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Messages - sircy

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [awesomealicia] Dinkey88 Appeal
« on: September 06, 2012, 09:41:13 pm »
I even told SocialFox that dinkey88 committed the grief. Nothing was said to me about dinkey88 being his brother.
There was a third person there that kept saying "can you just ban him please?"

Ban Appeals / Re: sircy....Banned?
« on: September 02, 2012, 02:00:23 pm »
I found grief of yours against Elton_W from two days prior and extended your ban.


I would like to know how you could see me following you since I was vanished and far above you? I could tell you were reacting to me so I hid and double checked that my vanish was on.  Somehow you were still reacting to me.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Sircy] M1NECRAP Appeal
« on: September 01, 2012, 06:54:17 pm »
I extended M1NECRAP's ban to two days because of more grief I found against Elton_w.


Rejected / Moderator Application - sircy
« on: August 28, 2012, 04:08:20 am »
Age:2045 (give or take 2005 years)

Location: New New York (after it was moved to Alabama, US)

Timezone: CST (-6)

Join Date: May 22, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: Relkeb, Ecorrigall, Codepmman, Awesomealicia, Troddenostrich, 2crzy4uall, Mr_Mr,Scotty602AB, TheRealFamous, Professor Farnsworth, Drunzington Drunzworth, bantam2, Tobs74.

Why you should become a moderator: I believe I know the rules on opticraft well enough to enforce them in a fair and friendly way. Questions about regulations? Don't quote regulation to me! I co-chaired the committee that reviewed the recommendation to revise the color of the book that regulation is in. We kept it gray.

 ^^^^^This guy is going places. ^^^^^

I didn't know you were a big futurama fan when I started but someone mentioned it a little way into the build :)

Here are some updated pics of the construction progress (thank you Mr_Mr for the pics)

and a couple of the modeled Planet Express ship:

Project name:  Planet Express

Project location: SE Corner  X:-640   Y:all   Z:-1346    
                       NW Corner X:-950   Y:all   Z:-1886

          to teleport use /home sircy crackmonkey

Contributors: sircy, Interbane, Cora, Kethamin, Alicia (I apologize if I have left a name off)

Mayor: sircy

Approximate dimensions: 310x540

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: The primary structure is one building with many rooms but I plan to have a Slurm factory and a Robot Hell in close proximity.  

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The Planet Express "tower" is approximately 75% completed in its current state and construction on the attached storage and hangar has just begun.

When finished, the Planet Express building will be a very detailed replica of the original building from the Futurama series complete with a fully detailed Planet Express ship in the hangar.

Why should we grant this project protection?

-The current lack of an efficient shipping company in the member world.

-With the 1.3 patch coming and the newly introduced economic opportunities associated with villagers I feel Planet Express could greatly aid in "villager trafficking" since our cargo is always concealed unlike transporting cargo with a minecart.

-It would prevent future disputes due to anyone building within the area.  

-The power requirements of a structure of this size could lead to the development of a nearby nuclear plant *cough* simpsons *cough* thereby creating more jobs in the member world.

Thank you for your consideration!

Rejected / Project protection for a Futurama Planet Express build
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:44:46 am »
I'm working on a large scale model of the Planet Express building with a complete Planet Express ship inside the hangar (about 700x by 450z) and would love to build it on the member server. I'm a bit hesitant to start a project this large without knowing if protection on something like this is available. I'll be happy to answer any questions you have about the project.

Here is a quick picture of the early work on the hanger:


Thanks for the consideration.

I'm working on a large scale model of the Planet Express building with the Planet Express ship inside the hangar and would love to build it on the member server. I think I will need an area that is approximately 700 by 400 to build the structure.

Here is a pic of the early work on the hanger:


Thanks for the consideration.

P.S. Bite my shiny metal ass :)

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - MikeWeirauch
« on: June 22, 2012, 10:43:53 pm »
Weirauch is a very knowledgeable and friendly addition on the server. I think he would make a great mod.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application - Bhoughton
« on: May 24, 2012, 09:10:30 am »
Absolutely. Bhoughton has been been incredibly helpful. Good Luck!

Pages: [1]