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Topics - Complicated_Name

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Hey guys
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:19:34 am »
Hey guys, it's lucho here, not sure if you guys still remember me, I took a break from minecraft to work on school, and lacrosse, but now hopefully  I will get to spend some time on the server.

I'm happy to be back at opticraft.


Projects and Creations / Blaze spanwer trap
« on: February 15, 2012, 05:41:48 pm »
Just wondering if anyone would like to help with my blaze spanwer trap, they get free access to the spawner, at any time, just ask if you want to help, i need slimes and pistons, and redstone.

Offtopic / Anyone got some info on lax shaft?
« on: February 03, 2012, 01:20:00 am »
Ok, I was wondering if anyone had some info on lax shafts and heads. My friend is going to be re-stringing my Verdict X Brine head and dyeing it. But my shaft is a normal Warrior Alloy 6000. My other stick has a Brine Ignite shaft. I was wondering if anyone has any advice for what type of shaft i should get, i play attack, i kinda was looking for a shaft that has some holes in it.
If you have any advice please tell me!

Support / Got a problem
« on: January 21, 2012, 01:22:12 am »

Idk what to do, some advice would be nice

Suggestions / Re-Spawning Enderdragon plug-in?
« on: January 17, 2012, 05:45:05 am »
I just wanted to know if this was possible, to have a plugin that re-spawns the enderdragon after it is killed.

Just so operators/admins dont always have to come online just to spawn a dragon, because i know im not the only one who likes to kill the enderdragon.

Support / I was heavily greifed, i need a moderator/operator
« on: January 16, 2012, 06:10:16 pm »
I was heavily grefed on the west town part, im uploading pics at the moment

Support / little greif, need some help
« on: January 14, 2012, 07:44:35 pm »
I was greifed (not massive but a little) in west town.

CAn any ops/mods come on to help fix this?

EDIT: this has been resolved. Locked.

Projects and Creations / Townhomes/Hotel
« on: January 13, 2012, 07:22:25 pm »
So, in 1.1 i plan on building either a hotel, or a couple of townhomes. Just to challenge myself to what i can build. If i build a hotel it will have rooms that people can buy. Plus many other things, if its townhomes, people can either rent them, or buy them.

They will be pretty nice homes, wont be cutting corners.Ill also put in a bunch of extra stuff.

So you can help if you want ;)

Leave your opinion below please  :)

Rejected / Moderator Application - Complicated_Name
« on: January 08, 2012, 03:34:34 pm »
Timezone:GMT -5 (EST)
Join Date:(For classic) saturday August 13 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?:No
Why you should become a moderator:
I am  a operator on the classic server, i have experence with operating (moderating). I know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. As of right now i have been operating the classic server for about a month( or about 3 weeks) and i extremely enjoy it, i have had a great amount of fun, but i also love helping guests, in general i enjoy helping people, i feel like it is my responsibility. IRL i try to be as a class leader, and help all i can. (Teachers, students.ect.) I found opticraft because out of all of the servers, it is the best and most organized server out there, great staff, and very friendly, after a little bit on classic, i wandered over to beta server, i automatically loved it. its a new way to play minecraft. I think that it would be a great learning experience for me, and how to operate that if i was a 1.0.0 Moderator. I try to be kind and nice to other people. I take my operating position seriously, and i would never mean to abuse my power. As the beta server is growing more popular from people voting, they will need more staff to help, because not everyone is on all the time, so i think that i could be able to fit in perfectly, I am usually on a lot of the time,mostly every week day, and almost all the time on the weekends.i enjoy it very much.

I extremly enjoy operating the classic server, and i think that i would enjoy the Beta server even more if i was a moderator.I am mature,i have fun with friends, but when a job needs to be done, a job will be done.

I understand that I have made some very stupid and idiotic decisions in the past, but i put all of those behind me, i want to make a fresh start.

Offtopic / Changing account
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:02:46 pm »
So, due to my lucho019 account having problems, i will now be useing my alternate account Complicated_Name.

There is no chance of me getting back my old account, due to a problem with it.

But if you see Complicated_Name and wonder, why is this guy a operator? he was a recruit.

Its still me!

Discussion forum / Good/funny YouTube Videos
« on: December 24, 2011, 12:35:14 am »
So if u have any funny or good YouTube videos, or just videos, post them here!
I'll start it off.


Introductions / It's waited long enough..........
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:07:47 am »
So, my introduction is finally here,after all my time here I finally made a introduction so I will not be a complete stranger

Hello all! My name is Will, I live in Florida, I like video games, reading, wake boarding, skate boarding, water sking, and my new hobby, snowboarding.

I have beta mine craft and I am on trial for a classic operator.
My skin always changes, so don't remember me by my skin XD

I have lots of funny stories.....too many for here.
Another thing is that I'm 13 and well......strange, I'm going through that, well you know.....13 perv stage.......

I'm a major CoD nerd, I also like GTA IV, cuz you know, killing hookers never gets old.

Another thing is that I always speak before I think.....sooooo yeah

I also have a horrible since of humor

Discussion forum / Favorite books?
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:44:55 pm »
Ok so this is a place to post your favorite books!( if your into this stuff)
They can be funny books, or quotes
My favorite book would have to be........duh duh duh!
Paris Hilton's Autobiography! Yes she does have a autobiography.........sadly :(
My Rating: move over the bible we just found the most important book of all time!

But seriously, if u have a favorite book, share it.

Discussion forum / Absence
« on: December 17, 2011, 04:48:10 pm »
So today i'm leaving for a 10 day trip to Breckenridge Colorado. I have like never really seen snow, other than by watching the xGames, so im really excited. There is also suppose to be a Mens and Womens Half Pipe semi final, and final while i am gonna be there. Mostly gonna be snowboarding and sking, so i probibly wont go onto the server, if im lucky i might be able to lurk on the forum, but i probibly wont. I Slalom ski, Wakeboard, and skateboard, so hopefully ill get up on a snowboard easier!
(If i get some decent pictures, ill be sure to post them here)


Creations / Opticraft Sign
« on: December 16, 2011, 11:56:49 pm »
So since Nikita_Mile uploaded her sprite of a Rose, i thought i would upload my little opticraft sign,
Nothing special though. http://s1103.photobucket.com/albums/g477/lucho019/creations%202/?action=view&current=Screenshot2011-12-16at54406PM.png
EDIT: XpLoZzIv also helped put on a second layer :D

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