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Topics - Caanite.

Pages: [1] 2 3
Offtopic / This is a broadcast from the society of skull-lovers
« on: May 14, 2015, 10:04:12 am »
So, me and square_skull have been working on a fantasy universe for quite sometime now (and when I say me, I really mean I give him feedback on his ideas that normally consists of "mhm" and "ok"), and he decided to write up a bit about the general history of the world, so here it is:

Just a note that this is in-universe lore, and it has been written by a scholar of some description

Eras of Ver, a basic history

Throughout time, the land we know as ver has seen many changes, hills have changed to mountains, trees into forests, villages into empires. Although many records about our history do indeed exist, they often show only biased perspectives of the events, or the details that are simply falsified or exaggerated. This record exists as common ground between all these records, taken from the accounts from many civilisations, and only the confirmed facts have been included in these pages. The history of Ver as we know it can be divided into the following sections:

• Sapius Era:

A time before the first highborn, when very little information was recorded by the way of writing, and much is unknown about it, but what we do know is that there were no apparent magic users back then. What is known was that every known human colony back in those times were constantly threatened by the large creatures referred to as the “Colossi”.

• Veraas Era:

This era started at the awakening of highborn, and was when many civilisations were formed. Many wars took place at this time, though most are unrecorded. It is said most of the Highborn revered today where born, or “awakened” during this time.

• Script Era:

A period of time between the Veraas Era and the Delubra Era, which began at the creation of the Rakaivol, the “god-blood”, contract, and ended when it was broken at the beginning of the Delubra era. It is said that during these times, there was an almost absolute peace, and it is also said to be a time of great economic growth, in which many government structures from the time still exist today. There was one significant conflict which occurred during this time, known as the “Demon war”, where demonic beasts from a hidden realm leaked into areas around the Akaivol mountain nation. Much of the records concerning this conflict widely varies, so as to avoid bias towards any views, it will simply be stated that the people of Akaivol mountain were put to blame, leading their nation into a fallen state.

• Delubra Era:

This era started at the discovery of the mystical artefact known as the Delubra VonRaas, or the “shrine of the great god”. Many kingdoms started wars over the artefact, which resulted in the breaking of the god-blood contract, and ended with the destruction of the city of Luvera, and the nations surrounding it when the said artefact exploded in the final battle, eventually creating the desert known as the “Chro-Verdoon-Voldoon”, the hollow lands. This same war would later be referred to as the shrine war.

• Roskil Era:

This era started at the aftermath of the shrine war, when creatures of dark magics had the most power over the kingdoms than they had ever had before. Many a  nation recovering from the shrine war were overrun by these dark fiends, including many other settlements of which had lost forces to the war or had been previously sheltered from conflict. Thankfully, one of the remaining highborn known as Luporitha, who was later revered to as the “moon goddess”, pushed back the packs of countless abominations near the end of this era, freeing enslaved villages and nations from their unholy torment, and putting to rest the dead which had taken to wandering their ruins. Unfortunately, due to the almost constant conflict between the Delubra era and the Roskil era, most of the highborn and magic users perished in the conflicts, leading to a significant decline in the number of magic users.

• Shard Era:

During this era, the kingdoms that had endured the wars of the ages had become very much independent, with most kingdoms keeping to themselves, not including the odd skirmish and small trades between the nations. Unfortunately, during this mostly peaceful era was when the war of the three fates started, continuing to present day. This war mainly consists of conflict between the Ngagai, Ignai Aqua, and the vengeful Akaivol mountain nations.

So, feedback on this, any question. I'll likely have more to post up as he sends them to me, and I'll try to answer as many questions about it as I can answer (which will be about 1/4 or lower :P) or skull can answer if I direct him here.

tldr: read above

Forum Games / A>B>C to Opticraft
« on: August 01, 2014, 08:22:37 am »
Here is how this works you start a>>B>>C>>D>>E... and so on until you get to z then you start again but this time it will go AA>>AB>>AC untill you get to AZ then BA and so on until you spell Opticraft so I'll start


Forum Games / Count to 15 before I reply
« on: July 26, 2014, 09:41:48 am »
Simple game, simple rules
Count to 15, one number per post, in the right order (no going from one to 15).
If I reply, it resets
Turnsies are allowed until the first success, after that they are not allowed and any post that is one will be nullified.
For those of you who don't know what a turnsie is, it's when you post after only one person has posted after you. (basically, if two people have posted after you, then you can post)

Successes: 5
Last round number (turnsies excluded): 3

Forum Games / Point/Post Game
« on: June 16, 2014, 10:04:02 am »
Basically, this is a game where you add 1 onto your name whenever you post. For example:
Post 1
abc123: 1

Post 2
abc123: 1
zyx098: 1

Post 3:
abc123: 2
zyx098: 1

and so on.
Of course, no double posting.

I'll start
Caanite: 1

Offtopic / Happy ANZAC Day!
« on: April 25, 2014, 04:02:01 am »
Happy ANZAC Day to everyone! :D

Rejected / Moderator Application - Caanite
« on: April 22, 2014, 06:27:50 am »
Age: 14
Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Timezone: NZT
Join Date: January 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Not yet
Why you should become a moderator: I am an active player who is almost always on mumble. I am an experienced player who has been on the server for almost 2 and a half years. I am on almost everyday and if someone ever needs help on the server, whether it be money donations, build advice or physical donations, I'm almost always there to help. I also help out guests whenever I can, by telling them how to speak in global, giving them items to help them, and finding them a good place to stay. I am also active on the forums alot, reading every post that comes along. Also, most of the time I'm on, there are no mods on to help out. I'm not saying I'm the best person for the job, there are many, much better people for the job. I'm just asking you to consider me.

Thanks for reading, and good luck to everyone else.

Offtopic / Who do you think is better? Gandalf or Dumbledore
« on: March 20, 2014, 09:03:17 am »
Gandalf vs. Dumbledore
Vote then reply down below :D

Offtopic / Most visited MC related websites
« on: March 18, 2014, 12:44:00 am »
No idea why I made this but since I made it I may as well post it lol.


Projects and Creations / The Sky Village
« on: March 14, 2014, 09:52:44 pm »
Hello, It's Caanite and I've decided to open my Sky Village to the public :D
So this will be my first attempt at a non freebuild city so you are going to have to pay to build there.
Here are my prices for the types of houses I have planned...
(click to show/hide)
There are also 6 apartment buildings, with premade rooms.
(click to show/hide)

Offtopic / WTF is this...
« on: March 13, 2014, 10:12:01 pm »
Just found this picture link in imgur
How many guns does this person have  :o!!!

Trade Central / My Enchantment Bidding Store
« on: March 13, 2014, 07:46:40 am »
This is where I will post my enchanted items for sale. All items shall be handed by me to the buyer after the buyer has paided. Well, now onto the store
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

General Discussion / Grave Easter Egg
« on: February 20, 2014, 04:21:16 am »
As some of you are aware I've been placing signs throughout Opticraft saying the same thing
(click to show/hide)
So basically if someone finds a sign with that message on it post the screenshot here and I will give them 1000 dollars ingame. You need to find it first for it to count as a reward. There are at least 6 signs throughout opticraft. Go find them and screenshot them.

Support / Is the server down?
« on: February 15, 2014, 06:31:35 am »
Is the server down? I can't get on it through Minechat or Minecraft and don't get replies when I use IRC. Also the SMP Box saying amount of players on isn't working. So is it just my internet or is the server down?

Offtopic / What is your favorite fantasy battle scene
« on: February 14, 2014, 08:30:19 pm »
I took this list from a YouTube video and decided to make it a poll.
Link to original YouTube video:
RULES for other: Must be in fantasy genre and from either a Movie/TV Show. No video game battles allowed. Cannot be a one on one duel (for example Balrog scene from Fellowship of the Ring)

Trade Central / Diamond Sword for sale
« on: February 07, 2014, 09:29:44 pm »
Subject: Diamond Sword, Sharpness III, Knockback II

Item: Diamond Sword
Enchantment(s): Sharpness III, Knockback II
Condition: Barely Used
Level Enchanted On: 30
Starting Price: 500
Price Increase: 100
Buyout Price: 3200
End Of Auction: 15/2/14 10:00 AM NZT

Notes: NZT is New Zealand Standard Time: For GMT: 9:20PM
                                                                         For EST: 4:20PM
                                                                         For PST: 1:20PM

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