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Messages - Devok

Pages: [1]
Support / Re: Whitelist
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:36:52 am »
Not sure what time zone the forums are set too, but it is 8:34pm Arizona time (OH NOES YOU KNOW MY LOCATION!) and it is currently in white list mode. Just making sure some testing is going on and I'm not experiencing a issue.

Once I posted I saw the time stamp. :D

Introductions / Re: Devok, checking in!
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:20:46 am »
Underground rap I see...we're going to be good friends :p

I hope you aren't saying lil wayne is a rapper. :P But yes, I don't listen to most of the swill that is currently played on radio. I do like a couple of radio artist though, but not many. I mainly listen to Immortal Technique, The Game, Tech N9ne, Necro, Ill Bill, and a couple of others.

I like classical music as well (:

Whats you're favorite piece or symphony? I enjoy No. 25, and for modern type stuff I like Lindsey Sterling because she fuses violin with electronic beats.

(possible suggestion if any staff members are reading this thread, see if there is a option for Multi-quoting.)

Offtopic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: December 04, 2013, 09:07:47 pm »

Introductions / Re: Devok, checking in!
« on: December 04, 2013, 05:08:21 pm »
What types of music do you like?

I kind of jump around depending on my mind set. I mostly listen to underground hip-hop or hardcore hip-hop like Tech N9ne. But I also enjoy some dubstep, glitch hop, purple, classical/orchestra/symphony, rock, heavy metal, and more than I feel like listing.

Current artists I'm listen too:
The Palmer Squares

I utilize Pandora a lot, and have around 20+ stations on it (not sure if that's a lot, but it is to me).

Here's some of my favorite songs/mixes:
Johnny Polygon - LimoSexSuperstar {Rap}
Glitch hop / Moombahton Mix by GQ
Envy - Normal {Rap}
Unlimited Gravity - Lift Your Spirit {Glitch Hop}
The Palmer Squares - Muffhugger {Rap}

Introductions / Devok, checking in!
« on: December 04, 2013, 03:07:39 am »
Ingame name: Devok07
Preferred names: Matt, Dev, Devok

Where to start... lets go with my Minecraft history. I started playing Minecraft around 4-5 months after it was started being sold. Did single player for a bit and got bored rather quickly, because I like to be social on games, and started playing multiplayer servers. Ended up at one where I worked my way up the gaming ladder, and soon found myself as a Administrator. I was in charge of basic coding, handling a lot of forum stuff, and pretty much maintaining order in-game. I spent most of my time tailoring plugins to the server, and then building informative threads about said additions. Sadly I had a fall out with the owner of the server, who decided that because someone kept promising to donate they can not be banned, and that decision was abused to the fullest. Two other staff members and I left the server, and started up our own. We had a good start and everything was rolling right along. With a server up, plugins ready, and still ironing out ranks/rules, we started building the map and giving access to players so they can be apart of creating the first version.

Shortly after though, the main founder (the one paying the bills) had a major family emergency and completely disappeared from the online presence, leaving my bud and I with a server that neither of us had the means to pay for. So we decided to shut down and I took a break from Minecraft for a long time after that.

Other than Minecraft though, I've played and enjoyed many games such as Guild Wars 2, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, Assassin's Creed 3, Test Drive Unlimited 2, and many more. I've partaken in various betas/alphas, and moderated for various forums/private servers. Among gaming I have other hobbies and interests. I have a keen interest in hacking (don't worry, I'm a grey hat) but tend to focus on Social Engineering techniques and WiFi penetration. I also like to ride street BMX, smoke hookah, drink tea, and I am very passionate about music.

Mind is starting to wander, so I'll end it here for now.

Nice to meet ya'll and see ya in game!

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