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Topics - ScottishChamp

Pages: [1] 2
Trade Central / 61 Sticky Pistons in auction!
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:38:43 pm »
Hi Guys, I'm selling 61 Sticky Pistons For Sale. You must buy it all if you bid.

Item: Sticky Pistons
Amount: 61
Starting Price:$20k
Bid Increase:$2k
End Of Auction: 2 Days After the last bidder. Do not tell me who wins or not. I will post it.

Note: I Have the right to end auction any time i want if in need.

Good luck guys and happy bidding! :)

Trade Central / Mansion up for sale 40k! start price! :)
« on: October 15, 2012, 06:01:08 pm »
I have made a mansion over the past two days and its going up for sale for a 40k start price and auction will finish after 2 days auction bids must be over 1000$ a bid ty and happy bidding here are some pics of the house :) I also have the right to end the auction at anytime i want.

General Discussion / Does not matter
« on: October 12, 2012, 12:23:57 pm »
Does not matter,

Rejected / The Moderator Application Of ScottishChamp
« on: October 11, 2012, 07:17:55 pm »
13 Years of Age since 3rd May,
Join Date:
February 2012
Were you recommended by anyone? Xeadin
Why you should become a moderator:
I think i should become moderator because...
I have been on opticraft Since february and have been trusted since lat march,i really like helping people in opticraft.I firmly know some of the moderator commands and have recently noticed that there is not so much mods on in the morning and with my timezone not much people are on in the morning afternoon and more people come on at night so the other mods could handle it then aswell.I would say that i am really well know to trusted members and mods and so far have got 5 of my friends playing opticraft and they really enjoy it.I ask people if they need help in chat  most times and even sometimes they message me asking me if i could help.So if i got this position as moderator i would not abuse any of the commands and certainly not let you guys down thank you for having the time to read my mod app
Your's Greatfully  

General Discussion / Just to let some people know im back! :D
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:59:23 am »
For those people that don't know Scottish is back after a 1 Month absence to opticraft! :D .
Just thought i would post a topic on this after reading some sad news about people leaving! :(
I have got a new laptop which is great that is how i was not on for about 3 Weeks because
My laptop broke and i didn't have any spare money so i had to get a job around the house
from my mum / mom and could afford to get a nice new laptop but i forgot my minecraft password
But last week i had found a not in house with my Minecraft password xbox pass and ps3 pass
and i was so happy when i found it and i went right on my laptop an went back on opticraft on
the Thursday and WOW! what a lot of Scottish's! Came up on my screen and it was a great feeling
to be back in Opticraft and i have been of school lately not feeling well but tomorrow is my last day
at school until i get one week of school and if you have not seen me much in game already there
wont be one point in the next week you could say "where is Scottish?" well thanks everyone for
reading this and i cant wait to be playing with my frends at opticraft. I have been back on opticraft for a week
but its just to tell the people that dont know already i will see you in game everyone
-Thanks ScottishChamp

Support / The i have been "hacked" ban appeal (Inportant read)
« on: July 09, 2012, 02:57:20 pm »
Well hi guys i have just noticed something very big and i feel mods + need to read this. I see in some ban appeals that people have said "i have been hacked".But when i have logged in to my 2 other computers and into scottishchamp all of my multiplayer servers and texture packs and single player worlds are gone so i find that the people saying i have been hacked are lieing because the person who "hacked them" must of knew the server ip that they played on.what i am trying to say is that i would not always think of unbanning them if they say i have been hacked.You can try yourself if you have a spare computer i just wanted to put that out there and sorry i would not know the correct place to post this but thanks for reading scottishchamp.

Offtopic / What do you like in minecraft??
« on: July 09, 2012, 01:04:11 pm »
Yeah well what do you like in minecraft is it building or mining or farming?? What do you like well i am a builder to be honest i enjoy doing that.What do you guys doing in minecraft?? :) It can be anything stay ontopic its about minecraft anything to do with minecraft :D

Trade Central / Needing locked thanks :P
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:39:47 pm »
Can someone lock SOLD :P?

General Discussion / People that cant log in (READ THIS)
« on: July 02, 2012, 10:41:57 pm »
Lots of solutions:

(1) Quit minecraft force update

(2) Keep trying it will work

(3) Go on single player for about 10-5secs

Hope this has helped!
-Scottishchamp  ;D

Trade Central / Sold please lock.
« on: July 01, 2012, 01:46:17 pm »
Sold! Please lock  ;D

Trade Central / Selling a massive auto farm!
« on: July 01, 2012, 09:11:25 am »
I Know that they are getting removed. Up for auction is a Auto pumpkin farm for sale its all protected its huge for 20k?

Ps.It makes about 11k each 20mins i dont have the time to use it so i want it sold auction is 20k Buy now:

Offtopic / Whats ur tv programme! And favourite Movie!
« on: June 23, 2012, 01:17:16 pm »

As the tittle says what is ur favourite tv programme and favourite movie!

I will start of by saying my favourite tv programme is Friends (tbs for americans) Comedy Central U.k

My favourte Movie is inbetweners! great english comedy movie also has series!

Now you have heard mine lets here yours! =D

Trade Central / Iron,Diamond and Enchanted tools
« on: June 23, 2012, 08:29:06 am »

Suggestions / AntiSpam-Plugin?
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:41:15 pm »
As we have anti grief i have noticed when there are no mods on people start spamming.So while they are spamming trusted and members are like stop spamming! But we cant do anything about it.It could be weird like that someone is not spamming but the AntiSpam can detect like if someone has posted stuff over 7times then the anti spam could kick the person spamming.So if they come on and do it again the antispam has a track that the person has been kicked.With a track if they do it again they can get banned?? Its quite confusing but if u can understand plz comment telling me what u think of the idea?

Rejected / Moderator Application - ScottishChamp
« on: June 21, 2012, 05:42:45 pm »
Age: Born 3rd May 1999, (13 Years old)

Location: Scotland, Uk

Timezone: GMT

Join date: February 2011.

Were u recommended by anyone: I have not asked(If you want please put name in its very helpful)

Why you should be mod:

I Feel i should be a moderator on smp because....i have played on this server for months now.
I Know what i am doing and i have got more popular from guests-members-trusted-mods-and ops.
I feel my time has come now from playing on opticraft and would like to take a big step from playing opticraft now to becoming a mod.The reason why i put a mod app in is because i would now like to help people being griefed and get opticraft an even bigger server.I Play on the server about 6hours a day and i have mainly since i have played on opticraft.
I have had a break:(Due to family reasons.) yes i have had a break from opticraft i did not play on any other server at that point.I simply did not play minecraft during my break i did stuff not related to minecraft at the point of time.I have been back on opticraft for a couple weeks since my break and going to be on opticraft for many more to come.As a mod i will work on forums and on server.It is a big thing to do to become a mod and i think i am prepared to do it.In my spare time on opticraft i try my best to ask people if they are needing help with water or info if i would get the mod position i would not ask that too much but i would of course help people form the helpop command either placing lava,water or lighting nether portals or netherack and of course try my best to get less grief on opticraft.It is a hard job being a mod,taking time from in real life into opticraft ( I have alot of time spare for opticraft since summer holiday/vacation and     i have already been on holiday/vacation so i will have a lot of spare time which will go into opticraft).I feel i have already put alot of time in to opticraft by as a member i had just played and basically survive then i got trusted rank and i feel i have done good process with trusted asking people for water and when people they /msg me i never never turn them down and feel that i have done a good role as a trusted rank on opticraft.I play on opticraft alot i have feel i have put a lot of effort and time in opticraft over my 6 month stay with opticraft i play opticraft at least 6hours a day normally but since school is finished i have put mainly about 10 hours a day so far which is alot of time in real life and i feel i put about 1hour out of that 10 asking people if they need help info or water i ask that now and then and normally get about Three /msg asking for water help or info.I have been trusted now for about 2-3months on opticraft and i have loved every minute of it!! :D. This is my 3rd moderator application so you see i am eager for being mod.I have a really good time zone for being mod as in the morning when i wake up there is around 30-40 people online around 1mod at times recently i have seen 0 on still.then around dinner time for me there is about 50-75 people online about 3-4mods are on and before i go to bed there is 100-... Online but that is late in the uk.As trusted at the moment well as trusted at the moment i ask now and then if people need water and i do not abuse commands.I always do and always will follow the /rules and i really really hate grief in minecraft destroying other peoples property stealing it is not good and will not be accepted if i get the mod position i will try my very best to lower griefing happening.I will not be one of those people who if i get mod works for a week then disappears and does not come back i will do my duty's as mod that is the reason i am putting my application in not just because i can fly and do everything i am putting my application in to help those getting griefed etc.I Will try be as active as i can and i will not let you guys down!.I may be 13 but i am mature and smart for my age.I firmly know some of the commands and would love to help join the mod team when they need the help.I know the sacrifices i need to make to become a mod and i no how much hours you will need to put in to help.I have read what ViperZeroOne posted about becoming a mod and putting a moderator application in and i fully read it and know what i need to do. I hope it was not to long and boring but i would like to do a big thanks to everyone supporting me on this great journey in opticraft. *NOTE* I have been adding in more to my mod app.
Ending: Thank you for taking your time to read my long mod app i hope it was interesting.

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