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Topics - chancecarey

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Request permanent mute: Blablablacool
« on: July 07, 2011, 12:13:51 pm »
Blab was encouraging people to swear, and as I'm deopped I'm having to go through this to get him reprimanded.
Chat logs:


Offtopic / Just a photo-shopped creeper
« on: July 07, 2011, 11:59:52 am »
Im fairly new to photoshop, so here goes:


General Discussion / I'm back.
« on: July 06, 2011, 01:07:47 pm »
Hey guys!

I was away for a period of time due to certain reasons that will not be disclosed, and I'm just posting this to say that I'm back.

I'll resume building and helping as much as a builder can do, and when I've been back for a while i will re-apply for operator as I notice I have been demoted, probably due to my being away :P

I'm back,

Offtopic / My epic fps
« on: May 14, 2011, 03:34:04 am »

Proves how epic my new hardware is :P

16gb ram
gigabyte motherboard
nvidia gfx


Offtopic / Race to 100
« on: May 05, 2011, 01:56:14 pm »
Hey guys, I have a race for you!
Everyone go to the internetometer site, register and put it in your signature.
First one to 100 wins a cookie!

Side note: Yeah, I'm already on two :P


Offtopic / TripleHead2Go
« on: April 30, 2011, 02:52:58 pm »
I've just got the triplehead2go, and wondering if any of you have it?
It allows me to play black ops in 3 screens, widescreen.  Pretty much a given hack :P
What are your inputs on the device?
I recommend it for those heavy gamers out there, but it will cost you $500.


General Discussion / Fixing the font of the wom client
« on: April 24, 2011, 06:18:58 am »
Ok guys, I know a lot of you have upgraded to the new wom client without knowing it has different font.
Here's how to get the old font:
Note: this
  • Go to the folder where your wom.exe is located
  • Right click > new > text document
  • Name it font.cmd
  • Right click > edit
  • Paste the following:
  • Quote
    @echo off
    copy lib\minecraft\default.png lib\default
  • Save the file
  • Run the file
  • Open wom
  • Type /client fontaa off

If you get any errors from those steps, please post below.


General Discussion / Opticraft Blackberry Group
« on: April 01, 2011, 08:31:03 am »
Hey guys.
For the ones of us who have blackberry's, i'm creating an opticraft group where we can always contact each other!
Of course, optical/hannot/darkpower/morten will get the administration password.
EDIT:  Ok, seems there is no group ID.  Put your bbm's in a post after this and I shall invite you.

Member list:


General Discussion / Chancechat
« on: April 01, 2011, 04:57:47 am »
It's an independent little client that connects to the server, it is not a bot.
In sight of the recent updates/crashes/restarts, my player is lagging amazingly whilst connecting.
Half the time I am kicked with nothing as the reason, so I use this.
If you see it connect, its just me!
It allows me to talk without the UI, and I can talk to users that are having trouble if I'm away, seeing as I can use it from my blackberry when away.
Is this allowed opti/morten?
It's not a bot, if you need proof search myner chat client minecraft.


EDIT:  If I get round to it I will implement detection of "GRIEF", "cant build" etc etc.
I did not code this, but it's written in python so I sure as hell will modify it :P

General Discussion / CE2, a development site
« on: March 30, 2011, 03:54:12 pm »
Hey mates!
As my projects (aType, OGP) near completion, i'm designing a website for a base for them.
The website have all of my projects of opticraft (And some other things...maybe), and will host a custom download page.
You can upload your things, if they are good and you give me permission I will pop it on CE2!

The website should go live in a few days,

PS: Whats up with the cube xD

General Discussion / While we wait for OGP....aType!
« on: March 28, 2011, 05:07:59 pm »
Hey mates!
Whilst i'm waiting for a certain payment to process regarding OGP, I would like to share something else with you :)

aType - an operators friend.
  • 4 different control activated events
  • 50% transparency
  • Totally beast "Made by Chance" bar at the top!
Right, so:
Due to the amount of times I have seen that other typer not work (not doing the /), I created my own!
This utilizes sendkey events, and I have the beta available right away :)
If the ctrl functions don't work, it's due to a problem i'm fixing....but yeah, heres the download link:
After the project is finished, like the OGP, I shall release the source code ;)


Rejected / Operator Application - chancecarey
« on: March 26, 2011, 01:48:39 pm »
Name: Chance Carey (IGN: chancecarey)
Age: Twelve, but i'm mature, ask the old players that know me
Location: Born in australia, live in United Arab Emirates (Dubai)
Timezone: GMT +4
Join date: Thursday December 16, 2010
Forum Join date:  December 14, 2010
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I like this server, I have been a builder for a while and as you can see in,2227.0.html
the most I can do to prevent griefers from being a nuisance is to post on the forum.
Especially since in my time zone there are not a whole bunch of operators online!
Why you should become an operator:  Im an experienced op on a few SAMP servers, used to run my own sucessful server (not minecraft, in case your wondering!).
Extra information:  Currently coding the OGP (Optical game player), which should be a good product for all opti users once finished!
The reason i'm applying is because I cant but feel helpless when players complain to me about griefers, such as the mentioned reallygoodguy etc etc.
Im not the best builder in the world, so I don't feel as if I would be able to become a crafter, afterall, all that I need to be able to do to help the server is kick some grieferers!


PS: If I get declined/rejected, please tell me if its my age.  Im mature, ask some of my old friends who are now ops, but I hope my age won't pull me down.
PPS:  Im pretty sure it was my comment that got the op applications reopened due to the timezones!
EDIT:  Rereading your op guidelines incase I missed anything, I would be happy to change from building to moderating!
Never was the perfect builder anyway, but can still build the odd fort if needed :)

General Discussion / Griefing (reallygreatguy)
« on: March 26, 2011, 11:50:07 am »
Ban report.
IGN: reallygreatguy
Reason: Griefing zambilicanul's house.

Side notes: zambilicanul was planning to use this house to get the recruit rank.  Blatant swearing.
We need more ops on at this time, there was no one who had kick command so we could do nothing but comfort the player and me write this thread.


General Discussion / Opticraft Game Player beta released
« on: March 26, 2011, 08:41:18 am »
Hey mates!
I am recently learning c#, and would like to share something with you :)

Opticraft Game Player

Its a tool I have created, still in early beta, that does two things:
  • A dedicated browser for the forums
  • Built in WOM client executor
The WOM client is still on the way, and if any of you with java knowledge would like to help, just say so :)
The browser is writted in C#, that means you dont need .net, if you had previous problems with it.

As you can see the window design is...interesting, thats because its using Fluent, a ribbon control office UI style!
That means it will look much more epic than previous apps, and it deserves to!
Other features:
  • That textbox you can see is there for quick referencing, if you need to show others your thread.
  • WOM client looks like it will have to run standalone, but I will include a launcher :)
Finally got it out, if it produces any errors report to me.
If it says something about dotnetbar, its a crazy thing that i'm trying to get away.


General Discussion / Offensive sign (go_people)
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:30:33 am »
Ban report.
IGN: go_people
Reason: Creating swastickas at guest, saying hitler is great, swearing etc etc.

Side notes: By the way, I covered the sides up, but if you remove the outer layer it is still visible.
Didn't want others being upset, and didn't want to tamper with evidence.

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