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Messages - Hanno

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban
« on: April 07, 2012, 09:55:21 am »
Unbanned for now, make sure i wont regret this.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application-SoulKnightGT
« on: April 04, 2012, 05:38:12 pm »
Supported, mature aswel a social player.

Suggestions / Re: Custom Ranks
« on: April 02, 2012, 09:18:55 am »
imo i allready hate the tags infront of the names, making it even more confusing and harder for the mods / operators to filter the chat by eye.

adding more of these makes it even harder to read it and will become a mess in the color of a rainbow.

Suggestions / Re: New World In SMP for [Trusted]
« on: March 30, 2012, 10:14:57 am »
It removes the alpha strikes, the main strikes of griefers.
For now that should be good enough, one step a time, in theory isnt always what works out best, so lets see how it goes first.

Rejected / Re: my operator apliction
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:30:12 pm »
Aplication = Application

Suggestions / Re: New World In SMP for [Trusted]
« on: March 29, 2012, 08:24:52 pm »
This is allready in the planning :)

General Discussion / Re: Placing doors in the nether
« on: March 28, 2012, 03:23:27 pm »
To make it more clear.

People make own portals, they jump in it and get trapped and cannot enter the nether it self, if you place a portal, place it outside in the nether, not within locked doors, its very frustrating.

General Discussion / Re: I AM NOT LEAVING ANYMORE :D
« on: March 27, 2012, 08:41:39 pm »
Man, that has been a while skepter, but welcome back :p

General Discussion / Re: Placing doors in the nether
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:46:53 pm »
Good think I unlocked my doors awhile back :P

it was actualy in the nether, also he destroyed surrounding portals and used the outgoing portal with a protection stone from a public place. so people would get trapped and were forced to use /spawn and /home

General Discussion / Re: See you soon Opticraft! - I am leaving
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:40:20 pm »
In that case cut the crap and be straight to relkeb/nick/opticalza and ask plain for a trail, fill up the forms or head something lower first.
Good builders & moderators are always wanted, but dont be afraight to fight for it.

' If there is a will there is a way ' (plain translated from dutch)

Personaly i dont know you, but looking at the people that were talking about you, you seemd be be pretty much known in smp. So you got a reputation, push it foward in any way and show what your made of.

Opticraft is one of the leading networks in minecraft, duo to the hard work and sweat over the years
I can ensure you it is worth it to take another shot at it.

General Discussion / Re: See you soon Opticraft! - I am leaving
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:27:23 pm »
Tobad to see your go and not reaching your goals.
As noticed you were looking to become a mod.

To just cut the crap, administrating and moderating isnt a real fun job, its more like it has to be done and it might fit to some people.

like, i like building for 5 minutes, then im done with it, time for something else.
If i wasnt admin before i wouldnt have been arround minecraft at all anymore since im not a creative person im more a player versus player gamer, agressive, direct and dont like carebearing tomuch.

ask your self the same question, might be fun at the start but later on it it becomes like an responsibility, give support allround, hours ungriefing, etc etc.

If your at minecraft to unleash your creative skills, dont get into management, stick to builder.
if the other way arround, i wish you allot of luck with it and hope you will forfill your destiny

Edit: forgot to tell you why  ;D
Starting a project requires time and planning, to be forced to give up on a later stadium would be a shame of your hard work and reputation here.

Hanno / AT

General Discussion / Re: Placing doors in the nether
« on: March 27, 2012, 06:17:04 pm »
"this made us sad panda's"

U play WoW?

New expansion  is called Mists of pandaria with panda's =p

Its a quote from south park

erm...you are a moderator?
Can't you just find out who the 'culprit' is with log-block??

message for all,since it wasnt the first time i seen this.

This does not belong in server news. Moved.

Lets call it a lack of the right forum, its more a notice then a discussion

General Discussion / Placing doors in the nether
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:11:47 pm »
Today we found out a joker had build a building arround the portal in the nether and locked the doors.
This made us sad panda's  :'(

Please do not do this, it will be marked as griefing.

I've placed a sign for the guy who did that to let him know its not allowed,
by now also you should know, dont do this it might lead into a permanent ban.

Rejected / Re: [Moderator application] Hannotje
« on: March 27, 2012, 09:25:04 am »
Woah, back again? Remember that time on Classic when I watched you do a fat person in Recruit ::)

whaha, the beer-lego-guy ? :p

Introductions / Re: Hannotje
« on: March 27, 2012, 07:16:16 am »
Necro post! Bad!

Welcome back Hanno. Stay longer this time.
duuuddee.... erm your actualy right about that one :p

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