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Topics - B1ueJ0ker

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I have chosen to start a new build. Most of you only get to see them as they finish. With this post I hope to show the day by day progress.

I have chosen to recreate a beautiful peace by Hypixel. In this spoiler you can see the original building that I will be building.
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I have spent a few days already on the build so lets get caught up. Each Day represents a day of progress. I will not be building every day, but every day I build on it I will post a new picture. Day 00 was spent just finding an area to build and shows what the land looked like before I placed the first block.

Day 00
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Day 01
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Day 02
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Day 03
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Day 04
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Day 05
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Hope you enjoy.

Day 06

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / [HOF APP] Herobrine's Keep
« on: February 11, 2014, 07:26:23 am »
Project name:Herobrine's Keep

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/2743/64/-3132/-2/1/0 This is in the old guest world, at coords: X 2713. Z-3087

Contributors:Saeberus, Joshskiizz

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Future Plans for this build are mostly Detail work. If you would like to read a more detailed plan for the castle please see http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,16336.msg153831.html#msg153831 This is my detailed project protection application.

Why should we this be in the HOF? It's another great build, one I take great Pride in.

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Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / [HOF APP] Herobrine's Mansion
« on: February 09, 2014, 09:14:29 pm »
Project name:Herobrine's Mansion

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-2890/64/3477/-2/0/0


What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:9 buildings are complete, I have plans to build many more buildings. I also have plans for a labyrinth under the Manison.

Why should we this be in the HOF? It was used as an example for the application. If players would like to see this example in person acceptance would not only allow them to walk it's halls but it could help to set the bar. Also Project protection has already been placed on the area.

Projects and Creations / Herobrine's Manison & Location
« on: January 28, 2014, 02:25:56 am »

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If you want to explore this House go to /home B1ueJ0ker

The Resource Pack used is called Athery's Ascended


First some spoilers to show you how it looks through the correct Texture Pack

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City name:Herobrine's Mansion

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-2890/64/3477/-2/0/0


Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):B1ueJ0ker

Approximate dimensions:205x287

Number of active residents:1

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:10

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:9 buildings are complete, I have plans to build many more buildings. I also have plans for a labyrinth under the Manison.

Why should we grant this city protection? This build is walking distance from the new guest world spawn.

I will need the Flags that auto lock chests disabled. I have plans for reward chest to any who find them. I can't have the protection locking doors, chests, furnaces and so on.

Offtopic / How about some pictures- Minecraft Edition!
« on: December 11, 2013, 08:19:55 pm »
I know we all get funny screen shots of players, Here's one of DJAlphaWolf to start things off.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application - B1ueJ0ker
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:56:41 am »
Age: 31
Location: MI, USA
Join Date:April 23, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?:Saeberus
Why you should become a moderator: I'm always online, and I have a mumble account. My job puts me in hotel rooms every night with nothing to do but log on and play. My builds are a testament to the countless hours I spend on this server. If you need a moderator who's going to be online regularly, I have that in aces. If your looking for experience, rather then training someone new, there are better candidates.

Support / Game Crash report asked to report this to the server.
« on: November 26, 2013, 07:29:54 pm »
Could not cast pig to player

We're sorry, but it seems there was an issue while communicating with the server.
Please let the server owners know of this error!
Technical description: Could not cast entity pig to entity player

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Projects and Creations / Come Play MineCraft Soccer on my new Field
« on: October 12, 2013, 05:37:18 pm »
Yes you read it right, this is a working soccer field. The design was simple. The ball (dragon egg) is contained by the outer walls so it won't teleport out of the stadium. The game play still needs to be fleshed out. For now there is a goal area on both sides represented by brown wool.

I still need to complete the stadium around the field, but the field is ready to play. /home b1ueJ0ker soccer

if anyone would like to flesh out some standard rules for the game, I would love some input.

1. each player/team chooses a goal as there own.
2. each team will spread out on their respective sides of the field with one kicker in the center circle next to the ball.
3. someone (other then a kickers) will have a count down to zero in which both kickers will try to kick the ball first.
4. once the ball is in play anyone can kick it "first come first serve"
5. the game ends when the ball lands on a brown wool block, the defending team of that goal lose, regardless of the kicker who touched the ball last. If your team kicks it in their own goal you forfeit the game. If your team kicks it in to the other goal then you win

There are out of bound lines on the field. If you wish to use them, then the player who touched the ball last has kicked it out of bounds and the other team may play it where it lies. This will however slow the game down.

I may have to hold applications for refs (players who i trust with the dragon egg to pick it up and place it back in the middle for the next round) for now i will be this person.

Suggestions / Hall of fame warp station
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:19:56 am »
There are many wonderful builds on opticraft. There are many players who keep there creations public in hopes to share it with everyone. Not everyone knows everyone and most players wish to be left alone, but there are a few greats creations that you could say define Opticraft as a talented server. It's not uncommon to look for servers with talented members to play with, so why not add a warp station that would allow players to see the best of opticraft without the fear of "should i be here"

If this idea has your attention, I think an application process should be in place (just like project protection application) This would encourage players to build great things. New players who log in for the first time would have a chance to see great things and not just the "world war III" land around the spawns.

The application process would wouldn't be hard. I would suggest that before a creation be accepted it should already have been accepted for project protection.

I've looked through the accepted project protections and I've read about many creations that i would love to visit, but i don't know the creators and so I've never gone to any of these creations for fear that they aren't meant to be public. I've met new players who explore my castle and TP away when i say hi, scared that i don't want them there. I would love to spend a day exploring opticraft's greats just by clicking on a sign and not wondering "am i trespassing?"

I only see one problem that could come from it.
 -this ease of access may have the same effect on the creations that it had on the spawn. I'm talking about "world war III"  lands around them.

If the idea takes off i would summit an application for my Herobrines keep.

Support / Disconnected by Server
« on: September 09, 2013, 12:50:20 am »
You are connecting from a known proxy ( Appeal at www.opticraft.net

I don't know what this means. Could someone explain why i was disconnected. This is the first time I've logged in from this hotel's internet, could it be related?

Projects and Creations / Xp grinder open to all players (even guests)
« on: April 21, 2013, 09:10:24 pm »
I have built a Grinder that utilizes 3 spider spawners and one Zombie spawner. All players are welcome to use it. There is an auto "toll" of one iron ingot to use. The spawner will shut off on it's own. When this happens just place another iron ingot in the dropper and the grinder will re-activate.

The design is one i am proud of.
1st. there is a sorter that has been set to only except iron ingots.
2nd. the sorter is linked to a dispenser that drops a stick on a wooden Pressure plate.
3rd. the pressure plate is linked to redstone lamps around the spawners and will turn off the lights when pressed.
4th. the grinder is active when the lights are off.
5th. after the stick despawns the plate is released turning the lights back on, shutting off the grinder.
6th add another ingot to the sorter and the process repeats

I know that i can use a weighted plate to increase the "toll" I am happy with 1 ingot = 25 xp levels
I chose iron because i need a lot for my second floor of the dungeon under the castle.

/home b1ueJ0ker spawner

Rejected / Moderator Application - B1ueJ0ker
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:55:18 am »
Moderator Application - <in-game name>

Location:Michigan, USA
Join Date:2012-04-23
Were you recommended by anyone?:Joshskiizz, Crippnfeet,Crippnfoot,2crzy4uall,Tobs74,Zeradeth_
Why you should become a moderator: I love minecraft.  I feel opticraft has been a great medium to share this love i have. I know that a server takes a dedicated staff to balance fun with fair. I would love to be a part of those who are committed to preserving the core of minecraft and this server.

You could measure my dedication to the server by the time I've spent on opticraft building a castle of over 500,000 blocks, but it's better measured by the friendships that I've forged.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Herobrine's Keep
« on: January 23, 2013, 11:37:53 pm »
City name: Herobrine's Keep

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/2743/64/-3132/-2/1/0 This is in the old guest world, at coords: X 2713. Z-3087

Contributors:Saeberus, Joshskiizz i would like to thank them both for their donations

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): B1ueJ0ker

Approximate dimensions:270x279

Number of active residents: Although I haven't allowed anyone to move in yet, i have many daily visitors.

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: The castle, arena, dungeon, public grinder, ship, garden Maze, and even a Mudd-Hut

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:

The arena is finished. It consisted of public access to 11 spawners. The main arena is a Player vs Spider room. There are 6 spawners (5 that spawn at the same time). There is access to one skeleton grinder, one zombie grinder, and 3 spider grinders. The arena also has a spleef and Level 30 enchanting room. My arena has always been kept public and will remain that way.

The Garden Maze behind the castle is finished, but I'm thinking about pushing it back about 5 blocks. It is a replica of the Garden Maze at luray Caverns VA. There is a reward chest locked by a password that players who challenge the maze look for.

Under the castle is the dungeon. The main floor of the dungeon is complete. Players who explored the dungeon (maze) may find the "prison log" a book wrote by a prisoner that hints to the hidden door to the abandoned wing. This Easter Egg, is mostly finished. Players can at the moment find the showers, prison records, dungeon masters private room, death row, and the iron maidens. This is all kept behind hidden doors. It is a work in progress. I don't want to give away too much, but what I've listed has been seen my many players. To finish this I have alot of underground work to do. This has proven hard to protect with PS, that's why it has been put on hold at the moment.

I have a ship i am working on to the left of my castle. I still need to furnish it.

In addition to my arena, I have a public grinder. The grinder uses 3 spider spawners and a zombie spawner at the same time. This alone has drawn visitors to my home.

I will be adding a dragon to the castle build. I've started the tail, but it's not much to look at right now. This will be a massive build and take me alot of time.

When i get farther along i plan on building a sewer system under the courtyard too.

There is a finished Herobrine statue on the castle, i under stand that many players have built statues but I built something special for the statue of herobrine. Some visitors have noticed that the statue will randomly blink. :D There is a chicken randomizer that causes pistons to close his eyes.

As for the castle, the first 3 floors are finished. I have more floors that need to be decorated still.

Why should we grant this city protection?
I would like project protection, because i want to keep this public. It has many visitors daily. Using the grinders, trying to complete the maze, battling in the arena, exploring the dungeon and it's hidden rooms. The castle has 7 reward chests that are waiting to be found. This project is getting too big to protect by myself, there are many spots already that aren't protected by the PS's i do have.

I have already found my castle on youtube, explored by a fan of my work. I have greeted guest who have told me the castle is the reason they are on, one had told me that it was his inspiration for his spawn, another guest was there because a friend told him to come see it. I welcome everyone who comes, regardless of name color. I joined this sever because it's a high traffic sever and i want people to see what i can do.

I mentioned i built a Mudd-Hut. this is true. it's just outside the castle. I built this to prove that even dirt homes can be awesome. I think i made that point. The sad thing is I've witnessed a player spawn on my /home and pull out his/her shovel and try to destroy it. It is under PS so I had a good laugh about it. But now that my castle as gotten too big for the Protection stones that i do have on it, it's got me thinking, if a player is willing to destroy my mudd-hut just becouse it's there, i really need to ask for help protecting my Castle.

I'm not asking for project protection to keep player out, I'm asking for it so that i can keep letting them in.

Projects and Creations / New Garden Maze with reward chest
« on: October 22, 2012, 03:51:17 am »
I have completed a Hedge maze. It is a replica of The Garden Maze at Luray Caverns VA. The real maze was my first hedge maze i had ever been in, and i loved it so much i took home a map of it, and from that map i crafted a minecraft version of it.Luray Caverns clame that The Garden Maze is the largest garden maze in the Mid-Atlantic states - a one acre ornamental garden.

I even included the cave/tunnel, fountain, and lookout tower found at the real maze. my maze is 45x45, it's a one block width pathway. While exploring the maze make sure to read as many signs as you can. The reward chest is Password Protected, there will be 3 parts to find that make the one word password. Find A.B.&C. and string them together to form the code.

Or just enjoy trying to find the exit. The First Reward Was won today, by tiggy, with dunis coming up short in second place. There is no reward for second place. The First reward was full gold armor all enchanted.

I have reset the Password, and made the new reward a saddle.

Good luck players. I plan on many more rewards as the get found. I will be changing the Passwords. You will have to work for it :D

Also a great birds eye view can be seen from the upper floors of the castle.

Players who have voted go to /home B1ueJ0ker maze
Players who haven't go to my /home B1ueJ0ker and enter the courtyard of the castle, go around the castle, but inside the outer walls, the maze is behind the castle.

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