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Topics - ViperZeroOne

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Rejected / Builder Application - ViperZeroOne
« on: September 07, 2014, 03:13:28 am »
Ingame name:  ViperZeroOne

Join date:  I'm so old, I'm new again... *LOL*

Briefly describe all your creations:  Fully furnished airship & Nice rural camping area with cave and waterfall.

What world/s are the creations on:  

- Airship = Creative/Recruit
- Camping = Creative/Guest

Links to screenshots of the creation:

- Airship = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_224832_zpsf793a7f6.png
- Airship = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_225745_zpsd22c95c7.png
- Camping = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_224859_zps779c7dd4.png
- Camping = http://i1296.photobucket.com/albums/ag18/Jackel4Ever/2014-09-06_225546_zpsc7e57788.png

Names of players who helped contribute:  Nobody

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):  I'd also like to mention all of the detailed work I did on the SMP server in my protected region without the use of Creative that includes my night club, variety of village homes (library/police station/etc), my great lakes freighter, self portrait statue, and roller coaster.  In addition my youtube channel is full of builds I've done, but I would like to specifically point out my fully functional hydro dam which required not only the building of the dam but heavy terraforming of the surrounding terrain as well.  You can view the video at the following link;

Origional Version = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOGAeOiT7nw

Mark 2 (Tekkit Version) = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3vJss8deYE  (Tech's might find this cool)

The main reason for mentioning all of these other builds is that it's my wish to not fill up the recruit map with numerous builds that will basically be forgotten as I move on to the next (builder) world.  I hope you find this application satisfactory and I look forward to your reply.

Rejected / Moderator App - ViperZeroOne
« on: June 20, 2013, 01:17:27 am »
Age:  34 (Untill July 1st)

Location:  Northern Ontario Canada

Timezone:  Eastern Standard Time

Join Date:  March 14, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?:  Too many to list, but they can feel free to add their names if they like.

Why you should become a moderator:  As pretty much everyone knows, I've been a moderator here on Opticraft.  Due to being opinionated, having a lot of IRL stress issues, and having suffered a bit of minecraft burnout, I ended up leaving.

I've been operating Minecraft servers now for 2 years and have come to the conclusion that as an owner you can't always make everyone happy, you just do the best you can and hope for the best.  That experience has allowed me to reevaluate my decision in leaving and, while stepping away was probably the best thing for me to do at the time, I've come to the conclusion that taking a leave of absence (or stress leave) would have been a better option.

I'm looking to return to a Moderator position, and perhaps in time work my way up from there.  I'm extremely familiar with the vast majority of plugins used on this server, so that's no issue.  As most can attest I'm usually very quick to reply to tickets and try to be friendly even with the most difficult of players.  

Thanks for your reconsideration.  I'll respect whatever decision you guys make.


Here's some video showing my former Mod work on Opticraft;

X-Ray Evidence:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0fGY0Dgcxk

X-Ray Evidence:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1C_-20_rmA

LogBlock Issue:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6qUjtK1KCc

Rejected / Moderator App - ViperZeroOne
« on: June 11, 2013, 03:11:47 pm »
Before starting, yes I know the applications are closed, but I've had so many people PMing me to reapply that I figured I'd get it done.  In addition, when I left I was told "just let us know when you want to reapply", so...

Age:  34 (Untill July 1st)

Location:  Northern Ontario Canada

Timezone:  Eastern Standard Time

Join Date:  March 14, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?:  Too many to list, but they can feel free to add their names if they like.

Why you should become a moderator:  As pretty much everyone knows, I've been a moderator here on Opticraft before.  Due to being opinionated, having a lot of IRL issues, and having suffered a bit of minecraft burnout, I ended up leaving and not really on a good note.

I've been running my own small personal server now for 2 years and have come to the conclusion that as an owner you can't always make everyone happy, you just do the best you can and hope for the best.  That experience has allowed me to reevaluate my decision in leaving and, while stepping away was the best thing for me to do at the time, I've come to the conclusion that taking a leave of absence probably would have been better than leaving the way I did.

I'm looking to return to a Moderator position, and perhaps in time work my way up from there.  I'm extremely familiar with the vast majority of plugins used on this server, as I've used them on my own, so that's no issue.  Just looking to satisfy the public's cry to return to my former position and reverse a bad decision I made last year.

Thanks for your reconsideration.  I'll respect whatever decision you guys make.

EDIT:  I appreciate you doing your job 2crzy4uall, however I wish you would have not moved it to "Rejected" until an Admin saw it, since they were the ones who told me to "reapply" at any time and make the judgement call on applications.  It's my understanding that an application can be posted at any time if you have been given permission to do so, which is what I was given when I originally left.  Regardless, I'll do as you suggest and discuss it with an Admin the next time I see one.

Suggestions / Chest Shop
« on: June 05, 2013, 10:18:51 pm »
Even with the server market there appears to still be a demand for player-operated shops on the server.  I've had some good experience with a specific plugin for Bukkit called ChestShop.


This very simple plugin allows players to create shops with just a sign and a chest.  It links in beautifully with most economy plugins and even has the ability to function seamlessly with LWC and LogBlock.  There virtually is no database overhead because the plugin just reads the signs and links to the nearby chest.

It also has really easy permission nodes so it's a really simple addition to the permission system;

ChestShop.shop.create.* - create all types of shops
ChestShop.shop.buy - buy any item from shop
ChestShop.shop.sell - sell any item to shop
ChestShop.mod - open any shop chest, destroy stores
ChestShop.admin - open any shop chest, destroy stores, create admin shops

Suggestions / Villager Overpopulation? Make a Suicide Booth!
« on: August 03, 2012, 05:00:45 pm »
Is your village just seeing far too many births?  Do your houses look like sardine cans when the sun goes down?  Are you self-conscious about the amount of lag you're creating?  Need something to thin out the herd?  Build a suicide booth!

No word of a lie!  My village was getting seriously overpopulated, so I built a couple of these babies and it really thinned things out.  Didn't kill off all my villagers, they still wander, breed, etc.  It got rid of the overpopulating problem though.

Building it is REALLY easy.  All it is is a 1x1 hole, 3 blocks deep, that has lava on the bottom.  Then you build a 3x3x3 building to keep players from accidentally falling in, put a door on it so villagers can enter, and voila!  You can put a trigger plate at the door if you want, but I just let the villagers go in on their own.

Support / 1.3 Launching August 1st!
« on: July 26, 2012, 06:03:37 pm »
According to Jeb's Twitter posts, it looks like he's going to be launching 1.3 on August 1st.  Just a reminder to all, don't update your Minecraft until the Opticraft server gets updated, or you could run into issues (including not being able to play!)

General Discussion / Go Go Gadget Autoban!
« on: July 22, 2012, 04:38:45 pm »
Wow, the Automatic Grief Traps have been workin at full force today...  *LOL*  They're averaging 3 bans every hour.   :D


Offtopic / If Notch Was...
« on: July 20, 2012, 11:50:13 pm »
This one could be really fun...  

If Notch (the real guy, not in-game nonsense) was standing directly in front of you.  What would you do?

I'll start it off...

I'd probably shake his hand, make some comment about the future of Minecraft, and be silently wondering if I kicked him in the groin would I be fast enough to escape.   ;D

Suggestions / Suggestion - Click 2 Reply
« on: July 17, 2012, 05:46:10 pm »
So, we've all run into this.  You go to send a private message to someone and you type their name wrong, or you go to reply to someone and you get messaged by someone else first, which causes you to send your PM to the wrong person.  It can be frustrating, can't it?  Well here's a suggestion;

Click 2 Reply...  It's actually really simple.  (although maybe not on the back-end)  The names in the chat window become clickable, just like links are, but when you click a name it automatically fills in the chat with "/msg <playername>" so you just have to start typing your message.

I know, for my own personal use, this would be a great addition for sending that initial PM to a player who created a helpop request.

Project name:  The Dark Isles

Project location: X-841 Y64 Z1015  (/home ViperZeroOne) MEMBER WORLD

Contributors: Pew1998, Boshiwarrior, N8Matthews, ScottishChamp, 85USMC94, TheOne7142, TheRealFamous, TheWholeLoaf, KillAndSurf & More Daily.

Mayor: ViperZeroOne

Approximate dimensions: 258 x 269

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 10

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: At present the "Club Dark" building is nearing completion, and the islands have been cleared and terraformed.  I've built a number of structures on the island and they continue to go up at roughly 1 building every day or two.  I will continue building all of the structures, streets, and decorations myself.  I've also populated the islands with villagers to give it the feeling of being "alive".

Why should we grant this project protection?  The project has surpassed my ability to protect it with protection stones.  As I will be using the village as a Role Play destination, it'll need protected.  In addition, I've noticed player structures beginning to appear near the border of the protection I've outlined, and it's only a matter of time before someone builds inside the boundaries, forcing me to kick them back out.  Oh!  Last but not least, I think it's horrible for a Canadian flag to have a PS in the middle of it.   ;)

Additional Notes:  I have placed four corner "markers" to outline where I need the sky-bedrock protection to cover, to make it extremely easy for whomever sets up the protection.  The first corner post is located (at -926, 75, 938) just off the edge of Club Dark's island and will direct you to the next, and so on.  I will be continuously posting "reply" messages to this topic, with updates on the project.


Corner Posts, making it easy for whomever does the protection.

Map View with Protection Overlay

Current Project Status

Where the Town/Village will be... Can you see it?  I can, and it's awesome.

Club Dark Interior - At this time

THIS, is the reason I need approved.  No flag should have to have a PS in the center of it, ESPECIALLY not the Canadian one!    :P

Trade Central / 32 Sticky Pistons for Sale (Bulk Only)
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:02:50 pm »


END TIME:  Midnight (EST) on July 14th, or when Buyout Price is reached

STARTING BID: 48K (1.5k per)


BUYOUT PRICE: 100K (3.2k per)

NOTES: This is an auction for a half-stack of sticky pistons (32).  I am not selling them individually or in smaller groups so please do not make bids in that manor.  All sales are final.

Trade Central / TRADE RULES ---- PLEASE READ
« on: July 03, 2012, 07:25:41 pm »
Auction Rules

1.  All auctions must have an End time, with timezone, clearly stated in the auction post.  The auction time may be extended by the seller, but this must be done before the auction ends.

2.  Any bids made after the end of the auction are invalid.

3.  All bids made during the auction must be valid.  You must have the money for the bid available in-game and, at the time you place your bid, have full intent to purchase the item you are bidding on.

4.  Auctions or bids may be canceled BEFORE the End Time of the auction is reached.  Once the End Time of the auction is reached, and a winner is decided, both the seller and the winner must make arrangements to perform the exchange at the first available opportunity.

5.  The only way you may cancel an auction AFTER a winner has been determined, is if both the seller and winner agree to do so.  If either party does not agree, the transaction must be completed as per rule #4.

(Posted with permission from Nick3306)

EDIT:  Added rule 3 to deal with "troll bidders".  Modified rules 4 and 5 to make them easier to understand.

Trade Rules

1.  Only trade with people you trust.

2.  We are not responsible for any bad trades that may occur from use of this forum.

3.  Staff will NOT help you get back lost items as a result of a bad trade.

Projects and Creations / Club Dark
« on: June 28, 2012, 11:50:29 pm »
Hey all!

I'm pleased to announce that the much anticipated construction of Club Dark has begun!  For those of you who don't know, or who have just been living under some sand blocks for the past few months, Club Dark is going to be a premiere party hangout for the members of Opticraft.

From this location I'll be broadcasting a weekly radio show, yes LIVE RADIO, and we'll be partying pretty hard.  Now, I can't give you a date on when THAT will start happening (yet) but stay tuned!

Enough of this yammering, let's show what's done so far;

I know it doesn't look like much so far.  But hey, I've only put 3 hours into it's construction... *LOL*  Some of the features that the new club will have includes;

100% Roleplay experience! - That's right people, when you're clubbing it up with me I want you coming as your in-game personality.  Leave real life behind and party it up!  To add to this I'm going to make the club as immersive as possible.  It'll start right from the boat you'll arrive on and continue right into the club where you'll find everything from washroom facilities, to a back-stage area, to a "storage room" for the bar.  I even intend to eventually take in "resumes" and hire staff (bouncers, bartenders, etc) for the club.

Party Atmosphere! - Those of you who saw the rotating lighting in the old club, that's nothing compared to the redstone lighting circuitry I've got blueprinted out for the new club.  I'm not gonna go into much detail, other than to say the circuitry for the floor lighting is going to take up an area roughly 5 blocks deep, the footprint of the club wide/long, and the lights themselves will have 3 different patterns of movement fully controllable from my DJ booth.

Something For Everyone! - The new club will have exactly what the old club lacked.  Something for everyone!  There will be a party dance floor with the lighting explained above, there will be darkly-lit booths where you can simply hang out, there will be privacy booths where you and small group can sit, there will be tables out on the floor for those who wanna sit but still be close to the action, and there will even be an elevated VIP room for staff members to chill with their non-staff friends and relax in comfort.  Everything the club member could want!

BUILD PICTURES (03/07/2012)

Trade Central / Islands of the Dark (Formerly) - SOLD!
« on: June 26, 2012, 10:07:42 pm »
The decommissioning is complete and I've officially "moved out" of the formerly named Islands of the DarkTM

(Sorry but due to the name of the radio station I work for, I'm migrating the name to the member+ world)

I don't want to destroy the islands themselves, since I put a lot of hard work into designing them, so I'm putting them up for sale to the highest bidder!  I've gotten a lot of praise for these islands, and now they can be yours!

It's the perfect setup for someone who wants to get a small town started!

The water around it is clear for quite some distance, giving you tons of room to expand!

Here's some pictures to give you a better look at the structure;

What IS included in the purchase;

- The islands with their Endstone bottoms, grass surfaces, and leaf hedging.
- The main structure (former Club Dark), however the interior has been gutted so you can do what you like.
- The underwater structure. (2 story complex inside the main island, under the former club)
- A low-profile tunnel that goes from the underwater complex to the furthest elongated island.
- The wooden submarine.
- The Granary (small enclosed wheat farm)

What will not be included in the sale;

- A small underground section below the sea floor (my very small pumpkin farm and nether portal)
- My blaze and netherwart farms (other side of the nether portal)
- The PS stones that currently protect the entire set of islands, you must provide your own.


This is the PS setup you will need to fully protect the islands, as they currently stand.

- The main island (club) can be protected with a single Diamond PS.
- Three of the islands can be protected with a single Lapis PS (each).
- The long island can be protected by 2 Lapis PS.
- The "bottle shaped" island can be protected by 1 Lapis and 1 Coal PS.
- The submarine can be protected by either 1 Lapis or 3 Coal PS.
- The larger island (covered by the club in the map view) can be covered by 4 Coal PS.

TOTALS:  1 Diamond, 5 (or 6) Lapis, and 5 (or 8 ) Coal


Any serious buyers who would like a closer look, please contact me in-game for a tour of the islands.

Due to the high amount of endstone use, as well as time and effort invested in the project, I'm starting the bidding at 65k

Bids should be in $1000 increments.

General Discussion / Resigning as Moderator - July 1st
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:26:18 pm »

Good day Opticraft players,

Yesterday I let the Staff know about this, but I figured since word is already spreading I would post my official notice to the rest of you today.  

On June 30th I値l be stepping down from the Moderator position and returning to Trusted status.  Now, I know how rumors run like plagues through the community so I値l nip those in the bud right here.  The reason I知 stepping down has nothing to do with the staff, and it has nothing to do with me doing anything wrong.  In fact, I've already had a few people try to talk me out of it.  To find out why I知 stepping down, I refer you to a quote from my topic about becoming a mod;

Expect at times to get more flack than praise.  Players will complain if you're taking too long to respond to them, they'll lie (occasionally) to you about griefing, they'll get upset with you for banning their friend/relative, they'll yell at you for "spying" on them, they'll mistake you for a griefer and tell you to get out of their house (even if they called you there).  It's not all fame and glory.

Quite frankly, and to put it as bluntly as possible, I知 tired of helping players and getting shit on in return.  Players fail to realize that the Moderators are here to do a job.  That job is to keep players happy, ensure players are following the rules, fix any problems within their mandate to fix, and deal with conflicts that arise between players.  To use an analogy; We're babysitters, and I'm tired of dealing with children who think they're adults.  I have enough drama in my own life that I don't need it here too.  Now, I know not all players are like that, but I'm tired of dealing with the ones who are.

Maybe someday, when the attitudes around here change, I値l consider returning to the moderator seat.  It痴 been offered to me, and I知 greatful for that.  Right now, though, I feel that my love of playing on the Opticraft server has to take presidency over the few perks of being a Moderator.

At this time I'd like to personally thank Nick, the one who gave me the Moderator roll as well as my Trusted status prior to that.  You're a great admin and I couldn't ask for a better or more fair "boss".  I'd like to thank Nyssa for basically taking me under her wing and showing me the ropes during my first few weeks as a mod.  I'd also like to thank Optical for his continued efforts in keeping this server the best place to play.  To the rest of the staff, keep up the good fight.  Remember, stay professional and treat the players the way you would want to be treated.  As a Trusted, I look forward to continuing the friendships we've built.

No, I'm not saying goodbye.  I love Opticraft and will continue my love for the server as a Trusted player.  That said, my days as a moderator have, as of the 30th, come to an end.  I'll continue my duties until then, but as of July 1st I'll just be another Trusted player.

Thank you for your time.

( EDIT:  Merged in the staff comments from yesterday. )

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