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Messages - sassamo

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: SignShop or ChestShop Plugin, Trading made easy
« on: January 20, 2013, 03:57:06 am »
This may just be my own ignorance here, but isn't the code already in place for the server market?  Is the market specially coded as is, or is it based on the signs?  I understand there would be minor revisions that would extend just removing money from a player's account, to also take that money and add it to a designated player's account, ie, the placer of the sign.  I also would assume that this code is just being represented as a special block, much like the PSs, and could be sold at the market, much like the PSs.

I mean no disrespect in my argument, but the main argument against this so far just doesn't make sense to me.  Signs and chests(and doors, furnaces, etc...) can already be used to freely grief land, but that hasn't prevented the use of LWC.  Having the item at a cost at the market would make it as pointless to abuse as buying PSs and spamming them all over the server.  I understand that both of these parallels are not exact, as neither of them actually offer any incentive to the spammer, while a functioning shop would, but I don't believe it would become an issue.  And whether it ended up being deemed acceptable or not, I personally would find it interesting to stumble upon a random chest in the middle of a desert offering some goods that I may be in need of at the time.

I don't think any extra coding to enforce any sort of restrictions would be necessary.  What little bit of extra spam that may be generated can be handled by mods on an as needed basis.  Any rules deemed necessary can be just be stated
in the location the items are sold, but again, it just seems more of a 'use common sense' rule, just as PSs and LWC items don't really come with any rules, however, are managed by the mods/ops when a conflict arises.  I understand the whole argument of the ops having enough to do, but does that mean the server should never be improved if it means there's a chance an op might be called on occasion.  It's a necessary evil.

Also, though I'm a coder in real life, I don't know much about how Minecraft mods are made, but would it be easier to take the trapped chest from the next update and mod a new block out of that one.  Personally, I like the idea to make a payed sign that generates a redstone pulse, as it would open up so many more possibilities for player builds, but anything is better than nothing, so if it would be easier to just modify the existing mod used in the market, that would be understandable.

Suggestions / Re: The daily "login" bonus
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:03:48 pm »
i agree with the OP, at least on intent, and the proposed rewards seems decent too.  Voting for diamonds is a nice incentive for new users to get started, but after a while, you end up with stacks of them, and voting can have less of an appeal.  I think this is a very good server, and try to vote often to support it, but that may not be enough of a reason for everyone, plus, it's nice to give back to those who are loyal to the server.  Adding some varying prizes is a nice way to accomplish this.  As it stands now, being a perfect voter for a month will effectively earn you the same prizes as this proposed method would, except many times faster, and your dependent on someone else's 'not' voting to get that prize.  Add the likelihood of missing a few votes over time, and it will take twice as long before earning a donation prize.  Providing a way for users who can't donate due to lack of money, paypal access, etc., to earn those unobtainable rewards is a nice benefit.  At the least, it could be narrowed to only include certain of the rewards, such as in game money, experience, and additional homes.  As far as "where the money comes from", the same place the top voters get their money, nowhere, it's all virtual.

Suggestions / Re: Virtual Market
« on: November 17, 2012, 01:03:09 am »
Yes, I agree, this is a survival server, but one of the ways of 'surviving' is through the player ran economy.  It's nice having the server market for a just-in-case, and I think the high prices there are fine, though balancing them a little wouldn't hurt.  BUt the big item in question is the player ran enonomy.  It is very tedious advertising(spamming), negotiating, meeting, trading, and half the time you do 90% of the work, and the buyer decides they don't want it anymore.  I'm not familiar with the mentioned mod, maybe it would be useful, but I think at the least, a very easy and useful mod(which is probably already in place for the server market) would allow us to create signs on our own chests listing content and price.  As I've suggested before, this would be awesome to extend to the point just generating a redstone signal, so player built rides/mini games can still be enjoyed without the need to have someone there running them, and I have seen mods for this, but they may not be well known/reliable.  Either way, player shops(sign+chest) should be very easy to implement, and I believe would be a major boon to the server.

Suggestions / Re: 'Receiver'
« on: October 27, 2012, 03:09:29 am »
for the other half of the suggestion, something like this:
but maybe someone knows of a more developed mod, or maybe even if the current mod used for money can do something like this.

Suggestions / 'Receiver'
« on: October 26, 2012, 03:03:45 am »
I'm not sure which mod this is, but I've seen one that would make a chest pick up items that drop near it.  Maybe would be abused for farming, but would make a great way for users to donate items.  Maybe only mods could set the property for a user.

On a similar note, but not sure if there's anything like this, a block that could generate a signal when 'paid' a certain amount.  This could be used to automate user markets, but also to automate 'mini-games' so the owner doesn't need to be online to run it.

Suggestions / Set Home in Protect
« on: October 26, 2012, 02:56:46 am »
It would be nice if a PS also prevented a non-allowed player from setting a hime within it's field.  Maybe not essential for protection, but would be very helpful for mazes/puzzles.

General Discussion / Re: Arsenic's 600k lottery give away
« on: October 23, 2012, 05:09:08 pm »

Trade Central / Re: 4 Sticky Pistons For Auction
« on: October 20, 2012, 02:41:30 am »

Trade Central / Re: 4 Sticky Pistons For Auction
« on: October 18, 2012, 09:13:19 pm »
...had a nice looong sarcastic post all written out, but guess I'll try to take the high road here.  Just a note, please don't nag at someone doing something you disagree with, and then turn around and do the same thing yourself.


Trade Central / Re: 4 Sticky Pistons For Auction
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:21:24 am »
As in my last post...I will also bid 1k on this.

Trade Central / Re: 5 Slime Balls For Auction
« on: October 18, 2012, 01:20:29 am »
I understand it says bidding starts at 10k...but in the event that no one bids this high...I will bid 1k.

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