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Topics - piplupdude

Pages: [1] 2
Trade Central / Tools and Weapons for Sale
« on: January 18, 2013, 10:19:51 pm »
End time: Jan 20, 4:30 P.M. EST

Item Name: Diamond Shovel
Enchant: Effien III, Unbreak III
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 1.5k
Minimum Bid Increase: 500$

Notes: Perfect for getting multiple stacks of snowballs, dirt, and others

Item Name: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchant: Effien IV, Unbreak III
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 2k
Minimum Bid Increase: 500$

Notes: Great for getting those stones you need fast, especially obsidian.

Item Name: Dia Sword
Enchant: Fire II, Knock II, Sharp II
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 2.5k
Minimum Bid Increase: 1k

Notes: Fire Aspect sets mobs on fire, Knockback knock them back WHILE they are still taking damage from the fire, and Sharpness deals extra damage.

Item Name: Diamond Chestplate
Enchant: Blast Protect IV
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 2k
Minimum Bid Increase: 500$

Notes: Provides normal protection, Plus a lot of protection from creepers and other explosion-makers.

Item Name: Diamond Boots
Enchant: Projectile Protect IV
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 1k
Minimum Bid Increase: 500

Notes: More Protection from Projectiles.

Item Name: Bow
Enchant: Punch I, Power V
Condition: Unused
Starting Price: 2.5k
Minimum Bid Increase: 500

Notes: Small punch, BIG power.

Support / How do you post pictures onto minecraft?
« on: January 15, 2013, 11:19:12 pm »
I've seen lots of people with pics in their titles in minecraft, not on the forums.
So i was wondering how?

Offtopic / This is awkward.
« on: November 08, 2012, 10:36:40 pm »
Alicia might want to see this...
I am reporting spyow7.

Support / liamepic9999 should be banned
« on: October 10, 2012, 06:41:04 pm »
liamepic999 was griefing! I have proof in screenshots. This is next to my house. He asked me to see it, I don't know why.
Here's a link.

Rejected / (mod application) piplupdude
« on: October 04, 2012, 08:41:05 pm »
Age: 12

Location: Georgia, USA

Timezone: USA Eastern Time

Join date: I think some time around March 2012

I have not been recommended

I think I should become a moderator because I am Trusted, and have many friends that have been made on this server. I trust them, and hope they trust me.

I think my main traits will help me reach heights(they already have). First, I am cooperative, and think this is very important on Minecraft. I love to help others. I help other students at school with subjects they do not understand, and help out with the teachers. I help other players build, work, and learn to have a wonderful time on Opticraft. I try to keep a healthy sense among people by helping, and ocasionally, humoring them. I would love to answer helpops, and fix grief. Most importantly, helping others learn the rules and have a fantastic time.

Another important trait I am in possesion of is responsibility. I keep things organized and stay safe. I have recently done communtiy service hours for only the benefit of others. At school, I turn things in on time, and have a great academics record. I think I will be eligible for mod because I will place my Opticraft mod responsibilty in front of everything else: Fixing grief, kicking/banning spammers and griefers, and not overusing/and having proper usage of commands.

A third trait is trustworthiness. I have never lied, and never will. I do schedueled things on time and make sure they are done right. My opinion is that trustworthiness is important because it shows people what you really are on the inside, and I have shown others that I am a good person. I think my rank, "Trusted," shows some of this.

A fourth and final trait I will discuss is respect. I am respectful to others by respecting them and their needs. I will always do what I can/am allowed to do to help. I respect other players because I respect their sensitivity(by not spamming), their property(by not griefing), and their potential.

I have other great traits, though I cannot discuss them right now.

I have a estimation that I will be(and am) the 3 R's( Respectful, Responsible, and Role Model).

Thank you for spending your valued time to read this and maybe post a comment below.

Suggestions / Animal grief
« on: September 29, 2012, 06:14:48 pm »
My animals have been culled once and killed once. I Strongly believe that mods/ops should be able to respawn them. Or a plugin thats allows them to check animal history.

Suggestions / Book Copier
« on: September 16, 2012, 08:45:56 pm »
I personally think that books should be able to be copied... Maybe by a machine in spawn or mod/op/admin? There is a new block in the next update called the "Command Block". Maybe that would help...

Trade Central / Silk touch
« on: August 10, 2012, 06:55:28 pm »
Plz /mail post or /t me if u are selling a silk touch pickaxe below 8k.


Trade Central / Sellings lots!
« on: August 10, 2012, 06:52:38 pm »
Heres what im selling:
No max bids!
 - means item
-5 stacks of cobble
Start price: 110$

-3 stacks of dirt
Start price:40$

-64 snow blocks
Start price:1000$

-5 stacks of snowballs
Start price:1200$

-1 lapis block
Start price:300$

End: Friday August 10, 2012 US eastern time

Rejected / mod application (piplupdude)
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:07:43 am »
Age: 11

Location: Georgia, USA

Timezone: Eastern

Join date: I think some time around March 2012

I have not been recommended (not yet!  ;)  )

I think i should be a moderator because I am loyal and kind. I think these 2 traits are some of the most important things in people/virtual people everywhere. I am loyal to my friends and parents. I learned to be kind and know to be kind forever (except for certain griefers and murderers). I will not   :-[ or,   :'( I will   :D !! I alreeady spend 3-4 on minecraft per day ( 30 min to 1 hour on single player and 3 hrs to 3 hrs 30 min).

Note: above was copied from my old app but that was during status:closed so i thought it would be ok  ;D !

Also i think i am honest. Honesty is not something we have often with new guests and is IMPORTANT.
For truth, I think i am ready, but if the staff say no, I understand.
I did a programming camp recently, and understand how hard it is for nick and others to keep the server running well.



Note: above smiley will change if i get mod.

Support / Posting
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:56:44 pm »
How do i post pictures and quote makers?  :-\

Support / Mods
« on: August 09, 2012, 02:24:13 pm »
I have also seen a decrease in the number of mods on. I have seen five 15-minute sessions when no mods are online in the past 2 days.
I'm not trying to imply anything, but this is becoming an issue.

Support / Piplupdude & Moderator
« on: August 08, 2012, 11:52:22 pm »
I have read the post on being a mod and i am still thinking about being a mod.    ???
I have a few questions:
Would you recommend me for mod?
Is there anything i need to work on?
Do you think I would make a good mod?
Are there any certain requirements that i do not meet or excel at?

Do you think my sense of humor would be to much for mod?
When will the mod apps be open?

Thank you.

Note: Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

Rejected / Moderator Application <piplupdude>
« on: August 07, 2012, 10:29:12 pm »
Age: 11

Location: Georgia, USA

Timezone: Eastern

Join date: I think some time around March 2012

I have not been recommended (not yet!  ;) ;))

I think i should be a moderator because I am loyal and kind. I think these 2 traits are some of the most important things in people/virtual people everywhere. I am loyal to my friends and parents. I learned to be kind and know to be kind forever (except for certain griefers and murderers). I will not  :'( or,  :-[ I will  ;D!! I alreeady spend 3-4 on minecraft per day ( 30 min to 1 hour on single player and 3 hrs to 3 hrs 30 min). I have also seen a decrease in the number of mods on. I have seen five 15-minute sessions when no mods are online in the past 2 days. If you'd like to support post your reply below.


Ban Appeals / [Mr_Mr_Mr] piplupdude appeal
« on: August 03, 2012, 08:06:28 pm »
 I do not know why i am banned. I did not create a death trap with my /home. I created my /home in front of my house and had no idea THAT was going to be built there! I got promoted for a reason. Please think about this...,BanLookup.html?username=piplupdude

 ??? ??? ???

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