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Topics - Chief149

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Offtopic / Regarding this forum member
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:51:44 am »
Hello. First I will begin by mentioning that I am not the owner of this forum account. I am a family member of his. Since I am one of very few people in the family who is a technology expert, I was tasked with going through his accounts and notifying communities of what happened.

My relative, the owner of this account, his name was Matt, committed suicide last Friday. I do not know how well you all knew him, and I do not know how close he was to all of you. Looking through his old posts on his account shows that he used to be somewhat active around here. However the case may be, I am simply notifying the online communities he was (or is) a part of, as per his written request, that he has passed away. Since this website is part of his browser history, and account details were logged in his browser cache and cookies, I decided to make this post to notify you all.

If any of you were close, then I am sorry for your loss. He was a great loss for me as well. My family and I miss him dearly.

Trade Central / [[Buying]] Obsidian by the stack!
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:47:27 pm »
I will pay 2K per stack of obsidian. I need multiple double chest fulls of obsidian :P

Suggestions / Ideas to bring back some of the survival aspect
« on: June 30, 2013, 03:45:58 am »
So below I have a few ideas of what could be done to make this server be a little more like survival. These are basically things that would make the game play more challenging which is what makes a server a true survival server.

1) Remove food from the market.
2) Add in hunger loss for teleporting based on distance. In other words, if I am on the far south end of the world, and I use /home to go to my home at the northmost end of the world, it only makes sense that I should have gotten a bit hungry from such a long journey.
3) Don't know how hard this would be to implement, but sleepiness would be interesting. What if we got sleepy after a certain amount of time and then had to sleep in a bed. It's simple, all players are 100% awake. Then after X amount of time, become sleepy. Simply rest in a bed to recharge your awakeness. If your awakeness reaches 0%, then you begin to take half hearts of damage every couple seconds until you reach half a heart (just like if you starved).

Suggestions / The New End
« on: June 27, 2013, 03:43:34 pm »
So a long time ago I was informed that we have no access to the new end world. We haven't had access because the only stronghold is supposedly outside of the new guest-world borders.

Now, I wouldn't say there is any need for the world border to be expanded because that would take up a lot of the server's resources and such. What I am recommending is that an admin make an end portal (since you all admins have access to creative mode).

Rejected / Moderator Application - Chief149
« on: June 21, 2013, 06:53:54 pm »
Age: 18

In Game Name: Chief149

Location: East coast

Join Date: Summer 2012 - not entirely sure

Were You Reccomended By Anyone: No

Why Should You Become A Moderator?: I I love playing on this server. It is the only server that I play on at all.  The moderators here have been great tome. Even in situations where I lost my temper  the moderators and admins didn't lose it and just ban me.  Most of the time when I request lava (or water when I was new on the server),  the moderators would be on the spot in minutes, and they would always offer quality help as if they were being paid well to do what they do. Of course I know  they are unpaid volunteers.  Basically, I want to give back to the server and help out the players.

 I know some of my behavior on the server has been unsatisfactory or immature.  I know that is an area of concern. No server wants a moderator that is going  to behave immaturely.  Being a moderator would require me to act mature, and never lose my temper as I  would be representing the server. I would not want to screw up in that position.  I value hard work, and I value integrity. As a normal player, I goof off more, and of course not all goofing off of mine has been favorable.  To me, being a moderator would be no different than my job at Kroger. I  recognize that I would need to have exceptional behavior all the time.  Should I have this opportunity, I will be everything someone would expect a member of stuff to be.

(click to show/hide)

So I am looking for someone who may be willing to purchase me 5 more homes through the donations thing.

What would be your price?

Suggestions / We need the minecart problem fixed
« on: June 16, 2013, 03:39:36 am »
My suggestion is simple... disable the anticheat anti-fly feature.

Honestly I don't like the idea of disabling anti cheat for flying players, but they can still be easily caught, and players in the past have done well with reporting flying players to moderators.

The fact is, this anti cheat feature is teleporting us when we get out of a minecart, or worse. The plugin sometimes actually kills us! The only time this doesn't happen is when you get out of a minecart at the same level as you got in so your Z position is relatively the same. The feature is working to prevent any fly mods from working on this server, but I think it is affecting the legitimate players more than it is stopping any potential cheaters. It needs to be fixed somehow.

Suggestions / A Solution To All These Chest Shop Suggestions
« on: June 09, 2013, 02:20:43 am »
Ok, people want Chest Shops, but there could be too much spam. However there could be just as much spam with vanilla shops, but there isn't. This is most likely due to the fact that it takes time and a lot of supplies to make a vanilla shop, therefore they aren't as common.

I now have two possible solutions:

1) Make one of the items in the server market have an equal buy and sell price. I would personally recommend Iron. Iron in the market can be sold to the market for $25 per ingot. If Iron ingots in the market were set to where you could buy ingots from the market for $25 AND sell them for $25 (in other words if I bought an iron ingot from the market, and then sold it back immediately after, I wouldn't gain nor lose any money). How does this solve the chest shop problem? Well, vanilla shops are trading items for items. The argument is you can't do credits for items. So this fix would make it where people could buy items from vanilla shops for credits, but there would be that one extra step of first buying an item such as ingots from the market before spending the ingots at the vanilla chest shop. Then the owner of the chest shop can simply sell the ingots back to the market to make the credits back. No money is created or destroyed. Just transferred.

2) Modify the chest shop plugin so the chest shop will only work if the chest holding the chest shop items is placed on a pyramid. This would be a two layered pyramid. The bottom (base) layer would need to be a 3 by 3 set of iron blocks. The second (top) layer would need to be a single block of quartz block. This would represent the high cost of iron and quartz that vanilla shops have, and the footprint of space needed by the chest shops would be larger (albeit not nearly as large as the footprint taken up by a vanilla shop.

Offtopic / Texting "Experiment"
« on: June 02, 2013, 07:51:04 pm »
Text "Umm, there's something I need to tell you..." to one of your parents or guardians. This "experiment" might also yield good results if you text one of your friends. Don't respond for an hour. Post pics.


Best one gets 20K if at least 5 people post.

Just as the title suggests! If you could think of any game "mode" in minecraft that, to your knowledge, hasn't been thought up of for minecraft yet, post it here! It can be simple, or it can be a very very long ass post with a lot of detail.

If you do not understand me when I same game mode, here are some examples:
-Hunger Games
-Capture the flag
-Zombies (not sure if "Minecraft Zombies" exists yet, but it could be a game mode).


Projects and Creations / Public Usage Iron Farm!!!
« on: May 24, 2013, 04:05:17 pm »
Currently this project is in an open testing phase.

Need iron? Come to /home chief149 iron

This is a PUBLIC iron farm. Anyone can use it (one person at a time though).

How does it work:

When you come to /home chief149 iron, you will see an iron door. If nobody is currently using the farm, the door will be open and the redstone lamp to the left of the door will be off. You will be able to enter. If someone is already renting/using the farm then you must wait for their time to be finished. To use the farm, insert 1 or more obsidian blocks into the hopper you see in front of you.

When you insert obsidian into the hopper, the door behind you will close so nobody else can enter during your rental period. The second iron door to the left of you will also open to allow you to go into the minecart loading room.
All you have to do is get into the minecart, and press the button on the wall next to it. I recommend you do this quickly as your timer is ticking.

Once you press the button, your minecart will begin up the hill and around the circuit really high up in the system. You will remain going around the track for the length of your rental period.

Rental length: Every obsidian block you insert will give you 90 seconds. You are free to insert as many as you wish. If you insert 40 obsidian blocks, then the system will keep you on the tracks for 1 hour. Note that the hopper will not accept all of your obsidian at once, but will only take 1. Just leave the rest in the hopper, and they will be taken, one at a time, every 5 minutes.

I recommend that you place 20 obsidian blocks into the hopper before riding the tracks. This gives you 30 minutes of ride time. Any less and the farm may not be as efficient as it could be as it generally takes 6 - 7 minutes for golem spawning to completely start.

When your ride time is over, the tracks will automatically send you down a hill to the collection room where you can get your iron and roses from a chest. Also, please return your minecart. Failure to return minecarts will lead to me increasing the price of the ride.

Time tables:
0 - 5 minutes : Costs 1 - 3 obsidian : Short ride, may not yield iron, or very little iron!!!
6 - 7 minutes : Costs 4 obsidian : Short ride. It takes 6 minutes to ensure all cells are producing golems
15 minutes : Costs 10 obsidian : This is how long you can afk before getting automatically kicked!!!
30 minutes : Costs 20 obsidian : This is a decent ride. You'll get a couple stacks of iron ingots.
1 hour : Costs 40 obsidian : This is a long ass ride. Make sure to type something into chat every 15 minutes or less! Expect a lot of iron!

Don't do what I did. Don't try to illegally avoid the afk kicker. It is legal to manually type into chat every 15 minutes to avoid being kicked. It is not legal to use a macro software like I did. You will get banned like I did, and you will deserve it just as much as I did. I lost trusted for a while for using a macro software in-game. Game mods that prevent you from being AFK kicked are just as bad.

Support / Minecart Death
« on: May 23, 2013, 06:12:36 pm »
Ok, so I am building on to my iron farm. I have now built it to be accessible by anyone who pays in gold ingots. Each gold ingot gives you just over 5 minutes. If you put stacked gold ingots in then you will ride around for about (5 * GoldIngots) minutes. So if you place a stack of 5 gold ingots into the machine, it will let you ride the track for 25 minutes.

Basically, it works fine, but here is why I am posting this:

When I ride the minecart around, and the timer ends, the minecart I am in is redirected to the iron collection room. The issue is, when I break the minecart, or simply right click to get out of it, I just die. The death message is "Chief149 died."

The minecart was on the ground, I have no sort of death trap set up (trust me, that is the last thing I would ever be doing on here), and there are no obstacles that could be causing harm to the player. I just end up dieing.

Now it appears there is a plugin which teleports you when you get out of a minecart. If I am up on the main tracks, and I get out of the minecart, I get teleported to the location where I originally get into the minecart. I think the problem lies with whatever plugin is doing that (it's a terrible idea for a plugin feature I must say).

I have said nothing about the problem with the teleporting after getting out of the minecart before, but now it has started to become a problem. Also, others have said they had similar issues of death just by getting out of the minecart.

Suggestions / Donation idea - Jetpacks
« on: May 20, 2013, 09:52:55 pm »
This idea is the Jetpacks perk. Jetpacks enable players to fly for a fixed amount of time (with gravity).

Basically, the idea is you have the following command:

/jetpack [on|off]

When you turn your jet pack on, you will fly when you crouch. As you fly, the chat will show
[Server] Jet pack fuel at 100%

Then a short amount of time later you will see
[Server] Jet pack fuel at 95%

And as you fly, you use up fuel. The chat will show your jet pack fuel amount. Also the effect would be the same as a jet pack. When crouching, you fly upwards. When you stop crouching, you begin to fall again at the normal rate you would be falling if you jumped from a high place. So you only have limited flight time because once your fuel reaches 0% you begin to fall.

Your jet pack will recharge over time. Every time the charge percent reaches an interval of 20 the server will say
[Server] Jet pack charging [20%]
[Server] Jet pack charging [40%]

Recommended charge rate: 2 seconds / 1% (or 3.33 minutes to charge from 0 to 100%)
Recommended depletion rate: 0.25 seconds / 1% (25 seconds of flight time on a full charge)

It should also be noted that your jet pack will only charge and work when turned on. Turning it off will freeze it where its at in charging or discharge. Quitting the game does the same effect. Upon rejoining, all charge percentages will be the same as they were when the player left. Once again, the player flies by pressing shift (the crouch key), but the player will only fly if they used /jetpack on
If the jet pack is not on, the player will perform a normal crouch. Leaving the game resets the jet pack state so it is off again by default when you join.

Suggestions / Join Messages / No Join Messages
« on: May 20, 2013, 01:56:53 am »
Here is a suggestion. It's a light suggestion.

Simply put, the idea is for people to have quotes that get shown in chat upon joining the server. Instead of "Chief149 has joined the game" (using my name as an example), you would see the join message set by me.

Lets say _gavin does /joinmsg hey peeps

When he joins the server, you will not see "_gavin has joined the game."

Instead you will see "Hey peeps"

If you would prefer to login unanounced, simply do /joinmsg with no message after it. This would be useful for someone to join without having a bunch of people trying to talk to him or her (has happened to me a lot. No offence but sometimes when I come on I just dont feel like talking to anybody, but when people see "Chief149 has joined the game" everyone I know in the server starts PMing me lol).

Projects and Creations / The Mall Of Opticraft!
« on: May 07, 2013, 02:35:31 am »
It is still in production. Things are still being built!

Server market got you down with bad pricing?
Too bad!
Shopkeepers not online right when you need them? Too bad!

Come to /home Chief149
where the first of two giant mall buildings are currently under construction. All items in the mall are sold by automatic hopper-based shops.

Hopper shops features include:
 - An out of stock lamp. If out of stock, lamp comes on
 - They only take a certain item (only iron ingots so far) and they wont steal anything else
 - They don't take your items while they are dispensing. WARNING: read machine instruction below as the machines will take no more than 2 of your ingots before dispensing.

How to use the shop:
1) Find the shop you want (each shop will tell you what the exchange is)
2) right click on the hopper
3) place a SINGLE ingot from your inventory into the hopper.
4) wait about half a second
5) The items being dispensed to you will show up right in that hopper!
6) You can place another ingot into the hopper while it is dispensing for it to continue dispensing for longer. Just don't place more than a single ingot into the hopper at the exact same time. Redstone feedback just isn't quick enough.

Once again, the shop is located at /home chief149

Contact me if you need ingots. At the moment all shops take iron ingots as payment. I sell them for $25 each, or you may use your own ingots.

Items currently in my market (remember that I sell iron ingots for $25 each, so if something costs 1 iron ingot, it really costs $25)
1) Smooth Stone - 16 blocks for 1 iron ingot
2) Clay Brick Blocks - 4 blocks for 1 iron ingot
3) Trapped Chests - 1 trapped chest for 1 iron ingot
4) Grass Blocks - 6 blocks for 1 iron ingot
5) Mycelium Blocks - 6 blocks for 1 iron ingot
6) Dirt Blocks - 32 blocks for 1 iron ingot (great in combination with grass or mycelium!)
7) Cobblestone Blocks - 32 blocks for 1 iron ingot
8) Carrots - 5 for 1 iron ingot
9) Potatos - 13 for 1 iron ingot
10) Wheat - 32 for 1 iron ingot
11) Watermelon Slices - 32 for 1 iron ingot
12) Bread - 16 for 1 iron ingot
13) Birch Logs - 13 for 1 iron ingot
14) Oak Logs - 13 for 1 iron ingot
15) Jungle Logs - 13 for 1 iron ingot
16) Spruce Logs - 13 for 1 iron ingot
17) Birch Planks - 50 for 1 iron ingot
18) Oak Planks - 50 for 1 iron ingot
19) Jungle Planks - 50 for 1 iron ingot
20) Spruce Planks - 50 for 1 iron ingot

2) Coming right after will be All colors of wool being sold at an AMAZING PRICE of 32 wool for 1 iron ingot! That's $50 per stack!!!
3) Netherrack - 1 stack for the price of 1 iron ingot
4) glowstone - price not yet determined
5) Nether Quartz - price not yet determined
6) Soul sand - price not yet determined
and of course many more after that! After all, I built TWO mall buildings for a reason, eh?
7) Nether Brick Blocks - price not yet decided

Come check it out! At /home chief149

I build and test these shops out thoroughly before redyeing them for public usage. However, weird stuff happens. If a machine is not functioning correctly, contact me asap so I can know to fix the machine. I will have it back up as soon as I can after receiving the message!

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