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Topics - Dagony(Nima_ilz)

Pages: [1] 2
Support / Request-Reverse all X-ray tunnels of victino and remove chests
« on: November 20, 2012, 06:38:41 am »
Well afther i been banned i left the server with many X-ray damage area's.Well i want those area's and my buildings rolledback in the state before that happened.All things can be rolled back.

Subject changed

Well 1 month ago Lavaevan failed to protect one of the biggest mushroom islands i made up 6 months ago.What i see now that grief is starting to appear

Because the deal was Lavaevan have controll over that place until i am unbanned(What nerver ever happend)Or she get banned because she is perma banned i need a new protector for it.

To apply

Must be playing 6 months+

Or knowing me on mumble

Secret info will given on mumble

For players that don't know to operate an beacon.
The Piramid must solid from the inside if you let empty space into it will let the beacon don't will operate

A Netherstar can be get by killing a wither.A few notes of this


2:Thinking afk boxing a wither in obsidian is a good idea?DON"t do it.It will break the obsidian(But bedrock will stop him)

3:Very hard to kill think twice for making one

Currently MC 1.3.1+ have a bug with the snooper thats comes ofthen by Windows Vista.

The bug caused a free cam acting ghost walk but the player can't see its self.Block breaking is hard(They will return)
Walking will cause a pull back or the ghost walk its self

If someone have this too

Try this:

Heres what u do:
1:Go to the bottom left corner of the screen and type %Appdata%
2:Go into .minecraft
3:Delete all the files but dont delete servers
4:Download OptiFine
5:Re-download minecraft by clicking the icon
Your done!(Snooper settings don;t get the change to collect hardware specs)

Support / Slimes and natural spawning.. chunk update is the problem
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:02:52 pm »
I have take a look on the single player and multi player.In single-player melons and other related things based on chunks are working more than 1 chunk.But here its acts like only one radius of chunks is active in updating(The block updating is something else)The problem with lowering the chunk updated radius that the mob handler is shutdown

Mob handler: (Tells the main file how many of every type are going spawn around you.Also handles which chunk is slime armed and not)

Yeah its prevent lagg.But also prevent mobs and animals its also stops Monsters to dispawn.

If its can be fix it many players will be happy also the mooshrooms are going spawn naturally


Offtopic / The things from the ground:Gold(Reaction metals)
« on: May 05, 2012, 07:59:32 pm »
Its used in jewels and PC and the most advanced electronic devices and the one of the most value ables in the world

Science name:Element 79
Smelt able on:300 Celsius
Same like metal:Lead
Uses:PC processors,Jewels,Advance alloys and devices
Found places:most in the U.S.A but it can sometimes found randomly anywhere(The rivers of France)

Gold is a high efficient conductor same as Lead because they are close in they atomic build up.Beats headsets use gold wires.Pc processors.Phone's all of this use it.Thats was gold.......... ;)

Offtopic / The things from the ground:Lapis lapzulli(C32)
« on: April 24, 2012, 06:36:17 pm »
Strange name lapis lapzulli .'Buts its exist.Lapis forms deep under ground by pressure of coal when its in a mountain area
 its turns into C32.Lapis is actually highly compressed coal.Its take a serious heat to light it.This multi used stone is also used in diamonds factorys they put it in special designed compressors thats take a force of 1 or more mega tons using magnetic pushers wait 1 month and you have a smal diamond.
The most rings with blue stone's in it are not diamonds or sapphire's its shaped lapis stone's
Lapis in its pure form is almost dark blue in one line
Lapis is most used in the middle east



Name:Lapis lapzulli
Science name:carbon 32
Found place.Mountains and volcanic zone's
Use for:Car paint.Make up.jewels,Decorations and paint

A few work outs of lapis

Decoration chess board

Home decoration:

Crushed lapis:

And even this!!!!

Thats was the lapis zulli topic

Al Factory;s are done houses are clear townhall is open.Monster Spawners are open.Everything is complete the city is now open for all players.Type /home Victino to get there.Joining the city can be here also builder apply's to the city also can be put here.

The info of the city:

Name:Mushroom city
Theme:Mushrooms and sea's
Location:The North border
Mayors and Co-owners:Victino,Fadmad1998 and Boshiwarrior
Active residents:7
Province:The mushroom kingdom
Extern  Locations:The spawners of Nefertiri and sunny island

Access by foot:The underground gateway at the snow biome
Access by water:Boat or swimming:

List of ranks

Remember the houses are free to move in.But there are ranks.The labels:there are 3 type's and one leader label

Label----B      this are guest and members rank.That not so known by other players in the server

Label----A      Trusted and well known members.They get more rights and a better house

Label----STAR  This are high ranked member or trusted players(Such as builders and constructors of the city)Have the most rights.Also they can access the Control floor in the town hall
Leaders label:This is the founder of the island its self(Me Victino)Have all access on all doors

Co leader label:Have the same rights as the leader except that he can enter the item dispenser system(Can be changed in the future)

Rejected / mod apply----victino
« on: April 16, 2012, 10:36:32 pm »
Ingame name:Victino
Location:The netherlands
Hours online each day:7hours
joindate:This year..Classics i don't play anymore
Why you want to become a MOD?:I would to help players if they are in trouble or getting grieffed by others.Also giving hints about how to get liked by the others.And Dealing with cheaters.And i am neutral so if its rejected i don't worry about that.I just give it a try thats my rule
By who you get recommend to make a apply? :Troddenostrich

What are you secrets:I am good with recognize cheaters and X-rayers also i can see grieffers from far or the manner they walk(searching for value able stuff looking more around than others).And a good learning in the most Plugin commands(Rollback,Reverse.Logblock)Also a good mind i remember things long

What are you weakness?Sometime's my talk but i am working on it.

Do you have any bans?:Yes 2 one for sandkilling:February 2012,and one mined dirt from a grieftrap:April  2012


Lets give it a try :)

Projects and Creations / A mushroom city at the border.Mushroom City
« on: April 15, 2012, 10:56:24 pm »
I was hoping i can find one m-biome to get this plan real.And just today i have found.After a few PS claim attacks we started to construct.With the famous 3:Boshiwarrior Fadmad and Victino(The BFV group)we are pretty far right now the farms are running the houses are complete and the town hall is in progress.I will tell the info about the city

:Name Mushroom City island
:City zone name(The island around the city) Mushroom Kingdom
:controll BFV group
:Status: developing
:Location.The north border
:Resident app:OPEN


Logo: BFV


Private residents on island 2(Have their own houses)


Remember the houses are free to move in.But there are ranks.The labels:there are 3 type's and one leader label

Label----B      this are guest and members rank.That not so known by other players in the server

Label----A      Trusted and well known members.They get more rights and a better house

Label----STAR  This are high ranked member or trusted players(Such as builders and constructors of the city)Have the most rights.Also they can access the Control floor in the town hall
Leaders label:This is the founder of the island its self(Me Victino)Have all access on all doors

Co leader label:Have the same rights as the leader except that he can enter the item dispenser system(Can be changed in the future)

The residents applys are OPEN Post it here

.Remember how nicer you are the faster a higher rank you will get

Thanks to Nick i made this idea.By just saying the right words

Support / Anti grief plugin make's a big mesh with my house and items
« on: April 15, 2012, 01:02:40 am »
I was on my house was there.But 1/2 hours later only 1/3 was left.I also see that users get overbanned.Can someone disarm me from the auto grief reverse system and make my house full again

Suggestions / Ps stone rule for rare biome's
« on: April 12, 2012, 06:15:46 am »
We all know that mushroom biome's are rare(The default code of change this biome will spawn is 7%)But if i look on the live map a guy covered an entire biome to its self with ps stone's so there is only one left to build on.If it can i would to make rules for it on this type of biome to only place ps stone's in your house and not own it like this one.I hope the staff can understand the ression.

Left a comment about you think about this


Ban Appeals / Banned when i went up in a cave throut a grieftrap
« on: April 08, 2012, 10:18:03 pm »
I was in a cave and i went up somewhere the border but i got disconnected I think in was under a Grief trap floor can somebody check it?Its was no real grief its was only dirt

Support / Big hacker busted(Screenshots)
« on: March 25, 2012, 04:24:08 pm »
Please ban the god damm hacker i have proof

He is flying

He get into the spawn wall

And he grieffed but put it back

Since the big Strongo85 messed me up with a fake dead of him i quit this server.I wass playing Chest seek and Strongo85 Say i have killt him WTF.But his big friend TehxP messed it more up.And that pull my trigger so i am leaving this server.,.....


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