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Topics - troddenostrich

Pages: [1]
City name: The Ostrich Palace

City location (coordinates, not biome, include world name): Member World; x=2892 z=2557

Contributors: myself, redchecks, theone7142, chipaton

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): TroddenOstrich

Approximate dimensions: 283X382 currently

Number of active residents: -----(will have some once completed)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: ------1 contiguous castle

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: the throne room(only room however very large) is almost completed save for 1 set of columns and decor, this project is very large and hence slowly building but will include various interior structures upon completion. Exterior will be saved for last. These structures include, various grand halls, dining hall, library, towers, walls, large grandious rooms, dungeon, large gardens, etc...

Why should we grant this city protection? Recently people have begun to encroach on the area just outside of the wood box i created around the castle as a perimeter, and these builds arent exactly nice looking either. With this in mind, if people got the idea to build further, it would severly inhibit the space i would have to work with for this mega build. Ive also had problems with people using my home for resources, small grief, and theft.
Current progress: currently an interior build (i acknowledge that the exterior currently is rather ugly but i would rather get a spacious interior completed before worrying about it).
P.S: if protected, go ahead and get the wood cabin next to it, its one of my builds for someone who will be one of my residents.

Rejected / TroddenOstrich Moderator Application
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:17:02 am »
Location: St. Louis MO, USA
Timezone: Central Standard Time DST 6
Join Date:January 27, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Techdude98, TheRealFamous,(feel free to add your name)

Why you should become a moderator: Well in the app i don't really want to talk about why i SHOULD become a moderator. Instead i would like to discuss a possible second chance to rejoin our staff team. Back in early December i was demoted for something im not rather proud of and have apologized to not only the staff team, but especially to those i effected. What i did those few months ago was stupid, childish, and ignorant. And i am here to tell who ever reads this that i believe i can learn from my mistakes and still make a greatly positive impact on the opticraft community as a member of the staff team. For those of you who don't know what happened, its really not worth going into anymore, but rest assured that i will always care for this community and do my best to support and present such in a positive, mature manner. I would hate to let 9 months of moderating on this server to be tarnished by 1 stupid incident that i am very sorry occurred and wont happen again. Thank you to all who took the time to view and contemplate my application


Hey guys i need a tree of a world i have copied in my castle (home) willing to pay someone 100k, materials provided, permanent residency, part owner of castle, and basically give u a huge amount of bragging rights to the server. msg me or find me if interested :D ps: the tree as u can guess is frickin huge.

General Discussion / The Ostrich Auction House(Now Closed)
« on: April 22, 2012, 09:01:30 pm »
Trodden's Auction house come one come all to the magnificent sales we got going on today!!!

Todays Item: Diamond Pick: Unbreaking 3, Fortune 3, Efficiency 4.

Current Bid: 55k for Claw

SOLD TO CLAW see me tomarrow to claim ur prize good sir

General Discussion / Tree Builders needed(100k payout)
« on: April 14, 2012, 05:55:34 pm »
I need a tree to be built in my castle center, i have the design on a world clawstrider gave me and i will provide all materials and resources needed, i am paying 100k for the labor, if u are interested leave a comment down below and i will send u the link, the tree is #3 as listed in the world

General Discussion / How much is a Dragon Egg worth??
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:35:39 am »
Hey guys, as a few of you know, i recently got myself a dragon egg, my question to you is however, what is the worth of this tiny thing?? Ive talked to a few and some said if i auctioned it off i would get over 100k. Keep in mind that under no sercumstances am i selling this precious gem but i enjoy knowing the worth of rare items in my possesion, leave a comment down below and have a great day ;D. -Trodden

General Discussion / (Leadership issue in skyrim city)
« on: April 05, 2012, 01:27:25 am »
Ok its been about a month since our dear mayor, tylerhan2000 has been on. This is becoming a problem as we cannot moderate city structure, maintain order or apply for city protection without him. it is in this instance that i propose a temporary new mayor who can take command until his return (if ever). this is to keep the city in check, working up to date and allow protection. These responcibilities could somehow be transfered to tyler when he returns but currently posts an issue. im in support of either an elected official or chosen official, could be myself, skepter (dont know if he is still there) or anyone else. but someone should take charge. leave a comment on how we should go about this or do nothing. your advice is apriciated dearly. thank you for your time and have a great day -Trodden ;D

Rejected / Moderator Application: TroddenOstrich
« on: April 02, 2012, 03:36:10 am »
Age: 16(going on 17)
Location: St. Louis MO, USA
Timezone: Central Time (USA)
Join Date: 1/27/12
Were you recommended by anyone?: No i wasn't
Why should you be a Moderator: I believe that i should be promoted to moderator in the simplist fact the i love helping others and making their Minecraft experience better than recieved on other servers and i wish to promote the attitude of this server in the best way possible. I also wish to help others in the form of undoing grief(which i've experienced and know is becoming a major issue) and maintaining a positive attitude in the chat logs by Disproving and possibly banning those who use execive profanity, spam, and other forms of harassment or social issue. By being allowed to regulate these areas and since im online on a regular basis, around 5 hours minimum a day, i hope to better the Opticraft experience and make everyone want to play this server, as  previous moderators did to me. Thank you for your attention and time and have a great day  ;D. -Trodden

General Discussion / Design a medieval banner
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:38:47 am »
Hey guys as most of you know im building a huge castle, one problem remains. we have no banner. help us come up with one by making one and taking a picture or sending us a picture of what we should use throughout this castle.

I've been playing on this server since the end of January and have done my best to help others and be supportive of other people. In this fact i would like to ask you the reader, after being around me, doing project, buisness, or simple conversation with myself, do u guys find me trustworthy or someone you dont doubt?? im simply asking this to get others input so i can better my actions on this server, become a better person, and create a better enviroment for those around me. thanks for reading and leave a comment ;D

General Discussion / Who knows how to make giant trees???
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:44:53 pm »
I need someone to build me a large tree inside of my castle, like the ones Dersheriff has, but i never see him so heres a post for anyone whos good at making those things. msg me if ur interested. im offering $20,000 upon completion + what ever material cost would be. im also open to offers. thanks for reading and respond if u can help me ;D

Projects and Creations / Castle Ostrich (running out of funds)
« on: March 27, 2012, 01:47:36 am »
I have decided that living in semi small houses is no way to experience minecraft. that is why starting immediatly i am constructing a castle of epic proportions. however, this project will be very expensive since mass amounts of stone brick tend to be well... expensive. anyways this castle as of now is only 1 incomplete wall that resides behind my house in Skyrim City. This massive castle will include, throne room, dining hall, library, gardens, farms, shop, alchemy room, large suites or rooms, a cathedral, animal farm, and other castle like structures that you would find. This oppertunity to become a resident requires some payment, as i cant afford to build this by myself within a decent amount of time. So i am taking up to 30 investors for donations of some sort but we dont discriminate. Leave a comment or message me if you are interested in this unique oppertunity or just wish to donate to the cause. thank you for your time and have a wonderful day - Trodden :D
Current Residents: Duinis, XRoyalDiamondX, Logan5353, Dj301, Xstone11, Victino, Relkeb, Kian1354, MaxieG42, Omaroo2, Ryan1230, Witchawa, Beefdog303, XJustinGluckX, Lewisd15

we need funding, the price of stone brick with wool and other materials has finally drained my pocket and we need ur help to continue building at a fast pace

Ban Appeals / There has been a mistake, all mods plz read
« on: March 07, 2012, 12:47:16 am »
ive just found out that ive been banned, this is odd because ive never done anything wrong, in actuality ive been most helpful to other players and i havnt been on all week exept to check on my house yesterday. If this is because the diamond/gold blocks at my and victinos mansion are gone, there is a huge misunderstanding. i moved and brought them with me and stored them in a chest to prevent them from being griefed to save mods the hastle. i was merely holding on to them until victino returned and had no intentions of grief or any misconduct. plz respond mods as to why im banned, and if its the case above them plz unban me for ive done nothing wrong.

General Discussion / Mod Idea/suggestion
« on: February 28, 2012, 01:53:49 am »
If you have ever heard of the mod, "Tiny Blocks" then you know why i would even ask if this mod could be implimented. What it does is makes normal blocks tiny for the purpose of pixel art, sculpting, and other various art designs. The main reason i think this could be an exeption to the "No mods allowed" rule is that it poses no advantage that i can think of to players, but offers more variety to the game, building blue prints and original art work. Just thought i would bring this up for discussion sake  ;D thank you for reading and let me know what you think/possibly agree or suggest this idea

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