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Messages - HoaxZ

Pages: [1]
Projects and Creations / Re: Railway
« on: May 12, 2016, 10:33:52 am »
Righty Ho! That's settled then. It'll take a while but I'm sure we'll manage. Construction will commence soon!

can you let us know your plans on how you want the railroad and which areas, I'm sure a few of us can help you if you wish.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 28, 2016, 11:17:35 pm »
concerning the economy changes, if its points or money they are basically the same thing just different names. it is a form of currency you are using so in the long term there will be no difference if you kept with money or switched to a point system they both do the same thing and work the same way. you get money/points, you use them to buy said material. so i do not see the necessity of changing to a point system if its just going to be a new currency instead just change the way currency is used and works. if there is still to be a market of sorts then changing it to points is not really a change but the name. i just don't see the point in changing to point instead of in game money if they do a very similar thing. you can change how to get currency, how to spend it and how much value it is worth but the name of it can stay the same those who have paid real money for their currency it was said will be reimbursed to the equivalent of what they received in the new currency. its easy to do just look at what the worth of the currency is now and what you will change it to and work it out from that. i think that is a good idea for those who paid real money so they don't loose out on it. as for starting with money, i assumed we already did with a small amount but i don't see it  to be relevant as your trying to make it a survival world with the option of a market, that was the reason for its use. if people come for survival they do not need in game money and if they desperately need something and are often online usually if someone has a lot of it they give them it or trade with other items anyway. its only for things such as quarts, beacons, mob heads for some that you actually might have to go to the market for as you cant get a beacon with out doing so. i don't see any issues with what we have now but if you want it harder to use farms for getting money Ozzy is right in just making unfarmable blocks sellable to the market. if you are thinking having players sell the items then they will mine it themselves sell it in their own stores and charge their prices and if they leave then another store closes. eventually we will end up where we are now with a group who all help each other and 10-20 online at any time max.

what i would like to see is not a headline of a change that is being considered but a description of what you wish to change, why, how, and the impact you believe it will create pro's and cons. and basically what you want to achieve by the changes. this way we can all look over it understand exactly what you are thinking of and give a more constructive output to help you all decide what to do. as right now a lot has been said and some of us could have the wrong idea of what you mean and we don't have the full picture.

- "Simplification or removal of the economy system." its pretty simple already, just it works for some not others i'm still unsure of what is wrong with it.

- "Addition of pvp modes" we already have pvp arenas which are fun and your own fault if you loose stuff there. what sort of pvp do you have in mind and where?

- "Addition of a player trading system." can you explain what you want brought in as we can already trade with in game money to each other, some people have built their own shops and trade between themselves. we even have a trade chat for it, so i am unclear on what new is being looked at.

- "Points system where players accumulate points for things like voting and doing everyday survival activities. These points can be used to buy protection or rare items." if you keep the economy with a market you can already buy rare things there. this seems like just another currency to me and when voting (although broken) you gain "points/votes" and the top 3 win prizes anyway. and doing everyday survival things and getting points for it i don't see how that will work. could you explain.
and why points why not in game money. it will be silly to have 2 currency's so if done this way and a market/player trading they would all have to be the same currency.

- "Change to a player defined protection field system" what do you mean by this? the protection stones we have are good but it you mean you get a patch of land and can protect it say by 20x20 from build height to bedrock then sounds good or you build a wall and the size determines cost say a 10x10 cost 100 IGM (in game money) a 20x20 cost 200 IGM 30x30 300 IGM and so on. (its just an example to simplify what i mean) but i would like to know more.

I write all this with the utmost respect for all staff, i know it is not easy and there is a lot to do and a lot to consider that i am unaware even exists. I just like to know more in depth of all changes to help make this server great. and are we looking to make the server better for the players who play or to bring in new members? what is the overall goal?. if you want new members i would happily discuss advertising and ways to boost it that does not require any or little funds.

I apologize for the long post I feel more information is needed as i explained at the beginning what info i wanted to know, i hope i didn't bore you too much i know I've missed info lost in this thread or some of it has been spoke about so much I've lost the plot all together but i look forward to hearing in detail more on all matters.


Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 24, 2016, 09:35:01 am »
if the surver reset was to come back onto the table so to speak i would be changing my vote back to a no. i know you longtime members have built a lot here and some dont want their builds gone and a download isn't the same thing. i wouldn't want mine nor my son's home to be gone we just built it in the last month and spent hours mining, collecting resources and building the structure. my son even protected an end ship to be his little base. hes chuffed to bits. i know he can get another one but with a server reset we start from the beginning where we where over a month ago. will be like that time was a waste. if you could take a few things over from this world it would be more intensive but i would still vote no, and how much could we take? enough to get us started, enough to keep one load of armor, a double chest?
i support the ideas of going more vanilla and trading between ourselves but i have no automated farms no big hideous structures (unless you dislike my builds) so i feel i am just being penalized because you are all board of the world we have. if your that board destroy all you build and throw it all into lava and you've reset yourself.  if i had to start again im unsure if i would and i know you will loose a few people who are on regularly. a new world is fine but there must be a way to do it without deleting the old world or you wouldn't have taken it off the table in the first place.  this is just my feelings on this as a newcomer, and i know a few who feel the same. if you where to bring it back on the table there would need to be a huge intensive to keep some of your more active members who didn't leave when it got stale for others. if we are discussing solutions please bring other ideas to the table to help resolve this on what we can do. like someone said before if this is to bring in new players restarting the world will not help that is down to advertising and there are a number of ways to do that and i would be more than happy to help with that. but if its to benefit us the existing players, then how does it help us loosing all we have worked for? we can have a the other ideas i am interested in and would like to hear more about but i am strongly against a restart. people went quiet and changed their vote when you took it off the table, if you bring it back on they will not keep quiet and we will be back where we where arguing about it.

i am open to ideas on improvements ans support some changes but a wipe is too extreme measure for me to support. 

Server News / Re: SMP Updated to 1.9
« on: March 21, 2016, 10:16:17 am »
@HoaxZ They sound like Minecraft/Bukkit issues to me with not much Optical can do on his end.

no worries, i have no idea where issues start or how to solve them (im not clued up on that sort of thing) just thought id mention it incase something can be done. thanks for your reply though :)

Server News / Re: SMP Updated to 1.9
« on: March 21, 2016, 07:19:21 am »
just a few small issues i have come across are, some paintings are invisible but then reappear when in the corner of the screen instead of directly looking at them. and horses and some mobs are invisible until you are 3-5 blocks away from them when they reappear or "spaz out" going invisible to visible constantly over and over. no idea what causes it but im seeing this over at my member world area. also if you put a banner on your shield and it is in your inventory, when you log out for some time and log back in the banner has been removed causing you to make a new one to put back on it. if i have to do this each time it will cost a lot of wool and dye. but those that are in chests stay fine. once the issue is sorted i will look to place a banner on my shield again. these are not big issues but small ones that affect game play in little ways. just bringing them to your attention.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 20, 2016, 05:13:08 am »
advertising costs money, a lot of money actually. So no, we have not thought about it at all as optical is the only one to make the decision to advertise.

Except that Optical is always open to ideas, and if the point of this is to bring up ideas to raise your player count - then perhaps people could be coming up with advertising ideas to help. Maybe new perk ideas to help pay for advertising, fixing the voting like he mentioned etc. Point is, other people might have some golden nugget ideas. Advertising doesn't have to be on a pay-ad basis. There's social media, and all sorts of other resources that I'm sure people could come up with if we asked them about this point too. Like Roza said - what's the point in all the hard work and changes, if no one will see them?
I understand that, but it just feels weird to me to attempt to tell someone how to spend their money, maybe it's just me being weird lol

LOL!! I get it Nick, that IS weird. But that's why they're ideas - not demands. Get the great minds of this server come up with some ideas and bring them to Optical - whether they be free or cost money. Let him then decide what he does/does not like. He's very reasonable and will hear anything out as long as there's a logical reason for it -- or at least that's my experience.

the best form of advertising is word of mouth, yes many dont want to play on an old world full of abandoned projects so a new world is a good idea. But to spread the word you can tell friends/family/acquaintances/colleagues at work or if you see people chatting in comments on youtube or twitter point them in Opticrafts direction.  the biggest advertisement is free and is us. we can all spread good things about this server and discuss it with others. if all of us do these things where possible on top of actually voting when we click the vote button (by the way the one that ask's for a maths answer doesn't accept the correct answer) we can maybe bring in a few more people and those who come in we try to encourage them to go out and advertise to their friends and family to bring in more people (obviously dont say do advertise just ask them to inform anyone about us) once more people come and more advertise you will get people come and go but once a member and into memberworld we hope those ones stay and make great members. the idea is we are all responsible for advertising and its free. if the staff can think of ways to help with links or banners or anything that will be great. something that will catch peoples eye and make them try. nothing complicated as when they join they need to feel as if they are welcomed and belong. anyway that is not part of advertising, but we all can push out and advertise anywhere that is free. then if you think of other cheap ways on cheap sites that is up to you staff and Optical but that is the best free form i know of and if we all do it, it does work well.

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:50:07 am »
I know i am a new comer and only been playing just over a month but if we all get a say then id like to give a little input.
i do not think a total restart is a good idea. i have played on other SMP servers and over time they get more complicated and new things added and it changes the game too much. i like this server as it is survival. if i fall i die, if i loose my stuff its gone forever. if i want to build something i gather the resources. i play my game like i would on a single player world. the added bonus is the people who play with you. these members that are active daily i have come to know are great people and a good laugh. this is why i enjoy this server. i can get on with building, chat and help each other out. i don't use the market and think your cost for a beacon is far too high.  the servers have been up for a long time and a lot of the resources have been mined to where your searching hours for a block or ore. a new server would be good and a fresh start, fresh resources, fresh ideas. BUT i think you should keep the old servers maybe separate them so you cannot take items between the two servers but have chat open between them so people can all talk no matter the server. there are not many changes that will help bring in new people. the only way to do that is word of mouth and advertising. the reason servers are dying out is players are going to minigame sites instead for a quick bit of fun. you have had new members join and as one of them i like the server how it is and after a month i feel i have built a lot and do not wish to see it wiped even if there is a world download, id like to finish it on the server. if you made a new 1.9 server with some not all new implements i will give it a try but if it is too different from what it is now i will stick to playing the server i am on now. i would like to get a start on a new server, work with others to collect resources and build things together. i think when it comes to farms its nice when their is no mob cap but when people leave and they are no longer used it would be good if they put in an off button so it is no longer in use. but that is my opinion. over all please don't delete the worlds or reset them, a world download isnt the same though a nice thing to offer. if you want a new server make one and implement a few changes, if its too different people will stay on the older ones and some new people may join but if you delete the old ones i see you loosing the old devoted members. its a hard choice but if you can, do both and give the older players the option of playing the old worlds still. as for the new im sure people will give it a chance. but the old servers could do with updating to  1,9 aswell just for the new blocks and ideas they can put into their builds. also i enjoy seeing others builds. with the hall of fame id like to see more builds in it that i can visit for inspiration and admire their work. without the servers we wouldn't have that.
anyway those are my thoughts, thank you for reading them.


Offtopic / Re: US Army Bootcamp
« on: March 08, 2016, 03:19:08 pm »
Good Luck,
always remember to put in 100% effort, play the "grey" man so don't stand out too much especially at first as those who do are usually for the wrong reasons. never forget when its your time in the evening it isnt actually your time you have to sort out for the next day so before you head out or relax ensure all is done for the next day or more.  finally they are looking to make the weak and unsure about what they are doing types quit so if you really want it just hang in there it does get better especially after training. oh and avoid those who cant handle a weapon properly, you dont want to get shot by mistake  ;) . if you would like advice or help feel free to chat though i cant help much on american equipment. i do wish you the best.

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