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Messages - littlej11

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 20
Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:20:23 pm »
Hello agent, I am happy to see you made an introduction.
Welcome to the server.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: August 17, 2012, 12:04:24 am »

no more awkward face! here is my ugliness.


Looks very nice!

Offtopic / Re: Holding breath (Forum Game)
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:51:30 pm »
Me: 59.2 sec

Sister: 1 min and 7 sec

Offtopic / Just saying where I have been...
« on: June 05, 2012, 01:19:12 am »
Okay, so recently I have bought Diablo 3 (very good btw) so if you are wondering where I am and why I haven't been on for a while, its because I'm playing Diablo 3 (or I'm hanging with friends it is the summer ofc) so no need to comment just letting you all know where I have been.

Trade Central / Re: Double Spawner + skele spawner auction
« on: May 31, 2012, 11:55:07 am »
ehhhhh never mind I withdraw my bid. :/

Offtopic / Re: The dance floor!
« on: May 28, 2012, 10:21:31 pm »
eh.. I'll fix the signs later...

Offtopic / The dance floor!
« on: May 28, 2012, 06:45:21 pm »
Hello all! when I play music while I play opticraft I sometimes dance in minecraft (:P) so I thought that I should have a dance floor to dance on! so here it is!

(click to show/hide)

Thanks too: YuangusTheGreat for redstone wiring and part of building!

EDIT: one of the signs is a little messed up, you don't have to be on mumble its just if you want to listing to music while you dance.

Offtopic / Re: Happy birthday Barty! :D
« on: May 27, 2012, 06:55:44 pm »
Happy birthday monkey!

Ban Appeals / Re: ban apeal appeal plz
« on: May 26, 2012, 10:59:40 pm »
*very off topic*

Leganie, mind me asking what your texture pack is?

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: May 26, 2012, 01:00:59 am »
I doubt you even have a mustache.
Okay, I DID...Before my DOG BIT MY UPPER LIP. -_-
How did your dog get close enough to bite your upper lip?......

Discussion forum / Re: Almost back....
« on: May 24, 2012, 11:47:06 am »
I am back with great news! I am official back! My computer is fixed and I can play minecraft and hang out with all of you again!

 Hope to see you on!

Discussion forum / Re: new people?
« on: May 22, 2012, 08:36:19 pm »
Who's littlej?

Nice to see you too again, Deedly....

Discussion forum / Re: new people?
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:42:21 pm »
Yes I already know who you are spam. :P

Discussion forum / new people?
« on: May 19, 2012, 10:09:34 pm »
So today I was able to get on to the smp server and find out that I know no one except for noobies that was on.. so I'm asking for everyone who sees this topic to write and say hello, tell us your rank, how often you get on, if you play classic or smp, etc.

I hope to see all of you on and having fun!

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 20