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Messages - HarryTheGuerilla

Pages: [1]
Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 25, 2016, 04:09:37 pm »
I vote no for a few reasons. But I can also tolerate a few of these ideas.

Firstly a complete wipe of the worlds would be ridiculous. there are so many buildings under construction and many more buildings that are in use. Many of these buildings are massive and they took a long time to build. Sure a world download could be cool to have so that those buildings get used, but it would not be the same as coming onto opticraft. I personally come on opticraft because of all the buildings I have made over the years as well as coming on to build more.

PVP everywhere is a terrible idea, the entire reason i have stayed on Opticraft for years and years is because there was no PVP. I do not like having to have the best armor and to have to worry about people coming after me when I am trying to build. However why not make a PVP only world in a 1.9 world. This way people who want PVP and new world can go to the new world, and at the same time they can still talk in chat.

Yes the economy is broke, but removing it would be a bad idea, the economy is what kept so many people on here. When the server removed selling iron blocks, melons, and pumpkins, a lot of people left the server because of that. So removing the economy would drive the few remaining people away. Yes I understand that the AFK farming of those blocks was bad but it drove a lot of people away. I would support a change in the Economy, however whenever you (the staff) want to do a change, why not ask us here on the forums for our input. That way there can be discussion and people can be happy with a change. But just removing a block based on all of your (the staff) dissucssions, would make people angry like the incidents with the Melon, Pumpkin and Iron blocks.
As for the removal of the server market, I would say no. That market is not a bad thing it is just dysfunctional. The prices of blocks need to be re-assessed and Protection stones should not cost so much. As others have said Protections stones cost way too much. Although the prices are a lot better than what they used to be.

Offtopic / Re: (Not as good as Mr_Mr_Mr's) 35k giveaway!
« on: November 25, 2013, 12:01:11 am »
Tu rasana xa  colod

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 10, 2013, 12:53:45 am »
i think you should make it so we can sell seeds at the market and the sell price would be of what it is for sugarcane

Projects and Creations / A city ps for my build
« on: December 26, 2012, 05:52:53 am »
I am working on making a massive house/farm/building and i want a city PS
here are some reasons
1. i'm am using some what i think is value able building material such as obsidian, nether brick,mossy cobble and some other things ( i know some of these aren't that valuable but to me they are
2. it is a very big building and grief would not be good at all ( i am a very very cautious on what i do and don't leave out in the open)
3. i would never have enough money to get the protections
4. the dimensions are 150x70
here is the picture of the building it is still a work in progress
it is the big platform of cobble and netherrack
thank you for your time

Suggestions / Re: new protection stone
« on: December 07, 2012, 09:06:24 pm »
No I don't mean redstone I mean emerald and this would be for biuldings that are big bur are too small for a city ps

Suggestions / new protection stone
« on: December 07, 2012, 02:13:26 am »
I know this has been suggested before but I think that there should be an emerald protection stone and what it could do is. It could protect an area that is a 61x61 I know rich people could go ham and buy a bunch. But the reason I thought of this is because there are some buildings that are too small to qualify for a city ps but buildings that are still pretty big. And I with that I leave you with opticraft or as I say opti :)

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