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Messages - McEwanMaster

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Well, I'm about to go on my month-long trip, and I'll be back on the 21st of July. I'm sorry I couldn't give my SAF career a substantial start, but maybe it's for the best; my computer is still shit. Hopefully it'll be fixed by the time I get back. I won't have my phone either, so don't think I died since I won't be on the forums or in-game. See you all in a month, and good luck with with the city. And iGenerator, take good care of the SAF while I'm gone!  :)

This is why we need more people in the SAF. Two people can't cover the entire country on their own, we need at least 1 person per section.

So any Citizens who have any free time, you're highly encouraged to sign up, keep in mind that all rents will become free if you're in the SAF.
I still will but only if I don't have to get teamspeak
Why wouldn't you get Teamspeak? It's an easy, free download. It's very much like Mumble.

Court adjurned. zxsm1ffyxz is allowed back into the country under the condition that he is drafted into the army.
Oh goody, another recruit!  :)

Lol, didn't even notice it. So how much longer till you can get back?
:P I truthfully have no idea. My computer is still ka-put, and I currently cannot do anything about it. Im also going to be gone for about a month in a week and a half, so hopefully my dad will have solved my computer troubles by the time I get back.  :)

I'm not gone yet, though. When I'm through with finals I'll finally be able to get some things done. I'll notify you before I leave.

I'd like to put the rail way into motion. Check your inbox

Welcome aboard!
Lolololol pun.

Projects and Creations / Re: Faneuil Hall [PMC] [SP]
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:22:31 pm »
Just put a bunch of boxes and junk on the third floor; thats usually what's in these old buildings. :)

Projects and Creations / Re: Built a Space Needle in Opticraft!
« on: June 12, 2012, 10:19:53 pm »
Nice job, looks good. Are you going to flesh it out, meaning adding proper walls, and creating an interior?

Bump. Is there really nothing to talk about?  :P

I have noticed a problem with mobs randomly spawning around the city. It seems that if you go AFK on a street at night for a minutes or two. A mob will somehow sneak up on you and kill you. I lit up an grassy area directly across the street from my house, to stop them from spawning in that proximity. However, while I was walking around the city, and thank heavens I was carrying my diamond sword, a spider fell out of no where on top of me! I was wondering if it would be possible to add some more lighting to the city (redstone lamps level with the surface down dark alleys). I am also willing to remove the torches that I have placed upon request, even though they are not infringing upon anyone's property.
Well, I think the real problem is, from your explanation, that the rooftops are not lit up, and therefore are perfect spawning grounds for hostile mobs. I know it kinda looks silly and unrealistic, but it would perhaps be more beneficial to place torches on the roofs.

How do you become part of the armed forces (after you have got citizenship).

For now Hasan is in control of that so he'll decide what happens atm. I'm working on the official SAF page with an official application, so just do what Hasan asks you to for now, and I'll have the thread finished in no time.

Thank you for showing intrest in your city's armed forces!

Started Work on West Side Roadways.. Here is a rough Location.

(click to show/hide)
Good luck with clearing all that forest.  ;)

General Discussion / Re: In case you havent noticed...
« on: June 07, 2012, 10:07:38 pm »
Nice! I REALLY hope you make it!  Good luck :-)
(I'm on my phone so I can't edit) I play the viola too :-)
Geez, coincidences! And thanks!  :)

General Discussion / Re: In case you havent noticed...
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:40:00 pm »
Oh wow thats sweet. I play the viola, so I can relate to how awesome you feel. Right now I'm waiting for the results of an elite orchestra audition who's going to Italy this year. It will be AWESOME if I make it.

General Discussion / Re: Amazing..
« on: June 07, 2012, 03:42:41 pm »
Thats why it was made. If it wasn't, then the other, more important boards would be spammed instead.  ;)

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