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Topics - JimmyWhiffler

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / An odd occurrence
« on: May 09, 2012, 07:23:36 pm »
Just a rather rare Minecraft event I thought I'd share.  First time I've seen something like this! :D

(Also, apologies for poor image-ness).

Creations / I made a thingy.
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:47:16 am »
So here is a thing I made, I don't know what it is really so (in a flood of artistic inspiration :P) I came up with a classification for this kind of build: "a 3D Doodle", fairly self explanatory name I think. It has a fair few circles in it, the odd diagonal and some customary spirals chucked in.  Here are a couple of pics of this monstrosity but please do visit it in Builder15 if you have a spare minute. :)  Cheers!

P.S. Sincere apologies for the terrible quality of the second picture, my computer is kind of a dinosaur!

Projects and Creations / An incredible journey of epic proportions!
« on: March 06, 2012, 10:57:53 pm »
Recently I have been favouring single-player survival over the SMP server, mainly for a bit of peace and quiet since the server got really popular! :P However, I have been thinking of ways to try and get back into going onto SMP some more. Inspired partly by the "Far Lands or Bust" channel on YouTube, (why not check it out here!) I am now planning to walk the entirety of the SMP world from the southwest corner here: to somewhere up in the northeast, perhaps this column here

I intend to start with absolutely nothing in my inventory and with no armour on.
The other parameters I think I should stick to are: not using any boats, and also not sleeping!
I will post updates of where I am in this thread and also put in the odd picture if I see anything particularly cool on my travels! ;)

If you have any other ideas on what rules I should stick to etc. please just say below :D

P.S. I just realised I would have to walk all the way from my /home to the southwest corner to even start! XD  So if anyone would be willing to somehow teleport me there in the first place I would be very much obliged. :S

P.P.S If you think this should be in offtopic or something then move it at will :)

Offtopic / Opticraft Modern Art
« on: March 01, 2012, 12:20:29 am »
So, today Opticraft made some modern art. I think it's great, but please leave your opinion below! :D

Contributors: JimmyWhiffler (tis meh)

Edit:  Ok, I'll admit, it's basically a rubbishy mess. (But isn't all modern art really? :P)

Offtopic / Jeremy Paxman - Interview
« on: February 24, 2012, 10:41:32 pm »
So basically, my twin sister is going to interview Jeremy Paxman at the BBC Studios in Manchester tomorrow. :o  Kind of a big deal!  I know this is very last minute but any suggestions for questions she could ask would, I'm sure, be greatly appreciated! 
P.S please only reply with a possible question if you know who Jeremy Paxman actually is! XD

Creations / The Spirals!
« on: December 30, 2011, 05:48:04 pm »
This is my first completed creation as a Builder!  (Also looking for a name for it if you have any good ideas :))

Offtopic / Official Opticraft Builder Song
« on: December 29, 2011, 11:39:04 pm »
A song for all you Builders out there...

Accepted / [BUILDER] JimmyWhiffler
« on: December 11, 2011, 12:43:54 am »
Ingame name: JimmyWhiffler
Join date: 26th October 2011
Briefly describe all your creations:

1) A big "Spacey" lazer with lots of platforms, circles and spirals around it.
2) "JimmyTower" A colossal sky-reaching tower with lots of intricate interior floors and walkways, a "secret" bedroom, a sphere attached and a nice big tree for good measure!
3) A modern tower, (also reaching sky limit) with multiple observation floors and a "radio mast" on top.
4) Some Sprites! Pikachu, a Minecraft Zombie, a big Superman symbol, and my best sprite: Jolteon.
5) A series of accurate 16 to 1 replicas of Minecraft objects: a TNT block, a Bookcase block, a Glass block, a Chest, a Crafting Table (my favourite) and a Minecraft Cake!
6) A realistic lighthouse with floors for different uses.
7) A realistic-looking windmill with not-so-realistic rooftop tennis court, secret garden and secret library!
8) Last but not least, a BIG Greek temple that actually looks like one!  
What worlds are the creations on:   Recruit29: Lighthouse and Windmill
                                           JimmyWhiffler: JimmyTower, Modern Tower, all the sprites and all the                
                                                               Minecraft memorabilia!
                                                Recruit30: My big lazer! ("Very nice and spacey")
                                                   Recruit: The Greek Temple
Links to screenshots of the creation:
Names of players who helped contribute:  Thanks to Lucho019 for cuboiding the floor of the temple.  Other than that, every block of these builds has been laid by moi!
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:  Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I have tried to fit in a mixture of big grand buildings, interesting things and things that might make you smile!  There may be a lot of screenshots but they are necessary to show all the work I have put into this application!  Also, thanks to anyone who praised any of my builds and anybody who has encouraged me in the slightest!  (Thanks to Illegal for inventing the word "spacey").
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Most definitely!

P.S. The random face with the glasses should be 8 then a close bracket.  I'm keeping it in as it amuses me!

Creations / Just a new build.
« on: November 26, 2011, 02:07:41 pm »
This is just a new build I'm working on bit by bit and I welcome any suggestions and opinions on what to add etc. as I like the way it looks so far!  :)  (P.S its right in the middle of the new recruit world.)

(This is basically just an attempt to embed pictures!)

Offtopic / t3dd123 - a brand new game
« on: November 26, 2011, 01:27:26 am »
This game is basically tag/hide and seek.  I, t3d, holymoses, coolgirl and someone else who I've forgotten had a lot of fun for about 15 mins playing it!  I hope to see it in the London 2012 Olympics.  Thank you t3d and good night.  :)

Introductions / Me! :D (Well, isn't that the whole point?)
« on: November 25, 2011, 11:37:41 am »
Hello and good day to all you fine members of Opticraft!  :D
My ingame name is JimmyWhiffler, everyone calls me Jimmy!  (My non-Minecraft name :P is Alastair but I've got really used to being called Jimmy!)  My join date was back in the hazey days of October, I found the Classic Server on the 26th then joined the forums on the 27th!  Since I realised I hadn't actually posted anything, I thought I should maybe give it a try with a little intro!  I was made recruit by luminaeus I think when he was still an Operator, after building a nice big house complete with rooftop greenhouse and treehouse!  I do hope at some point to become a Builder and have already built a few things.  Some of them are in my world "/JimmyWhiffler" check 'em out if you want! 
Extra Info:  I am a keen spleefer and am always up for a game!  :)  I also enjoy being around other people on the server and not just building silently.  Finally, I am a very active member so you will probably see me around!  (Time Zone is GMT if you were wonderin')  Thank you for reading this post and...
Merry Minecrafting!  :)

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