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Topics - Unholy_Gibbon

Pages: [1]
OK basically I'm going to a cadets (military youth organisation) camp for a week on the 1st of July for a week and immediately following that I'm going to America for 2 months. During that time I plan to travel around the states on greyhound coaches and generally imbibe the American culture as well as take in the sights, scenes and experiences which America has to offer.
Once I get back from America I then have (almost immediately) my freshers week at university where I'll be completely occupied by all things uni.

Clearly this means that I won't be on (most likely not at all) for those 2-3 months. You can expect to see me back around October, although this is no guarantee as I may have moved on to other things.

Either way I'd like to say a big thank you to all the people who help keep this server running for giving me a place to chill out and relax. There's definitely a very "special" group of people here.

Suggestions / Minecraft Quarterly Promotion - Voting bonus
« on: June 01, 2012, 01:19:23 pm »
If you vote on a regular basis you can double your vote on minestatus.net by registering on the Minecraft Quarterly website.
Go to http://minestatus.net/promos/minecraft_quarterly for this page I screenied below:

Every vote you make for the duration of June on minestatus.net will count as a double vote for the server.
The way our voting system works means that you won't receive double the amount of diamonds but you will be supporting the server by registering to double your vote.

Suggestions / List of ranked players (in-game)
« on: May 29, 2012, 03:30:50 pm »
I was browsing through a few popular classic servers the other day and amongst some other cool features I found this:

This is a suggestion for both classic and SMP but more SMP as I'm not sure whether it's something that can be implemented without code being required i.e. if one of the admins can do it.

So you'd have this list but with
Owner (Optical/1 player)
Admin (Relkeb & Nick3306/2 players)
Operator (7 players)
Moderator (29 players)
Trusted (x players)
Member (x players)
Guest (x players)

I know it isn't exactly top priority but it'd be a nifty little feature to have.

Events / AFK Box Tournament (sign up for teams!)
« on: April 18, 2012, 07:05:34 pm »

We have our winners!

The winners of the April-May 2012 AFK box tournament are.... Monkey and the Bitches! (In case the massive picture above didn't make it colossally clear enough)

Congratulations to MrMonkey91, MissTheSofie, Nikita_Mile and Turtleman918 who now have gloating rights and can profess that they are the champions (until the next comp).

I'd like to thank all the players who participated to make this such a success.
We will most likely rerun this tournament in July with some new rules and even more players/teams.

Thanks again and until next time, happy capping!

As we all know, afk boxing is an integral part of the opticraft server. Many a time I've returned to my computer moments after posting a "brb" comment and to my dismay (and my captors glee) I find myself trapped in a box. With this in mind I suggest we add a competitive element to this tomfoolery.

Now the premise of this is simple. "Capture" other members of the opticraft server while they are afk.
There will be a points system which will be based on the rank of the subject caught, with multipliers for the complexity of the box.

The points system is as follows:
Guest - 5 points
Member - 10 points
Recruit - 25 points
Builder - 50 points
Crafter - 150 points
Operator - 50 points
Admin - 1000 points
Owner - Win

This will be a team based game with teams consisting of a minimum of 1 player and a maximum of 4. However, I'd encourage you to join an existing team rather than forming your own (don't want this to just be a 1 man free for all).
Teams may consist of any variety of ranks. However, at the end of the contest, teams will have a penalisation based on what their rank is worth in afk points.
E.g. Our team would have a -225 point deduction as Builder + Builder + Recruit + Operator = 50 + 50 + 25 + 100 = 225.
The rank deduction will remain the same from when the team first signed up, e.g. if noobies becomes a builder during the contest, the penalisation will remain 25.

The list of teams here with there team names will be listed here, so far we have:

Capere Omnes:

The Barbra Streisands

Cheddar and the chedettes

Raul and friends

Monkey and the Bitches

The Taco Shells

Cowz Ahoy


PositionTeam namePlayersNumber of capturesTeam deductionTotal score
1Monkey and the BitchesMrMonkey91
2Capere OmnesUnholy_Gibbon
3The Barbra StreisandsTimothyThe3rd
4Raul and friendsraul7legend
5Cheddar and the chedettesgameguy96
6The Taco ShellsiGenerator
7Cowz AhoyEliteDelta640-50-50

Other rules:
  • You may not capture people in your own team.
  • Your team may capture the same person more than once (but not on the same day).
  • You may not ask your friends to pretend to be afk so you can capture them.
  • No building afk boxes in spawn.
  • No building afk boxes that disrupt/destroy part of someones build.
  • No building of afk boxes round invisible ops.  <---Removed this rule as of 03/05/2012 21:53 GMT.
  • You may only use the /tp command in this competition.
  • You may use the natural surroundings to create a complex/epic box
  • Images must be either uploaded using the "Insert Image" function in which case they must not be larger than around 900x516 OR they can be uploaded using a link to a photo album e.g. photobucket or imgur
  • In order for you to gain points from a box, the occupants name must be visible (epic afk box example would not get any points as it does not adhere to this rule).
Any breaking of the above rules will result in a 50 point penalisation or a disqualification for repeating offenders.

The multipliers are as follows (examples below):
x1 for basic afk box
x2 for complex afk box
x5 for epic afk box
+1 to multiplier for how many fellow team members you have posing next to the box.
+1 to multiplier for each member of an opposing team.
+1 to multiplier for each extra capture in a single box.



For the basic example, operator = 50 points x 1 = 50 points.
For the complex example, recruit = 25 points x 2 = 50 points
For the epic example, operator = 50 points x 5 = 250 points

If there is a dead heat at the end of the contest the winner will be determined by highest number of captures.

Well folks, that's the tournament.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Contest begins 20th April, ends May 31st. Team with the most points after deduction wins, or if anyone catches optical...
EDIT: Contest start date delayed as more teams needed. Contest now starts Monday the 23rd.

Rejected / Operator Application - Unholy_Gibbon
« on: April 10, 2012, 06:12:55 pm »
Name: Unholy_Gibbon

Age: 18 EDIT: 19

Location: UK

Timezone: GMT

Join date: 30th April 2011

Forum Join date: 5th March 2012

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: I'll try to keep this brief as people do tend to waffle on and repeat themselves in these applications.
Although I have enjoyed the experience of working towards and achieving the rank of builder and the progress I've made on the building side of things, I do find myself getting more and more involved in the social aspect of this server. Getting to know the regulars and helping out newcomers as much as I can has been the side of things I've enjoyed most thus far.
Clearly, applying for operator was the obvious decision if I want to get more involved in the areas of this server that I enjoy most.
Almost all the other applications I've read mention the griefer issue so I won't delve into that other than saying that it is still a major problem and we're nowhere near the "too many cooks spoil the broth" stage yet.

Why you should become an operator:
I do think that this is to a certain extent covered by the previous paragraph as two of the most important things to consider when taking on a role are aptitude for that role in addition to an interest in the types of activities that role will include. The aptitude side of things I suppose I'll have to rely on members of the forum to support me as I haven't had a whole lot of contact with admins for them to gauge that.
Also, I think something worth noting is my desire to do a better job than many of the current operators. That statement isn't intended to be disrespectful as there are many operators who do a fantastic job (several of which I mentioned in my builder application).

Have you been temp-op before?: No

Extra information: I was part of the grief patrol assisting Kascas in his 100 bans in under 4 hours record.   ;D

Accepted / [BUILDER] Unholy_Gibbon
« on: April 04, 2012, 01:32:48 pm »
Ingame name: Unholy_Gibbon

Join date: April 30th 2011
Briefly describe all your creations:
Satellite dish - current recruit as of 04/04/2012
Banhammer in action - Recruit34
Rainbow double helix - Recruit39
Wooden castle - Recruit40
Skyscraper - Recruit39
Xbox 360 - Recruit36
Gorilla smoking cigarette - Recruit40
Hand holding eye - Recruit32
A small umbrella -Recruit39
A couple of sprites

What worlds are the creations on:
Written next to builds descriptions for ease.

Links to screenshots of the creations:

Names of players who helped contribute:
KCB did the antenna on the satellite dish.

What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit

Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I got help (mainly in the form of moving things around) and advice from the following ops, who I'd like to thank:
Whatshiywl, Redchecks, Your_Mine, Nikita_Mile, Kascas and Holy Moses.
I'd also like to thank noobies411 for letting me build my xbox on his sports field.

Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Yes

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