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Topics - Nyssa

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / Happy Birthday Nick
« on: June 02, 2013, 12:03:17 am »
Today is Admin Nick's birthday, if you see him make sure you wish him a happy birthday or even leave a message in here for him.

Offtopic / Simcity Region
« on: March 05, 2013, 09:40:50 am »
So Drunz has been kind enough to start a private region for him and I and anyone else who has the game and would like to play with us.
If you would like to, PM Drunz on the forums with your origin name and he will send you an invite when he can.

One city per person and no griefing.

If you have any questions PM Drunz or I. (Don't PM asking to buy it for you)

EDIT: 14 city spots left

Server News / Top Voters - January
« on: February 01, 2013, 06:10:49 am »
Hey, filling in for Optical for this months voters.

The top voters for January are listed below. The prizes are $30, $20 and $10 in vote rewards respectively, as well as a Top Voter rank and title ingame for the month of February. Please PM me to claim your prize. We have a tie for 1st this month, so they will all be rewarded, and there will be no 2nd or 3rd place.

Top 3 for January are:
  • 1st - johekl (tie)
  • 1st - darkguld (tie)
  • 1st - bobban_90 (tie)

Thank you to the three of them and everyone else who voted for us for a great effort this month!

Server News / Do not update to 1.4.6 - Now safe to update
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:41:32 pm »
Server IP: smp.opticraft.net

It is now safe to update to 1.4.6


Just letting you all know not to update to 1.4.6 until we give you the all clear. We'll update as soon as possible.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Lyrasia Protection Application
« on: April 28, 2012, 03:25:25 am »
City name: Lyrasia

City location: x368 y64 z2846

Contributors: dedlymagik, xdeekay, Logan5353, ViperzerOne, Grand_Chill, MissMedu, ActualWorb

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): dedlymagik

Approximate dimensions: 605 x 305 (at widest points)

Number of active residents: dedlymagik

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 5 or so, a lot are incomplete interiors

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I have built a lot of it and I have just started inviting people to live/build holiday homes. For the future I hope it will be a community project where many people can build themselves a house, either to live or not, and just be an all round nice place to live.

Why should we grant this city protection? To preserve the work that has been put in by me and now the other contributors over the months of its existence. I have 4 diamond ps and one lapis, the lapis is to protect the writing in the library and all 4 diamond ps are used in the forest alone. To protect the entire city with ps would cost too much to afford.

Rejected / Moderator Application - Nyssa (dedlymagik)
« on: March 06, 2012, 06:48:41 am »
Age: 23
Location: Australia
Timezone: GMT +10 hours
Join Date: Joined when SMP started
Were you recommended by anyone?:
Why you should become a moderator:
Previous experience -
- Chaos Crusade - Funserver - (Rad)
                       - AV Realm - (Opti)
                       - DoTA Realm - (Compboy)

- Remnants of Chaos - Funserver - (Classic/Llama)

- Opticraft - SMP - (Opti)

- Aion - (Burlex)

I am online for many hours in the day and late-ish at night and enjoy restoring peoples creations, making them happy once more. I already know the commands and how things are done around here.
I am currently doing a fairly big build, but I am lazy with it so it's not like I will be ignoring people to work on it.

Offtopic / Need help with Stereo mix!
« on: February 04, 2012, 02:18:25 am »
Hey so on XP I used to play stereo mix on msn and steam no worries but it doesn't work now for some reason.
I am now on Win7 and the Win7 messenger, and the new steam chat stuff.
I set it so stereo mix is set to record, Steam shows that it is actually sending... But the person doesn't recieve it (Steam are having problems with the new chat stuff so it might just be them), but MSN doesn't even let me have the option of setting it to record. I go into the setup for audio and video and the "recording" option is greyed out, which means I can't change it from default to custom!

I googled it but don't find much about it. Anyone here know the way to fix it?


Offtopic / Yogscast tags
« on: February 01, 2012, 06:07:42 am »


Suggestions / New players suggestion
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:16:04 am »
I still see heaps of people who don't know the basics of Minecraft SMP, let alone Opticraft.

We could get the ops/admin to put together a "Beginners Guild" in the spawn with basics to start the game.
Maybe even a spoilers room or something if they are that desperate.

Just to say little things like "Get wood first" or "Make sure you have food for your journey".

Well that's the idea! Discuss!

Edit: Other things like "Check market for prices, then scale your own prices" so people aren't being ripped off.

Introductions / Hi, I am Nyssa.
« on: December 14, 2011, 09:52:41 am »
Thought I would finally say hi, and maybe meet some people I have not yet met.

So, I am Nyssa from Australia. My screen name is dedlymagik ( Originally my brothers account ).

I am a big Football fan ( European ), My favourite teams are FC Barcelona, players are Xavier Hernandez. I love to talk about the game in general.
                                                                                 Panathinaikos                 Benoit Tremoulinas
                                                                                 PSG                              Nick Carle
                                                                                 Sydney FC                     Kevin Gameiro
                                                                                 Schalke '04                    Atsuto Uchida
                                                                                 Tottenham                     Luka Modric
                                                                                 FC Twente                     Sebastian Leto
                                                                                           ( The list can go on )

I am also interested in gaming. I play a couple at the moment, Battlefield 3
                                                                                    Fifa 12
                                                                                    Dead Island

Almost forgot music! I like alot of what alternativeaddiction online radio play.
To pick a few good bands from my library hmm, 12 Stones                                         It's Alive                                  Seether
                                                                Adema                                             Ivoryline                                   Search The City
                                                                All Time Low                                     The Maine                                 Sick Puppies
                                                                Anberlin                                           Marianas Trench                         Sleeperstar
                                                                Breaking Benjamin                              Panic! at the Disco                     Stars Go Dim
                                                                Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows           Parabelle                                   Thriving Ivory
                                                                Disciple                                           The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus          Throwing Gravity
                                                                The Exies                                         Runaway City                            We The Kings
                                                                Hedly                                              Rise Against                               Zebrahead
                                                                                              ( To make a giant list a little less giant.. )

I just got a new tower so I will tell you about it seems I really like it. 16Gb ram
                                                                                             GTX 580
                                                                                             Core i7 3.40Ghz

So I joined up here just after the Beta SMP server started up ( not a fan of Classic ), became an Operator.. I am not even sure when. I have known Optical for a few years, and was his Operator on one of his World Of Warcraft servers.
Apart from that I like talking and stuff so sometimes you'll see me go on and on about things.

I will add a screenshot of my skin as soon as SMP is updated, I don't feel like moving jars around at the moment.

So in conclusion! Hi. =p

Offtopic / FIFA Ultimate Team!
« on: December 04, 2011, 11:39:13 am »
So I thought I'd make a topic about my dealings In FIFA, anyone else play It?

My first team Is very very close to how I want It, I will start a new team In a few days possibly.

Ok down to business!
Here Is my French team, starting 11 focused on speed.

ST - Gameiro (In Form)
ST - Remy (In Form)
CAM - Menez
CAM - Nasri
CDM - Amalfitano (In Form)
CDM - Cabaye (In Form)
LB - Tremoulinas (In Form)    ---- My favourite French player =P
CB - Sakho
CB - Mexes
RB - Sagna
GK - Lloris

Subs and Reserves have speedy attackers as the 11 does, but the defenders are a mix of speed or extra defence, depending how the game Is going.

GK - Mandanda
CB - Rami
LB - Evra
RB - Fanni
CDM - Cheyrou
CAM - Gourcuff
ST - Cisse

LB - Clichy
CB - Yanga-M'Biwa
CDM - M'Vila
LM - Payet             -------- I use him as CAM, when I was starting out he played well for me, can't let him go lol
CF - Henry             -------- Used as ST

Anyways! any changes I make to my French team I will post here, for anyone interested.

As I mentioned earlier I will be making an Asian team next, I'll add all changes here to keep you updated. If you have any suggestions let me know, I only know a few of the top Asian players.

I get really into FIFA so you'll have to put up with It. =p

Offtopic / Transformers Universe
« on: November 02, 2011, 11:59:58 pm »


Love them or hate them, Jagex have made 1 of the biggest mmo's around, and getting the official licence from Hasbro means they see something too.

Either way i'm sure it will end up better than the War for Cybertron games did.

how do you see the new mmo going?

Projects and Creations / Stuff I have built!
« on: October 13, 2011, 12:29:40 pm »
So hey,

thought i would add to the creations forum!
mostly these will be from smp, i doubt i will play much single player.
I'm not the best builder but i like them so hopefully you will too.



(Not Legit)


(Not Legit)

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