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Topics - grand_chill

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Farewell + resigning
« on: May 30, 2012, 07:08:21 am »
G'day all,

Well my time has come to officially resign from the opticraft moderating team.

Recently I applied for the Australian Defence Force (Army) and as of today my application has been accepted. I wont go into detail about the process' for applying in-between date of application and the acceptance of application as there is a lot to talk about, but basically all that has been done and my final step to actually getting into the Army itself is an assessment day, which is next week on Thrusday, which includes a full medical examination, fitness test and job assessment interview. At the end of that day I will have confirmation of whether or not I have been accepted into the military. I have applied for a full time job as a Fitter Armament, which in general terms is a Gun Smith (modifying, maintaining and repairing a range of weapons) plus 2 second preference jobs.

It has been a good run with its fair share of ups and downs, more downs than i would have liked, but good none the less. I made some friends and was accepted into a community as a team member and I am extremely grateful for that.

In regards to the resigning part, i would like to be demoted to builder on the classic server in hopes that i may see you all sometime in the future.

Love Chill (Rori).  ;)

Discussion forum / Happy birthday Nyssa!!!
« on: May 10, 2012, 08:26:09 am »
Yes people it is Nyssa's birthday today and i want you all to say a warm happy birthday to one of our most loved Operators!! Happy Birthday Nyssa!!!! Your a lovely person always willing to help. You are a great friend of mine and you have helped me through some tough times and I am very thankful for that. You are a gem of this community and you do your upmost best to help anyone and everyone as much as you can.
Thanks for being there Nyssa, and Happy Birthday again!!

<3 Chill

Offtopic / And he's off again!
« on: December 02, 2011, 10:50:31 am »
Yeah lol at Kuala Lumpur International Airport atm waiting for my first plane. Erm only told some of you but im moving back to Australia and im flying out pretty much right now. About a 40min flight from KL to Singapore then a 8ish hour flight from Sing to Australia. My mums internet is crap so dont expect me ingame but i will check forums everyday still. :)

Offtopic / Steam notice: Free weekend; Magicka
« on: November 18, 2011, 01:11:02 am »
Notice for anyone who has steam. Magicka is f2p this weekend and is also 75% off. Its a great game about nordic mages who blunder around a very comical world defeating bad guys with a wide range of odd spells. Check it out, download and play it. Its lots of fun and has great graphics.

Offtopic / Happy birthday Morten!
« on: November 18, 2011, 01:01:43 am »
 :D Happpppppy Bday Morten. Hope you have a good day today and that its filled with joyous celebrations and lots of alcohol.  ;D

Also heres a pic of my laptop :) <3

Offtopic / My new laptop :D
« on: November 12, 2011, 11:57:40 am »
Yay, its for my bday next friday. ^_^ its epic, faster than my current comp and a lot more powerful. Its also orange and white :D Heres a story on it.


Offtopic / Hello from Thailand!!!
« on: October 27, 2011, 02:57:40 pm »
Hello homie g's! I am currently away on a holiday in Thailand. Staying for another 5 ish days chillaxing at the pool, on the beach and on the comfy bed. <3 Good food, cheap/fake stuff to buy and some hot asian chicks. ;D Kicken' back and drinking coconuts all day long. :D

P.S. Theres a hot tub at the resort here Soul. ;D

Offtopic / Nostalgia Relkeb?
« on: August 13, 2011, 06:16:02 am »
Found this video on utube.


Beware of the shouty music, but go to 1:30 and it will show Relkeb as a builder ^_^

Quote from 2:04 "almost 100 people and nobody says hi :("  :D

I also believe that this is actually made by Mr_Mr_Mr  :D No offence but flying around /j builder randomly and fast is not a great recording technique  :D

Creations / My house in Beta
« on: May 29, 2011, 09:35:33 am »
Lol this is my house 'area' in Beta (fake yuh ;))
Whole area, oh and the largish block of water is covering my house  :D On the left is my house area

More of the area

Even more, on the right is my house area

Inside and under the water area with my gloomy house

Stairs and dogs  :D

My.....pool lol idk i was testing the water to see how it flows

This goes down to my 'massive' cavern system (its huge :P)

So yeah i took these mainly to show akosibitoy, but everyone can mock my use of water if they feel like it :D

Projects / Beta Landscape
« on: May 27, 2011, 12:18:13 am »
D Day is done, i suppose (cant think of anything more to add to it), and im wanting to make a Beta like landscape. It will be on builder above my D Day (which makes D day dark, which i kinda like). I also would like a recruit friend of mine to help me with it as he is also a passionate Beta landscaper. His name is akosibitoy, so if an admin could please add a builder zone for him and i it would be appreciated.

Offtopic / 2 Xeadins!
« on: May 25, 2011, 08:42:57 am »

 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Happened today when copying a build.

Offtopic / Nawwww isnt it cute
« on: May 22, 2011, 01:23:42 am »


Rejected / Operator Application - Grand Chill
« on: May 20, 2011, 06:05:11 am »
Name: Grand Chill (Rori)

Age: 16

Location: Malaysia

Timezone: UTC +8:00

Join date: Tuesday, May 10th 00:14:16 2011

Forum Join date: May 14th, 2011, 11:35:56 am

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: I have been playing on opticraft for a reasonable amount of time, also ever since i started playing MC, and i find that i have come to like this server very, very much. But i believe that the ops are overworked  :-\ (IMO especially Xeadin {Xeadin for president ;D}). I am always being helpful towards anyone, yes guests too. Im answering questions, inspecting builds, giving tips and being a friendly guy. But i want to help out more and give xeadin a bit of a break (which i bet he wants  :D). I am also on most of the time and xeadin, ramkitty (not on too often when i am) and Mr_Mr_Mr (soon to be crafter i hope) are the only ops on in my timezone. Xeadin is overworked, and i want to help him out more.

Why you should become an operator: I believe i will be able to help carry the load that is applied to the current ops (especially Xeadin) and help out the community by helping in any way i can.

Have you been temp-op before?: Yes. Edit: 25/05 Relkeb made me temp today. (And i thouroughly enjoyed it. It was good fun. promoted 4 people, 2 with Drunz's permisson and Xeadin saw the other 2. Banned a couple of people (for 5 days) for drawing Penis' and 1 swastika. Kicked at least 3 people for swearing. And helped countless others. ^_^ Thanks for making me temp Relkeb.)

Extra information: Pretty much summed it up above. I just want to help out, i believe that i am mature enough to be able to handle op and i hope i am trusted enough  :D . But really i just want to help the ops. They must be stressed!  ;)

Projects / Tribute to the Endeavour
« on: May 18, 2011, 08:59:50 am »
The last space shuttle to go into space. Shame really, Obama is scrapping it all, says its too expensive to keep. Well im going to do a tribute.

Will have the endeavour flying through space towards the moon, with a starry background.  ;)

Accepted / Grand chill builder app
« on: May 18, 2011, 07:07:46 am »
Title: [BUILDER] Grand (Rori)

Ingame name:Grand Chill

Join date: Tuesday, May 10th 00:14:16 2011

Briefly describe all your creations: Floating treehouse like town, with whales underneath; 54x56 Goku Sprite; The Crypt, underground hotel.

What worlds are the creations on:
Recruit, recruit10 and recruit5 ; respectivley.

Links to screenshots of the creation:

Names of players who helped contribute:
No one, just me.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:
Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
I try to help out other recruits, guests and members a lot (with questions, and requests, i.e. water/lava/grass) and i think that being builder would make me more able to help people and further improve my building.
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?:

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