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Messages - 00ultima00

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Plots are $1000!
In-Game Name: 00ultima00
Have you ever been banned: I have
If so why(Place N/A If never banned): Umm disruptive behavior
Do you agree to Valgates Rules: yes I do
Will you help people With houses If you have the time: Sure I will.
I helped you with that first auto wheat farm didnt I? =)

Support / A mod takes it to far to quick.
« on: January 05, 2013, 12:12:05 pm »
Hello guys Im 00ultima00. An old member of opticraft who returned to the server to hang around. After being invite to help build a city and donating supplys I decided to make a private chest.[about 30 blocks away from the city] The owner of the city then asks me whats in it so on and so fourth. Then the owner told me to leave because of that chest and called a mod.
Joshskiiz then told me take my stuff or leave. I then decided to not take my stuff because well I was invited there and I started just to walk away. Josh then teleported me back said take ur stuff or leave. I didnt take my stuff and so he rolled back the spot. In that chest I had just about everything I owned. When he rolled it back again so I could get my stuff... My enchanted pickaxes were gone [effiency 5 fortune 3 unbreaking 3] [effiency 5 fortune 3] [effiency 5 unbreaking 3] I then asked him to give me my pickaxes back or I wouldnt leave. He then said I had to post on forums and w8 for a admin to Maybe give me my stuff back. I then went on a rant because well just about everything I needed was there. in those pickaxes. Josh then went on to mute me and tell me that I have no right to go to anybodys house even though there house isnt on any private teleport. He took it to far to quick and deleted my pickaxes due to a chest. Thats right folks a chest 30 blocks away from a city. I would therefore like to ask for my unmute and my pickaxe to be brought back to me. [Not sure if this is the right section but i posted it here]

Projects and Creations / Re: City of Falador
« on: August 01, 2012, 05:25:58 am »
I would love to help build.
I played runescape for about 6 years
and achieved 128 combat with 4 99's.
IGN: 00ultima00
Age: 13
Ban history: 1 ban for spam
do you agree to falador t&c's: OFC

Ban Appeals / Where do i apply to be unbanned from mumble???
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:44:37 pm »
Because all I did was play a song in the music channell.... I thought thats what u do...

Ban Appeals / Re: ooultimaoo Ban appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:43:41 am »
ok nikka tell all the staff thanks for duping my items it helped me out alot

Ban Appeals / Re: ooultimaoo Ban appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:15:11 am »
You ban evaded. You cant get on a different account once yours was banned.

didnt know of this... was just to ask what my ban was for... and you banned an account that isnt even mine...
I've seen you on it before, right after your first ban.

Also, you use it as a way of multiple homes, since you have it's home set at a Xp Farm.

Also, I don't see why a friend would get the same username as you. That's a very unoriginal friend you got there.

after my first ban i was told by the mod who banned me i could go on it to tell my friend i was griefed... which i did.
Next my friend has same username because he use to use my account and his brother was inlove with the name and
decided to use it... =/ wasnt happy about that at all.. and i do use it as multiple homes because my friend lives right by where my other house is.. so he said he could use my home and i could use his home..

First of all. I was the one who banned you the first time if I stand correct, and I did not tell you that.

Also, it's funny 'cause there's no homes made by OOultima near yours.

its at /home gonorrhea11 where his is. and you did not ban me first time. it was dedlymagik and he said i could only go on there to tell my friends i was banned

Ban Appeals / Re: ooultimaoo Ban appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:11:33 am »
You ban evaded. You cant get on a different account once yours was banned.

didnt know of this... was just to ask what my ban was for... and you banned an account that isnt even mine...
I've seen you on it before, right after your first ban.

Also, you use it as a way of multiple homes, since you have it's home set at a Xp Farm.

Also, I don't see why a friend would get the same username as you. That's a very unoriginal friend you got there.

after my first ban i was told by the mod who banned me i could go on it to tell my friend i was griefed... which i did.
Next my friend has same username because he use to use my account and his brother was inlove with the name and
decided to use it... =/ wasnt happy about that at all.. and i do use it as multiple homes because my friend lives right by where my other house is.. so he said he could use my home and i could use his home..

Ban Appeals / Re: ooultimaoo Ban appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:05:24 am »
You ban evaded. You cant get on a different account once yours was banned.

didnt know of this... was just to ask what my ban was for... and you banned an account that isnt even mine...

Ban Appeals / ooultimaoo Ban appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 01:00:54 am »
Name of Account Banned: ooultimaoo
Reason you are banned: Multi account
How will you change this if you get unbanned:
Why Should we unban you? This isnt even my account its my friends account and i logged in it to see what
i was banned for so i could make my appeal and got banned instantly.
Truthfully u just banned 1 player for no reason... except having a name like mine??? smooth move

Ban Appeals / Re: 00ultima00 Banned Appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:54:06 am »
First off i dont type /fly i hit the [f] key and it enables it like in creative mode... and then i double click [space] to activate it..

Ban Appeals / Re: 00ultima00 Banned Appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:51:55 am »
lol ill upload it right away... it will be like a 30 second vid and take like 3 mins to upload?

Ban Appeals / Re: 00ultima00 Banned Appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:44:56 am »
and if it was a "hack" awesome then why would i have showed u??? wouldnt i have wanted to kept it a secret not tell the whole staff community abbout it??

Ultima, you see... the thing is.... There is NO other way to fly on this server unless you have a hacked client or a mod.

It's that simple.

I can even show u me clicking on normal minecraft logging in and being able to fly still if u unbanned me and let me vid it...

Ban Appeals / Re: 00ultima00 Banned Appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:37:52 am »
and if it was a "hack" awesome then why would i have showed u??? wouldnt i have wanted to kept it a secret not tell the whole staff community abbout it??

Ban Appeals / Re: 00ultima00 Banned Appeal
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:35:31 am »
I highly doubt it was a glitch, trust me, I get that excuse all the time. Thanks for telling me, but I have no reason to unban you.

awesome then please tell me how to fix it??? i cant do it on any other server but this one... and thats why it makes no sense!

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned for "spam"?
« on: June 10, 2012, 12:34:46 am »
gonor enjoy this server without me. support you appeal 100% dont let the "staff" get in your way of your city

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