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Topics - Redchecks

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / Builder Application - Redchecks
« on: September 04, 2014, 08:32:07 pm »
I know there's already the Op app there, but in the meanwhile I thought I'd submit this

Ingame name:Redchecks
Join date: March 2011
Briefly describe all your creations: 2x12 Combo, Guitar, 4x12Cab and Head, and a medium sized skyscraper
What world/s are the creations on: Recruit
Links to screenshots of the creation: Album here
Names of players who helped contribute:0
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I tried to show the upstairs of the skyscraper but security were getting roudy as you can see

Rejected / Operater Application - Redchecks
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:02:41 pm »
In-game name: Redchecks
Age: 19
Location: Englandland
Timezone: -/+ 0 GMT
Join Date: March 2011
Were you recommended by any staff?: raul7legend
Why you should become an Operator: I have experience in the battlefield and I am not afraid to put my intensive training to work! I've been in the field many a time and I've destroyed those who do stuff, BAAAD stuff. I'd like to return to the role of 'bad people destroyer' cause, y'know, It's hip and cool... Isn't it?

Support / New Laptop issues
« on: December 01, 2012, 05:58:16 pm »
Right, so I got my new laptop today and I loaded minecraft tested it and shit. But I ran in to an issue when I tryed to use the track-pad whilst holding down the  w,a,s,d keys(any other key for that matter).

If anyone knows how to fix this :- Help would be appriciated

Rejected / Moderator application - Redchecks
« on: November 26, 2012, 10:14:39 pm »
Age: 18
Location: Scotland
Timezone: GMT+/-0
Join Date: MARCH 2011
Were you recommended by anyone?: techdude98, saeberus, tobs, bantam2, Xeadin, awesomealicia, raul7legend, ecorrigall, TheWholeLoaf
Why you should become a moderator: Im not going to barber on about the clichè stuff that's on these half the time... so here we are:- Having previous experience as a mod on here and operator on the classic server i believe i have the necessary skills required to take the opportunity as a Mod once more. i know I've been off for a while but i recently started getting back on more frequently and on the 1st December i WILL be on permanently as my laptop will have arrived by then.

Short and sweet


General Discussion / Addio per ora. (Goodbye for now)
« on: August 26, 2012, 02:00:43 pm »
This is it. I'm not one for goodbyes but heres an attempt :- I am leaving opticraft behind to endeavor in something other than minecraft. The time I've been here has been awesome and the people I've met on here are some great people id thank you all for making me feel so welcome in the first place but Im too lazy to do so:) so heres one big thank you :
I may be back next year once my college breaks for summer (if this server is still going). hope you have a wonderful time. Toodles for now.


Projects and Creations / Falador needs Helpers/Donations!
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:35:00 pm »
Hello guys, Me, Raul7legend and Ecorrigall are planning on building the City of Falador from Runescape in the new member world and we NEED people to help us get this project underway.

What we need:
Builders - We need people who are skilled at building to help us build the individual houses and shops.
Donater's - People who are willing to donate some resources or money towards resources to help us get this project done as fast as we can!
Miners (falls in to donater's) - People who would be willing to mine for us whilst we build so we have the necessary materials for the job in hand.

Any help is truly appreciated and if you would like to help Post here or message Me, Raul or Ecorrigall saying what you wish to do!

Many thanks

EDIT - Just so you guys who do not know what Falador looks like :-   that is the basic birds-eye view

Who we have:
Builders - Noobies411, officiersmirnof, bantam2, Bahraindude_2497, E1ectrik, DeweyMeister
Donaters - Boshiwarrior, ANTIKOYKOY, Bahraindude_2497, theone7142
Miners - Drunz. codepmman

General Discussion / Competition time, once more!
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:33:18 pm »
There is lots of goodies to be won!
64 diamonds
64 iron
64 gold
2 ocelot eggs
A diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency IV, Ubreaking III and Silk Touch I
A full set of chain armour
and $100,000 in-game cash

How to win these items:
You just have to figure out the name of a famous Movie star, Director or Singer
Of course it's not as difficult as that.
Here is a close-up picture of the eye of this person. Guess who it is and you win all of it!
Here is the picture:

Salas wanted a better quality photo:

(The idea of the image guessing originated from Arsenic_shark)

Rule: 5 guesses per person per day

Here's your first clue:
He's an actor(two clues)
Second clue:
He has acted along side THE Morgan Freeman

Offtopic / The story of a thousand voices
« on: May 07, 2012, 04:03:23 am »
The idea, basically, is to make a story.. out of lyrics from ANYONE (including foreign languages)
they can be moderately rude but no racial, homophobic, etc ones

I'm sure there is something like this around here but I'm also sure there isn't a lyrics one like this.

The story does have to make sense it can't be something for example like this:- Twinkle twinkle little star how I cash, money, ho*'s
The lyrics that come after another must be from a different song but it CAN be the same singer/ band.

So, without further hesitation... I shall start

Server the servants

Support / The new '/Ch' Plugin.
« on: April 26, 2012, 09:34:19 pm »
Ever since this new plugin was introduced to the server I have been having horribly obnoxious server lag. I get kicked off the server every 2-3 minutes now. I don't know if it is just me with this problem or if it is a wide variety of others.

I am almost fully certain it is not my internet as before the plugin was introduced I had bare minimal lag even during peak times.

A response as to what I could do if it is just me would be much appreciated. Or if anyone else is having the same issues... Just to post saying so.

- Redchecks

General Discussion / Another competition. $450,000 prize [FINISHED]
« on: April 21, 2012, 02:44:13 am »
So, I'm going to make this a 'when ever I feel like it' event
A new way to win each time I do this.
This time you have to guess a word.
There will be a new clue every few hours or so. +Everyday this goes through the prize money raises by 100k. (00:00 GMT-/+ 0)The current prize money is $450,000
Only one person to win this time. The prize money is gone on the 25th April 2012

Your first clue:
This word is used as often as it occurs.
Second clue:
Back of the throat.
Third clue:
The second clue is psychological.
fourth clue:
2 a
Fifth and final clue:
It's a feeling
Good luck, may the force be with you.

The prize has risen to 450k

Forgot to mention. This is not a 'rankist' competition. So admins, feel free to try.

General Discussion / 350k to be given away
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:20:17 pm »
I am going to give away 200k (in game money) to the 1st person to comment on this topic and a second prize of 100k to the 5th and a 3rd prize of 50k to the 11th person.

I will check this topic at 01:00 pm GMT+/- 0 and the winners will be rewarded.

The reason I am doing this is because I don't need the money. I have no use for it.
Good luck, and may the force be with you.

- Redchecks

+ wasn't sure where to post this, so these seems reasonable


Seeing as I am still up. and the contest has it's winners.
(Unfortunately, Nick... you're an admin. Money isn't a problem for you and it's unfair on the others. Don't hurt me *cowers in a corner*)

The winners are :
1st place of $200,000 - Awesomealicia
2nd place of $100,000 - Sekihara
3rd place of $50,000 - Kian1354

Please PM me your ingame names and I shall send you your money as soon as :)

Support / Inventory clearout?
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:09:22 pm »
I understand the server was being a bit of a pain last night with certain things not working.
I had logged off last night with a full inventory of cobble, dirt, around 200-300 pistons, diamonds, 5 stacks of redstone, etc. But I logged on this morning with a logblock and my voted diamonds and an empty inventory apart from those stated items... what the fudge is going on?

Rejected / Moderator Application - Redchecks
« on: March 23, 2012, 10:48:55 pm »
Age: 17

Location: England

Timezone: GMT +/-0

Join Date: Survival: when ever the server was updated to 1.0 (I am uncertain) but I have been on opticraft since June 2011

Were you recommended by anyone?: Nope

Why you should become a moderator?
Despite putting this app off for a while because I have enjoyed building and such I would now like to help people with what ever I can. I am an Operator on the Classic server and I enjoy helping on that so I thought maybe I could carry on that role in the smp server as well. I am experienced with working as a helper and understand it can be a tough job especially if you are the only mod on when lots of guests are also on or there are no mods. So I would like to minimize that scenario.


Support / Farm has been stripped. (grief)
« on: February 10, 2012, 03:44:34 pm »
Okay, so firstly I'm not sure if this is in the right section, but it seems like it...
So I had been away from the smp for 2 weeks or so and I came back to my farm being flooded and all the things I was growing (apart from a few reeds) had been taken. Also I had a snow golem that was killed

Support / Does gravel destroy dropped items?
« on: January 23, 2012, 10:55:43 am »
I suffocated in gravel and had a lot of valuables on me I went back to the place in which I died within a minute or so and the items where gone.
Does fallen gravel destroy dropped items? Or is it a bug?
If this has been said and discussed sorry. Not played the smp much.

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