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Messages - Mr.Monkey

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 38
Offtopic / Re: Old screenshots!
« on: August 23, 2012, 11:20:35 am »
gavin as a recruit

kodak as a recruit

mg as a recruit and gg as a builder

hammond as a builder and salas as a recruit

ED as a recruit

grand_chill as a guest

relkeb as an op, nick as a builder and some other old builders

kascas and relkeb as builder

Suggestions / Re: A guide to user events
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:53:25 am »
Typos, interpunction, flow of the sentences... make sure it is all perfect when making a guide. You can't have a typo in a sticky topic. People will be reading this, a lot, and it comes across unprofessional.

Welcome to the Guide of Player Events
It is quite simple to begin a Player event. It requires only a few basic things.

      1) A few players to join you in this event. This means there have to be others included in the event. Try not to be exclusive and include as many people as possible! As they say; The more, the merry ;)
      2) A place to host this event. So get building!!

What do I put in the topic?

For the topic it's quite simple. All you need to do is follow a basic template and fill in or add more things.

What is the purpose of the event? Will it be spleef, party, obstacle course etc.
Where will it be? This can either be a /home or some coordinates.
Are donations needed? Just say whether it would help for people to donate to the event etc.
Is the project/area finished? A simple yes or no.
Who is the official manager of the event? Just put your user name here, you can include other player names that are helping out e.g. umpires, observers etc

Optional things

Screenies! Everyone loves screenshots, so put in a few screenshots of the event you are hosting so people can know what they can be looking forward to!
People that have donated. I'm sure people will want to see who has donated to the event or they want to see their name on a shiny topic ;)
Who will be supervising. This is only optional, but it might help (e.g. in spleef events) an official supervisor that will make fair calls etc.
Pretty much anything else you want to put into the topic!

Creations / Re: [21-august-2012] Mr. Monkey's sprite collection
« on: August 21, 2012, 11:23:20 am »
Did a test with adding glass layers to the palette. I'm not sure if I want to keep it yet though. It looks kind of weird, but it does add a load of new lighter colours. Please tell me what you think :) I suggest you to go see it in-game though, because it looks way better there than in the picture.

General Discussion / Classic World
« on: August 20, 2012, 09:57:06 am »
Jeez, some operators have been on trial for way too long ._.

There are some there from back in January still. Either accept or reject them, but the trial ops page is way too long. Someone *cough* admins *cough* should take more care of this :/

Starry11, on trial since March 29, hasn't been online for over 15 weeks; eDaesung, on trial since May 21, almost 10 weeks.

Even worse, Whatshiywl, on trial since January 11, still active, still not accepted; your_mine, on trial since January 29, also still active but not accepted.

I don't know the policies for accepting/rejecting, but don't keep these people waiting so long...

Creations / Re: Water Dragon RAWR!
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:51:23 am »
Leaves looks kinda awesome, but the transparency on it is weird. Would look awesome if you would make the skeleton underneath it though :D

Creations / Re: TheKidLazer's Crap 8/18/12
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:49:19 am »
Uh... why?
Everyone go plaster the walls with your crap!

Is that that one on my castle? lol

I don't know, I made mine in art, but someone might have copied it to other places :P

Creations / Re: TheKidLazer's Crap 8/18/12
« on: August 18, 2012, 03:38:06 pm »
I just couldn't resist it :P

General Discussion / Re: The server's future...
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:00:49 pm »
This is from a few days ago

As for another reason why the server gets so empty during the summer is because most people don't spend their summer days on their computers. Actually when the schools start again and the weather starts getting worse is when people start getting on again.

Also I talked with Nick yesterday on classic and he said that the classic server is not being removed from opticraft, but if it ever were to happen, we would indeed get a creative server.

General Discussion / Re: The server's future...
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:10:33 am »
I think as long as we have the regular members joining it won't die so quickly. We just need a few dedicated people that keep the server a bit lively during the evenings. And, in case it does happen to die, it would be pretty cool to have a creative server instead, with ranks like the classic one :)

We might consider lowering our standards for a while to get more members. Not saying we should let all the noobs get builder now, but we might be a bit easier on them, and make sure there's enough free space for them to build. Also when I'm on during my morning, there's never any operators on. If we want to have global cover, we need to have some operators on in the morning to get some new members from those timezones. It's around midnight for North America, ~8-10am in Europe.

About T9K, they are a gaming community with lots of games, not just minecraft. They get lots of their players from other games too. Maybe it is time we start promoting the classic server in the smp, just like we promote the smp in classic.

Offtopic / Re: Going for a world record! Without the fail!
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:51:33 pm »
The record goes for not drinking, anything, not just no water... Have fun dying

Offtopic / Re: Norway <3
« on: August 12, 2012, 09:24:41 pm »
I love this video ;D Glad you don't talk like that :D

Creations / Re: the sprite that was worked on way too long.
« on: August 12, 2012, 10:46:48 am »
It's not that hard to understand actually, we already figured it out yesterday. The crafter personal worlds have their rank set to builder, so, whatever you set the zone rank to, or whomever you add, if their rank is below the rank required by the world to build in, they can't build in it. I think Wyboth already pm'ed the admins about the problem though. They will either have to lower the required rank of the worlds, or let zone's required build rank and added builders take priority over the world's required build rank. This last option would be preferable but would require some fixing in the code and might be more difficult than it sounds.

General Discussion / Re: Doing angles/polygons/polyhedrons
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:13:35 pm »
I can recommend using a 3d-modeler like sketch-up and a voxelizer like binvox or an image editor, like gimp.

First you make your model with sketch-up, which shouldn't be too hard if you know all the angles you're working with. Then you export it as a .obj (you'll need sketch-up pro for that, but I'm sure you can find a way to get hold of that) and run it through the voxelizer with your desired dimension, or you can go the hard way and measure your entire model and draw it in your preferred image editor to get the pixely lines you can make in minecraft.

Creations / Re: the sprite that was worked on way too long.
« on: August 11, 2012, 10:14:06 am »
eh, you're already added o.o

Projects / Re: Panda World......
« on: August 10, 2012, 10:27:52 am »
We could use a new lobby, just sayin  ::)

We had the Notre Dame for 8 months now, and of course even though it is pretty neat, it'd be nice to have another one for a change. A panda vs. dragon war with lots of hidden Easter eggs would be a very nice idea for a lobby.

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