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Topics - ▲▼Dunderheid▼▲

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / [Italian_Crafter] Dunder's Appeal
« on: February 20, 2014, 12:07:05 am »
Hello once again folks. It's been over six months since I was banned permanently for griefing 'N8MATTHEWS' enderman farm, and really want to get back into playing Minecraft again.

This all started when I was told by an ex-staff member (igrantyy_x, who was permanently banned at the time) that I could use his enderman farm at one of his /homes. I took it over and after a few weeks I started renting it out.
Soon after that I received a message from Zeradeth, stating that Mr N8 had returned to Opticraft only to find that his end farm had been griefed. Zera asked me to move out of the farm, and I did. I removed only what I thought was worth keeping as Zera said he would just rollback the place.
Jump forward about two weeks, I got an visit from Italian, saying that N8's farm was still owned by me and used by me. It turns out that someone who rented the farm from me before had been caught there and said I was the owner. As I was explaining this to Italian, Virgin Media decided to f*** up the internet for the whole area in which I live. I phoned Virgin a couple time and finally got told that the internet connection would be up for 16 hours.
The next day, I found out I was banned but I was too busy to do anything about it. After that I sorta forgot about Minecraft, and got into playing other sandbox games.
Seven months later, I rediscovered Minecraft and realised I don't have anywhere left to play SMP. Which brings me to this ban appeal.

Edit: Ban History Here

Sorry for the wall of text, but I wanted to tell the whole story.
I hope I can finally return to this majestic Minecraft community and stay for a long time.
Thanks for reading, Dunder.

Offtopic / The good old days
« on: January 06, 2013, 03:29:26 am »
Simply write down anything that has been on opti! It could be an event, place or a player! I will start off:

• chest and seek!
• scottishchamp …

Ban Appeals / [CONSOLE] Dunderheid's explanation
« on: October 25, 2012, 07:02:36 pm »
Howdy all, just to let you know this is not a ban appeal, but an explanation.

I got home from school at 5:30 pm (GMT), had some food then went on my computer. But when tried to login to opticraft, it said I was banned. Then my brother ran into my room and told me that he went on Opticraft and destroyed a house and got banned!!! I was so angry, I VERY NEARLY THREW HIM OUT THE WINDOW!!!  >:( (lol xD)
It turned out that my family's computer crashed and my brother thought it would be fun to go on my computer, which I left on during school. Well, that's what I get for staying logged in! I have now unticked the 'Remember Me' box and changed my password. I am very sorry for any inconvenience caused and it won't happen again!  :'(

My ban lookup.

Proof that I have changed my password.

Trade Central / Sold :)
« on: October 12, 2012, 09:55:02 pm »
Sold!  :D

Offtopic / Want to help your Opti-friends for free?
« on: August 16, 2012, 05:09:22 pm »
This is a forum where you can post your own free donation links for the rest of the opticraft community to open freely. This could be an adfly link, a referral link or something like that.Just post a comment!  Here's a link to get you started: CLICK HERE!

Link removed due to possible fraud. -5OO

Support / Rollback On Our House!
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:58:43 pm »
Yesterday, me and scottishchamp bought a house of lothar519. Today when we came on the server It was GREIFED!!! We looked around and got some mods but they couldn't help ! :( We found a new enchanting table that was placed by lothar519 (who we bought the house off). We think lothar got a mod to rollback the house because we found half a bed, two chests that we had to get removed before and all the stairs faced north!? We also found that our pstone isn't working! It might of been because it was shift-placed or because there was a rollback. We hope someone could shed some on this, and that an op+ could remove the grief!

Thank you,

From Dunder And Scottish!  

Ban Appeals / Dunderheid's Ban Appeal
« on: March 17, 2012, 07:51:44 pm »
Hi, Dunderheid here, just to appeal my BAN. I was playing with my friends on the server when I went to the toilet (real life). When I got back I played for 5 mins then was kicked for an inappropriate skin? I found out that it was my brother so I toll him "Go To Hell!". Then I had my tea and went back on my computer, changed my skin, then went on the server for 5 mins before I was BANNED for an inappropriate skin! ??? I then found out that it was my brother again! He had edited my skin to make it even more rude! So that was how I got banned on Opticraft!

Your's Sincerely
Dunderheid. ;D

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