just re-installing all my games.

And I only have 5 GB left on my HDD.

For most of my games, just look at this picture of my desktop:
(click to show/hide)
Everything on the right side is a game, a game file, or a game launcher. On the right is all my music, writing, animation, and other programs. Everything on the left is used on a regular basis :P I never leave my computer unless I have to...(potty breaks)

Post what games you play! If you have Steam, UPlay, or Origin, feel free to leave your username below! On Steam and UPlay, I'm kag1999. On origin, I'm either kag1999 or kag1999a. Or both. Send me a request and I'll accept it!

P.S. I may be back on MC soon. Only time will tell... and parents...ugh

Support / To any staff who reads this:
« on: April 20, 2013, 09:54:07 pm »
To whatever staff member reads this, I have decided to give all the contemts of my chests to butterflywolves. If someone could make those modifications, id appreciate it, thanks

Suggestions / pstone animal-thingy
« on: March 13, 2013, 05:37:03 pm »
So I was wondering. is there a way pstones can stop players from killing your animals while they are inside the protection? if so, could it be implanted?

just a-wonderin'

General Discussion / Goodbye everyone
« on: March 13, 2013, 04:57:53 pm »
Well, this is it. I've fucked up again, and put myself in some deep trouble I'm not getting out of anytime soon. So I am taking this time to give you some last goodbyes. I am not going over what has happened as it is a personal matter. But I will just glaze over it to kill some curiosity. Basically, I did some stuff, got an 8-day suspension from school, an accusation of Larsany in the 5th and 6th degrees, and a court visit. Yipee. I will miss everyone, but there are a few people that have earned a special place inside of me. Thank you for the good times everyone, and I hope you all have a good time.

SJ321987 (Jenna): You were a good friend. I enjoyed some of the things we were able to do together. It wasn't much, but it was enough for you to earn a special spot in my book.

daniblue182: All i can really say to you is thanks for the dragon egg. :)

proush600563: Another good friend of mine. You brought me into the Golden Nations. You become someone who could really help me. Thank you for that.

Felix_De_Kat: My old city neighbor. I enjoyed talking with you. I enjoyed seeing what you build. You are an outstanding builder. Don't forget that. Keep at it, perhaps you may be that next Loaf. :)

crippnfeet: It was interesting in my last few days how you became my 'master' (woof). You were a nice person to be around. I hope you and foot have a good time.

dedlymagik (Nyssa): I still remember that time when you gave me the ultimate troll, back in my old town. I think you were just having a bit to much fun. :) Have fun trolling some more people.

bantam2: I met you back when you were still a trusted. I remeber your town still, Bantonia. It was a nice town. Then I watched as you became a moderator. Then the town began to fall. Without you around to maintain it, it crumbled into a greifed disaster zone. Then, I was able to see you become an operator, something you truly deserved. And just recently you had the pleasure of trolling me. Thank you for all the wonderful potions everywhere. Godd luck to you in the future.

wiles151: I know your not reading this. Still, you were a good friend, and a wonderful Co-Owner. Thank you.

skywarrior5599: My other Co-Owner. Thank you for the help with sandlands. The town is now yours. Go crazy. :)

butterflywolves:Laast and most certaintly not least, you were the best friend I have ever had on Opticraft and your brother's server. Ever. You were the only person I could really talk to comfortably. I enjoyed the back-and-forths we had in 'Ban the Person Above' and 'King of the Hill'. Sadly those days are gone now. I will miss those times. Goodluck to you and your brother. And please tell him that I will miss him too.

Goodbye everybody, and I wish you all good luck.

EDIT: I will NOT be auctioning my stuff off. I may come back. I don't know yet. If I do end up coming back, it won't be for a very, long time.

Support / How does logblock exactly work
« on: February 26, 2013, 03:11:40 am »

So I have been needing to use logblock lately, testing it on my own server and another server i recently got promoted on.

So, I've been having trouble with the logblock commands, mostly the parameters. The /lb help doesnt reall explain the parameters well enough for me to understand, and I have yet to find any good tutorials or articles on how to use logblock.

If you can help I would greatly appreciate it, thanks.


Ban Appeals / [Xeadin] awesomeknuckles9 ban appeal
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:16:39 pm »
Hello, this is actually awesomeknuckles9, I am using my frend kag1999's account as I forgot the password to mine. I am asking that you please do consider this ban apppeal, thank you.

Ban history

To start off, I will not deny that what I have done. I deservered the bans I got. I miss coming on opticraft, and I have yet to find any server that could ever replace this server. I understand that the 4th ban is permanent. Considering that I have been banned for 7 months, and I feel I have learned my lesson. I would like to come back on and rejoin the Opticraft community, and start off fresh.

Please do consider this ban appeal, and I hope to hear a response from you soon Xeadin :)

Have a good day


Projects and Creations / Sandlands [Applications=OPEN!]
« on: February 09, 2013, 08:29:56 am »

Hi, I'm kag1999

          This is a post on my town, sandlands. If you have any suggestions for me, or the town, please do post it here.


Sandlands is a small town located in the desert in the New Guest World, accessed by 'HOME CURRENTLY NOT SET'.

I have a few pics of the town i would like to show, and i will update them every once in awhile. Look in the next post for pictures.


    In-game name:
    What is your rank on opticraft:
    Have you ever been banned:
        If yes to above, paste link to ban history:
    Where did you hear about sandlands:
    How often are you on opticraft:
   Any pictures of you past builds:
   Would you like a plot or a pre-built house:
   What size plot/house would you like (prebuilt not available on 41x41) 

Just copy the template, paste it into your reply, and fill it out. I will look at is ASAP, and accept or deny it. Do understand that if you are denied, you may apply again after 1 week.

I will have updates when i can and/or feel like it, so keep watching! Feel free to visit the town, and post suggestions, comments, questions, or concerns, and i will be more than happy to reply (when i can and/or feel like it).


Support / single player worlds not loading
« on: February 06, 2013, 06:44:18 am »

I am encountering a problem when trying to open my single player worlds.

The screen just says 'downloading terrain' and does not change. I have let it sit for almost an hour and it still would not open.

Any help please?


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