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Topics - Illeidr

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / My Ban (2crzy4uall)
« on: November 24, 2012, 03:29:49 am »
Okay, so you guys probably aren't gonna care about this, so if you don't want to, go ahead and leave.
   This is an apology for what I did.

       Opticraft and I were having a discussion about things in general. Music, opinons, shit like that. Then it strayed to reddit. Naturally, reddit is used for a variety of things. I personally use it for...well, guy things. Anyway, I got carried away and said to opti what I use Reddit for. Then a moderator promptly banned me.
        I don't blame him, y'know, because it was wrong. Still, it kind of peeves me a little, because it really hurts to be banned. I'm kind of embarrassed. I honestly don't know what people'll think of me.

       And sure, call me an attention whore. I just want to say sorry and I need to set things straight. I gotta get this off my chest just to make me feel better so when I'm not playing minecraft, I'm not gonna sit here ranting and raving about those players who are actually living out their minecraft fantasies, because I never will.        >.<

General Discussion / A secret to everybody? (a lot of images)
« on: October 06, 2012, 09:11:48 pm »
  I was looking around near my home, and i found this:

 What is this place? someone told me this was a secret place, i never saw it, and that he wasn't allowed to tell what it was. I need to know, because my curiosity's been piqued.

Rejected / Moderator Application- Illeidr
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:50:35 pm »
Age: 13
Location: Conroe, Texas
Timezone: Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Date: February 12, 2012 (as of my flamefire95 account)
Were you recommended by anyone?: Not that I know of. If you care to, add your name :P)
Why you should become a moderator: I pretty much get on Opticraft all the time. It's always the first server on my list if I happen to lose my servers.dat file XD  I think I'd be good at this because I pretty much am the peacemaker in every fight I happen to see at school. I know what it's like to know whether something's right or wrong, and I seriously wouldn't mind helping out someone if they had a problem. I would like to help Opticraft be the best server it can be. I've been here since February, and even if it isn't THAT long, I have known the rules since my early member times. I've noticed that on every server I've been on, moderators have a hard time helping out other people, giving up a project or something to work with a new guest to the server or fixing grief. I'd like to join the moderators and assist them in helping for a better society :P

Offtopic / Have I not been a busy child?
« on: October 06, 2012, 07:36:50 pm »

Pages: [1]