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Topics - Captain_indecisive

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Your Strategy For Cave Exploration
« on: May 06, 2012, 06:03:51 am »
Personally, I always put my torches on the left wall. That way, I know when I see torches to the left I'm heading further in, and torches on the right mean that I'm leaving the cave system. It gets a little weird when I encounter a tunnel that doubles back, but I always make it out eventually without teleporting.

So, what does everyone else do to keep from getting lost in a cave?

Offtopic / Awesome Video Game Music Collection
« on: March 16, 2012, 06:25:14 am »
Here it is:

It has a whole bunch of original songs straight from the games and some awesome remixes.

Introductions / Well......Hi
« on: February 26, 2012, 11:20:13 am »
Greetings all. I joined about a month ago, and I figured I might as well finally introduce myself.

Name: Cameron
Age: 19
MC name: capt_indecisive
Why "Captain Indecisive"?: Whenever I have to make a choice I always end up stopping end thinking about it way too long. My friend called me it once and it stuck.
Hobbies: Video games, reading (primarily fantasy novels), more video games.
MC skin: The alchemist from Torchlight. I found it here:

Sooooooo... yeah. That's me.

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