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Topics - Kurseddragon

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / College tuition
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:48:48 pm »
Anyone got tips on paying for this shit?
Pulling out loans would put me in debt for the rest of my life.

School tuition: $40k a year.
What do I do?

Offtopic / Sonic and All Stars Racing Transformed
« on: March 11, 2013, 05:37:15 am »
Anyone have this game on Steam?
I just got it last night, but didn't play it 'til today. Holy shit is it fun.
I thought I would regret buying it, but I'm so glad I did.
I can't wait 'til I get my friend's controller adapter, 'cause the keyboard controls are a little weird and difficult, but you can get used to it.

Anyone have it? I'd love to race some people. :D

Offtopic / Game Sales
« on: December 25, 2012, 11:46:40 am »
Anyone taking advantage of the winter game sales?

I've bought this bundle:

I've bought Chivalry for 50% off.
I've bought Half Minute Hero for like 75% or something.
I got Metro 2033 for free.
I'm planning on buying Awesomenauts, I'm waiting for it to go on sale for cheaper on Steam; if it doesn't go any further, I'mma just buy it at 50% off on the last day.

I'm looking at Guild Wars 2 since I can either buy the Deluxe Edition for regular price, or the regular edition for $40.60. And for 12/25 only, it's $30 on Amazon:
I'm also looking at Castle Crashers, I might get it if it drops any lower in price. Same with Guns of Icarus or Air Buccaneers. If Orcs Must Die! 2 drops below $5, I'll get it.

I also found Torchlight 2 for $10, if anyone wants it, but I don't think I'd like it.

My friends and I are chipping in to get Payday: The Heist (4-pack) for a total of $15.

Anyone know any good sites?
I use these:

This one helps make things clear:

Offtopic / What do you do about...
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:10:04 am »
...A person who hates being called a liar, but lies about everything?

Crazy situation: This girl likes me, but I don't like her (You're just gonna have to believe me, I don't care if you do or not). I didn't have any problems with her until I recently realized she lies about a lot of things. At first, I didn't really have a problem with it since they seemed to be small, pointless lies; things that she might as well not even lie about, but it's her choice. However, recently she told me more than a little lie. It shouldn't matter what it was, the point is that it shouldn't have happened, right? If she really does care about anyone, why does she lie to them? Also, she asked me if I was hungry, but I said no. She went to dinner with two of my other friends and two others. Kind of fucked up regardless of my answer? She didn't say she was going to get Chinese food with my friends... (EDIT: I just remembered something that made this dinner part a bit more acceptable, but it's still kind of messed up)

It's a scary thought to think about someone who is suppose to care about you (whether you feel the same in return or not is irrelevant) will lie straight to your face. It's not just her that this is gonna happen with, it could be anyone.

But the point is, what do I do about it? I know I shouldn't be the one complaining, but one of my top three pet peeves is being lied to, so it'd annoy me regardless of who did it.

Yes, this thread is serious.

Offtopic / Halloween Horror Nights
« on: September 15, 2012, 04:03:56 am »
Anyone go to this? :D
Anywhere around the world? :P

Offtopic / For you Maplestory players only...
« on: September 14, 2012, 02:52:26 am »
Wanna gratz me? :D

Rejected / Operator Application - Kurseddragon
« on: July 10, 2012, 09:48:27 pm »
Name: Kurseddragon
Age: 16
Location: California
Timezone: GMT -10
Join date:
December 25, 2011
Forum Join date: December 26, 2011
Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: I believe I can be beneficial to the server if I became an Operator. I tried helping all I could with whatever I was capable of doing, but as a builder, there's not much for me to do. I'd like to be able to help more.

Also, I believe there are a few Operators who I personally don't think should be Operators.. Lately, (especially these last few days) there have been very few Ops on. Including some of the most active ones. I consider myself pretty active comparatively speaking.

Why you should become an operator: Firstly, I'm one of the few people on the server who actually type in proper English. Secondly, though I do have an immature side, I can definitely be mature when necessary, which would be most, if not, all the time as an Operator. I spend most of my days doing activities that revolve around this server. Whether it's actually playing in game, trying to connect to IRC, reading the forum, or making countless banners. I've gone around reviewing builds so I have a good understanding of whether or not to rank a player up. I honestly have no desire in building anymore, so my full attention would be in helping the server. Really, the only reason I'm here is for the friends and to help out, that's honestly all I want to do. I have enough patience to withstand the constant questions by the guests and members and even recruits and builders. I actually enjoy that kind of attention even though it can get really irritating. I won't hesitate to ban players for breaking rules even if I believe they're truly sorry about it. I'll simply tell them to just appeal on the forum.

Lately, I have been more active on the forum as well as in game and have been focusing on being more mature (not to say I've completely changed specifically for this purpose, I still joke around quite a bit, but focus more on what I say) and also reduced my cussing considerably, possibly even completely (unless repeating what someone else said for emphasis). Also, about two days ago, I was able to find around five griefers as well as two inappropriate builds within approximately two minutes for Xeadin to ban. You can go ahead and ask him. Also, for the short time Victor1261 was on, I was able to help him find a griefer or two before he had to leave. I've been following griefers around trying to strategically lure them into a grief trap without bluntly telling them to go attack one. I've been constantly asking if anyone needs help, even more so than before and giving more advice when reviewing builds. I've also been paying more attention to guests chats as well. And I've been /destroytower-ing a few 1x1's in the guest world to clean it up a bit.

Have you been temp-op before?: No.

Extra information: I know I said I was leaving once, but I never did. It just shows how much I love this place and can't leave even if I tried, so you know I'm here for the server if I was an Operator. As stated before, I'm only on this server to help and make friends, I just want to contribute as much as I can. Also, I don't cuss in real life, so if it'd be a good idea for me to stop, I can easily do that.

I've been balancing my homework and Minecraft lately too, so I may have more time to play than I originally assumed (if anything, I'll take a short break to strictly focus on homework to get most of it done just so I can have more play-time as an Operator).

Accepted / [BUILDER Application #1] Kurseddragon
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:22:10 pm »
Ingame name: Kurseddragon
Join date: December 25, 2011. o.o But active since June 10, 2012.
Briefly describe all your creations: Umm, honestly, the first few suck, but I'm honest and showing you all of them. They are all EXTREMELY original and very different from most builds (Excluding the sprites)
What worlds are the creations on: Member29, Recruit48, Recruit49, Recruit50, and the current Recruit world.
Links to screenshots of the creation: (They're scattered, but all on the first page)
Names of players who helped contribute: Gavin1928374655 (Only helped me /paint the sphere in the circle build) and I'd like to thank CyanGriffin for reviewing nearly all my builds and giving some ideas. :D Also AskePotta for the Halo above the circle build idea.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?:  Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): For the circle build, note there is not a single square shape. It's all round, every bit. Also, you might want to explore a few of the builds in game 'cause it has a different impact than just seeing them in pictures. Especially the Dome City, 'cause you can Clip inside. :P
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes.

General Discussion / Leaving
« on: June 27, 2012, 01:14:27 am »
Spent three days building about half a build. Maybe not even half yet.

Apparently it's a bland box with no purpose.

Thanks for being an inconsiderate asshole, Gene.

I'm out. It was fun. Bye, guys.

Projects / Road to Builder
« on: June 24, 2012, 08:01:22 am »

That's my Photobucket account and most of the recent pictures are my Minecraft builds.

Just wondering what advice you have for me to build to become a builder. :P
Preferably advice for the style I build in, which is obviously really strange.

Or if I'm already ready to apply, which I doubt.

Thanks in advance, though.

Creations / 8-Bitham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
« on: June 23, 2012, 12:20:11 am »
Original picture: (Ignore the Youtube bar on the bottom :P)
(click to show/hide)

Pixel Art:
(click to show/hide)

Video where I got the picture:

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