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Topics - hammysandwhich

Pages: [1] 2
Support / Query
« on: November 05, 2014, 11:26:02 am »
Not sure if this is the right place or what but...

Is there a way that we can move our builds from survival to creative?

I am pretty sure of the answer, but just want to make sure.

Rejected / [HOF APP] Ham Co.™
« on: March 08, 2014, 01:57:50 am »
Project name: Ham Co.™

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): It is situated in the New Guest World, http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1424/64/3061/-2/0/0

Contributors: hammysandwhich (myself), gogar72, Felix_De_Kat, Zeradeth_, XzTiggerHappyxZ, LIEKABOWSE, pew1998, nhataley, softy214214214.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: The state in which my project currently is in is roughly about 60% done, but this may depend on what I wish to do with the rest of the factory.  There is buildings above ground, and buildings underground.  Underground are where all of the storage warehouses are, and science buildings.  Although there is not much, and not all buildings are fully completed, I have returned from my absence and have started to fix up buildings.

Why should this be in the HOF? I believe this should be granted into Opticraft's Hall of Fame, due to the fact that, I and a few others have put many hours of our time into this build.  It is of a relatively large size and is currently being worked on.

Thank you very much for your consideration.

Offtopic / Cookie Clicker - The Older Version
« on: February 22, 2014, 05:00:33 am »
Alright, so my friend showed me a new game, it's quite addicting and I do not know why.  The name of the game is Cookie Clicker, it is about getting as many cookies as possible. As I type this right now, I'm on 1,582 cookies per second.
I'm creating this post to propose a challenge to all of those out there.  To see who can get the most amount of cookies per second.  Also you must show a screenshot of the game, as evidence.

Here is a link to the game:

Although, there are two rules you MUST follow:
1. You cannot leave the game unattended (afk).
2. Do not get someone else's save.

Here's mine so far, I'll update as I go along.

Trade Central / Selling Wolf Spawn Egg
« on: January 20, 2014, 07:20:04 am »
As the title says, I am selling a wolf spawn egg. I earned this egg legitimately by trading with 2crzy4uall. If you have any queries message me over the forums or in-game.

Item: Spawn Wolf (egg)
Enchantment(s): N/A
Condition: N/A
Level Enchanted On: N/A
Starting Price: 75,000
Price Increase: 5,000
Buyout Price: When auction finishes.
End Of Auction: Two weeks from now, which would be the 3rd of February.

Couldn't be bothered editing it...
(click to show/hide)

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Project Protection - Ham Co.™
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:55:16 am »
City name: Ham Co.™

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):
New Guest World, http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1424/64/3061/-2/0/0    Also located at my /home

Contributors: hammysandwhich (myself), gogar72, Felix_De_Kat, Zeradeth_, XzTiggerHappyxZ, LIEKABOWSE, pew1998, nhataley, softy214214214.  Also, tell me if I'm missing your name, I'm quite forgetful.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): hammysandwhich

Approximate dimensions: (see image below in spoiler)
(click to show/hide)
Sorry if it's not that good.

Number of active residents: One (Including myself)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: Three.
The others are finished, but are just either completely empty inside or half completed.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Well I plan to keep on expanding the company’s compound.  I play on building a full functional harbour, a small power station, and maybe a few other things.  I also have an underground part to the compound, where there are a few redstone inventions, horses and a soon to be industrial sheep farm.  I plan on build a large underground laboratory and a few other facilities.  The place is ever expanding.

Why should we grant this city protection?: I believe that this city should be granted Project Protection due to the fact that it can easily be griefed, being that I have been griefed before on a few different occasions, ranging from 2000 blocks to 20 blocks.  It has also taken me a while to get the items I need, since I'm a slow builder and clay bricks are hard to get, for me at least..

Note: I’d just like to say thank you for reading this guys :)

Not sure where to put this, but here's some screen shots I took of the place.
Sorry if the images are too large
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)

If you want to see more, feel free to look around.

Trade Central / Buying a mooshroom!
« on: July 14, 2013, 10:16:39 am »
Well I'm not sure if there are any on the server still, but if there is I will be willing to buy them.

Item: Mooshroom Cow
Enchantments: N/a
Condition: Alive
Level Enchanted: N/a
Buying Price: 15,000 or 15k.

I am situated in the new guest world at http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1424/64/3061/-2/0/0.  If anyone does have any, please contact me, I'd like to buy two of them, but if you've only got one, that's alright.  If you bring it over yourself, not only will I love you, I'll also put some extra cash in as well.

Trade Central / A big tunnel.
« on: July 03, 2013, 10:41:22 pm »
Well I'm building a tunnel from my /home (Ham Co.) to one side of the map.  I'll be paying people once it's done.  The more people, the quicker it goes to more better for me. :D Thanks guys!

If i see you doing more, Ill give you more than others, so it's 10k per person.  If you want to go cheaper, that's fine :)

Ban Appeals / [Zeradeth_] Hammysandwhich
« on: June 10, 2013, 06:30:28 am »
- Did you break any of the rules? Nope.
- Did you grief another players work? Nope.
- Did you swear excessively? Nope.
- Did you upset an operator/ moderator or cause general disrespect to other members/ players on the server? Nope.
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks? Nope.

I just have been recently informed by a good friend that I have been banned permanently from Opticraft.  I would like to know why, so I looked up why and I have a compromised account.  I haven't been online today, and I was only on for a little while, I have evidence of this, I have been on triggerhappy's server, building pretty much all of today.  I don't know what has happened.

I have now changed my password as of right now.  Sorry about this.


Suggestions / Hats Mod - Donation
« on: May 23, 2013, 11:22:22 am »
So I was watching this video the other day.  So I bought the hats donation pack thanks to this, but I was thinking could we change the old hats donation to this hats mod.  It would be rather cool, but I was thinking... Would you replace the old one or keep them both, if you do implement this.  Also, if you did buy the old one would you have to buy the new one or would it be replaced?

I was thinking, so let me know what you think :)

Thanks guys

Fixed link. -Mr

Projects and Creations / Ham Co.™
« on: May 20, 2013, 11:20:30 am »
Ham Co.

I, hammysandwhich, present you with Ham Co.  We have gotten rid of the old board of directors and are going to put in a new one, since the old one was a bit slack (no offence :p).  Here at Ham Co. we have one aim, to destroy and pollute all of the lands!

I am the head owner/Chairman and need a board of directors, as of this moment I am looking for no players to finish and complete this board.  The application shall be in the spoiler below:

(click to show/hide)

So the current positions available are:
- Owner/Chairman/CEO: Hammysandwhich
- Vice Chairman: Crippnfeet
- Director: Crippnfoot
- Market Manager/Financial Adviser: FNVcourierjon
- Treasurer: Ivy2112
- Technical Engineer: Zwaan111
- Secretary: LIEKABOWSE
- Planner: Nhataley and 360OLLIE
- Largest Donator/Share Holder: XztriggerhappyxZ (he's donated about two stacks of iron blocks).

What is Ham Co.? Ham Co. is a multi-millionaire company which aims to destroy the earth of all it's natural resources.  After I searched the lands, far and wide, I finally found a lovely pristine place to pollute and destroy in the new guest world.

So now we have our main factory 40% done.  We have some secret machinery underground in the employee only area.  We are now starting the office building.  The first wall has been done, but we are now waiting on shipments from our Headquarters (HQ).

This is viewable from /home hammysandwhich  or the live map link:  http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-1424/64/3061/-2/0/0

The main factory is still under way, pretty much almost done, about 90% of the frame work.  Just the underground testing facility needs to be completed and finished.

Thanks to the newest in technology which totally isn't stolen from the government... I don't know where'd you get that from, but we've got new technology.  With this new technology, we are now able to make the newest and bestest solar panels which are selling for $400.00!  You might be thinking, "but hammy, I thought you tried to destroy the world" but that's we're you're wrong, with more money, more deaths, explosions and destruction of the world can continue!

Ham Co. has now introduced a new item to the store, horses, mules and donkeys! Yes you heard it, thanks to the new 1.6.1 update.  The prices are below:

Horses (regular: white, spotted,brown,black): - 6.5k per.  But wait, we've got a special for you, 11k for two or 15k for three!
Donkeys: - 8k per.  But what's this you say, another special?! 15k for two or 20k for three!
Mules: - 9k per.  What the fridge hammy another special!? 16k for two or 21k for three!

Major specials here, we're also building a horse racing training centre, underground.  So I need some help, message me online.

Also, special thanks to CrippnTech Industries for having a partnership with us, being our electrician and IvyIndustries for giving us/allowing us to use the newest and most technologically advanced machinery, from the top of the line market!

We are also gladly accepting donations :)


Chairman Hammysandwhich.

Trade Central / Buying a list of items! :D
« on: May 11, 2013, 11:14:38 pm »
Hey guys! Hammy here, as of right now I am buying LOADS and LOADS of:

• Clay items: Clay brick blocks, clay blocks, clay bricks and clay balls.  Need tonnes, literally...
• Oak wood:  Blocks and half slabs.  also need lots of Trapdoors!!!
• Iron items:  Iron blocks, iron ingots, iron ore and iron fences (bars)
• Glowstone
• Half slabs
• Coal: I need quite a bit.
• More clay items: Clay bricks, clay blocks, clay bricks and clay balls.
• Wool: Dark blue, cyan, orange and white.

Donations would be muchly appreciated, since I am running a bit low on cash.

Thanks guys, super hammy out.

Support / Can't connect?
« on: March 16, 2013, 08:12:07 am »
Alright guys, I'm having problems getting onto opticraft.  For some reason it keeps telling me:

Failed to connect to the server

Connection refused: connect

This is really annoying me, I have had problems all day and its annoying as!  I have re downloaded the minecraft.exe I deleted it and then re-installed it, I have completely gotten ridden of my .minecraft file in the %appdata% file.  Any help would be appreciated.

Also I have tried logging onto opticraft with multiple laptops.

Projects and Creations / The Kingdom of Camoria!
« on: February 25, 2013, 06:30:09 am »
This topic is just to inform/aware you all about what I have been building.  Well as some of you may know, I have been working on a medieval village. Consisting of a couple houses, parts of a castle and a jail.  This is located in the member world, near the member spawn, or just my /home .  Some of the buildings I and some help from some lovely people have built are:
- A clock tower
- A barn/ my storage facility
- A few houses
- A cave
- A jail (which is inside a mountain)
- A windmil
- Some towers for the castle.
- A town hall
- Market Area
- Timber Mill
- Giant tree
- Mage tower
- The blacksmiths
- The mine
- Finally got my wall design done
- The harbour
- The farm

What I will be building next is:
- The houses on the harbour
- An apothecary
- A large battle ship (That's gonna take a while)
- A couple more large/medium trade boats.
- A large/tall tower on top of a hill, look out tower
- Finish off secret part (last)
- Build some more houses
- Build WAY MORE houses.

I will be building more as time comes along.  I would just like to give a large thanks to Johekl for helping me build a few houses, porkchops for giving my the designs to the castle and benjaminc117 for the help and advice!If you would like a house they will cost around 2k-6k.  Depending on how large you want the house.(Prices will change).

The plot applications are below, in the spoiler.
(click to show/hide)

There is also a government here.  You have to pay taxes unless you have a job, which in that case you don't have to pay any taxes.  If you don't want to have. Job and want to pay taxes, the cost will be $50 per player per week.

 You can view the live map link here: http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/741/64/-63/-2/2/0

The current citizens are:
(click to show/hide)

Also a big shout out to these people (in no particular order):
(click to show/hide)
Also some places that may be of interest:

/home hammysandwhich - You can view the town hall, clock tower, two houses and the market

/home hammysandwhich harbour - to view my mage tower, wharf/harbour and turn around for the giant tree!

/home hammysandwhich town - where I will be building more of the residents district, what I have so far is a black smiths, a house in construction (supposed to be like that) and a mine, which is still in the process of construction
Progress will resume on the castle, MUCHlater on.

/home hammysandwhich farm - Well, this is where I am building my farm, which is about 90% finished.

Also, feel free to walk around and adventure my /homes

If you are interested in joining the village, please read everything.  I will, be adding some more stuff later on, and updating it as I go along.  Thanks for your time to read this, if you have any suggestions or questions.  Either post them down below, or pm me over the forums.


Trade Central / [Auction] Desert Temple
« on: February 15, 2013, 08:32:51 am »
Item: A desert Temple.

Condition: Myself and Zeradeth_ fixed it, I also added an entrance to the temple.  I built an entrance to the temple.

Starting Price: The starting price is 20k or 20,000

Price Increase: The price increase is 1k or 1000.

End of Auction: I will end the auction when I see when the time is fit.

Extre Information: The Desert Temple is located in the Member World. Near the edge of the border.  There is a Lapis lazuli protection stone and two coal protection stones, which will be included in the price.  There is also a spider spawner right beside the temple.  The spawn is protected by a coal protection stone. The hole temple is protected by the lapis lazuli protection stone, whilst the last coal protection stone is on the entrance which I built.

The current highest bid: Is 30k.

Rejected / Moderator Re-Application - <hammysandwhich>
« on: January 30, 2013, 06:41:58 am »
Hello and thank you for looking over this moderator application. :)

Age: I am currently 14, but will be turning 15 in a couple months time.

Location:  I live in Mareeba which is a small town. Which is in Queensland, which is in Australia.

Timezone: Well, the timezone I am in is AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time), which is gmt +11.

Join date: Well my join date is somewhere around May.

Were you recommended by anyone: Yes, I was recommended by joshskiizz and xDeeKay. Feel free to add your name here if you would like too.

Why should you become a moderator?: Well I think I should become a moderator since, I was previously a moderator on this server, and am an operator on another server. So I have had past experiences with this position although since I have found this server, its the only server I play, I haven't played any since the other week.  I try to play Opticraft as much as I can, the only time I'm not on this server is when I am studying for a test or doing one of my many assignments.  Because of this, my parents think I have problems, but it doesn't bother me.

Also if you are interested in visiting my first application, here is the link:

Thank you for taking your time to read this, Hammysandwhich!

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