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Topics - Booorad

Pages: [1] 2 3
Ban Appeals / Booorad Non ban appeal quattro92
« on: March 15, 2015, 10:45:58 pm »
I am not appealing this ban, because i am guilty as charged. although i have waited out the ban sentence, and i have found that my IP has been banned. the 10 day ban is up, and i have no idea why im still banned, help? ._.

Projects and Creations / Scandinavian City of waves and water
« on: February 19, 2015, 02:59:04 am »
So, as most of you know.. I haven't played on this server for the better part of a year. As school has slowed down.. i've decided to get back in (slowly) you will see more of me online, and for thous of you who don't know me, I have a reputation of being helpful but also a slight bit mischievous. Here is a little project i was working on, over the time i was gone. It was built in purely survival single player, on hard difficulty.

Build (Process)

Finnished (so far)



General Discussion / explanation.
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:44:37 pm »
so, i have been told recently that people think i have left Minecraft because i didn't get moderator, and i am a quiter for giving up on the server. well, i am wrighting this post to explain why i must leave:

I am leaving minecraft, because until currently i worked at apiary (bee keeping) but, after just one summer of work my boss wants me to take on some of the company's responsibility as a partial owner. although i am only 16, i could not pass up on this opportunity, and i am currently running 40% of the operation. if you don't think i have what it takes for a staff position, i realy couldn't care less, i take minecraft as a game, as you should also. i believe opti is far to dramatic. the second reason for me leaving is school. i have every intention to go into a field of architecture or civil engineering, and the course-load is rather unforgiving. i may have given up on minecraft, but its just a game, and it can be addicting, and i dont want my future to suffer from it. i may come back on after the school year is over, but this will depend on how much time i have on my hands over summer. if people think you have responsibility on opti, i think you might like to have a taste of the real world. thanks for everything, keep crafting. -Booorad

Offtopic / quitting minecraft
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:59:54 am »
Well, this is it. Goodbye, because of school upcoming and my job taking up my time I habe decided it is best to leave opti and minecraft in general, I won't pop in, but I would like to thank you all for an amazing experience. Signing off,

Rejected / Booorads mod app
« on: August 21, 2013, 12:07:58 am »
Title: Booorad

Moderator Application - Booorad

Age: 16

Location: Canada MB.

Timezone: gmt -6

Join Date: Forum: Feb 14th, 2012.

recommendations: Codepmman, Felix_De_Kat

Why you should become a moderator?

well, i have given all the reason i could in the past... i would love to say something epic like "i want to be a single cog in the opticraft machine" but honestly, im just going to say this: Ive played alot, im dedicated, and get along well with the community. i know what im doing, give me a shot and i wont let you down. thanks for reading. -Boo

Suggestions / New End.
« on: July 09, 2013, 09:54:47 pm »
New End Solutions

Now i know there have been alot of suggestions on what to do with the new end, and i believe i have a solution to all the problems  presented. firstly, people believe that this end should be reserved for end dragon hunting only, i believe this is slightly greedy and anybody should be able to build and create in the end. Also, there is the other side, people wanting to protect the whole end just to stop people from building, and leaving it clean of players buildings. i believe what should happen, is the end should be a place to build, and also to kill, i believe that protection stones should be completely disabled in the end, leaving players able to collect the dragon egg, and also build. this will prevent people from being greedy, and trying to claim the end for them selves, and also keep the hunters happy. there are 2 parts to this, it will make everybody happy, but would also require more work, involving signs telling people that grief is not acceptable even though ps stones are disabled, and possibly even a new rules room. i believe that this would allow people to more easily grief, but with caution, and diligence from the staff, it would be possible to stop these people before problems arise. another issue is death holes, i believe that if a player digs the last row of blocks, and makes a possible hazard to other players, it should be their responsibility to fill the hole back in. end stone mining should be frowned upon, but not illegal.

- Tell me what you think, and be sure to vote
- Booorad

Support / 1.6.2 update
« on: July 08, 2013, 12:41:57 pm »
not sure what the now formalities with updates are, servers seem to be out dated and i didn't realize that i had hit "update" or anything like that. any news when opti will update, or any clever ways to get around 1.6.2?

Offtopic / Happy Birthday!
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:27:03 pm »
I'd like to wish one of our moderators Crippnfoot a very happy 20th birthday today!   ;D ;D ;D

Hope you have a fantastic day!

Rejected / Booorad's moderator application
« on: June 20, 2013, 10:30:32 pm »
Title: Booorad

Moderator Application - Booorad

Age: 16

Location: Canada MB.

Timezone: gmt -6

Join Date: Forum: Feb 14th, 2012.

recommendations: a1374thspartan, crippnfeet, crippnfoot, codepmman, __pORKCHOPS, TroddenOstrich, Daniblue182.

links to past moderator applications:

http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,13907.0.html]http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,13907.0.html] http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,13907.0.html

Why you should become a moderator?
      firstly, i have been playing Opticraft, without a single substantial break since i joined. I love this server, and I honestly don't think i could ever find another server to replace Opti. I would like to thank everybody that has helped me along the way, your the best guys :).
     secondly, I am a mature, yet fun loving individual, and i don't think anybody would object to me being a moderator. I have played long enough to know, and understand the rules well, and i have even found my self taking on extra responsibility, to help staff members (crippnfeet ;)) i enjoy this server far to much to leave, and i will be moderating for years to come. even if i am not ingame, you can often find me socializing on mumble, or surfing the forums.
      lastly, I believe that the times i play, can be under moderated, at times from 11:00 on, i often play, and there are either very few, or no moderators on. although, i can direct players on what to do if they have troubles, i cannot help them replace blocks, and quite often it is hours before the next staff member comes on. i would like to be able to help these people, and i am always happy to lend a hand any time during the day (unless i am at work/school).
      As a side note, good luck to all you trustees applying for moderator ;) i wish you all the best.

thanks for taking the time to read my mod app, (keeping it good and short :))


Ban Appeals / LecheMan (hammysandwhich)
« on: May 16, 2013, 02:49:55 am »
 Booorad Is allowing me to use his account because of techincal difficulties on my account.
I bought the city from Awesomezachmania and I was fixing it up (this was about a year ago).And with all my other projects I got busy and stopped fixing up the city.I'm sorry for this incident and I'm sure it won't happen again.I be-
lieve I should be unbanned because I paid Awesomezachmania the money he wanted.


Rejected / Moderator Application Booorad's mod app
« on: April 02, 2013, 01:27:13 am »
well, it seems its that time again :P

Title: Booorad

Moderator Application - Booorad

Age: 15, turning 16 in June.

Location: Canada MB

Timezone: GMT -6

Join Date: April 19, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: Crippnfeet

Why you should become a moderator: Well, to start this application off, i would like to thank everybody that has, past present or future played Opticraft, you guys have helped me in far more ways then one, and it truly feels like a family.

I believe i should be a moderator, because I am respected by the community, i am dedicated to the server, and am ready for any challenges i may face. i have played on opti for nearly a year now, and i have enjoyed every minute of it. I believe that i am ready for the next step, to help moderate the server. I believe that any player you ask, would tell you, that I am never to busy to help, wether it be with redstone, building, or just needed somebody to talk to. I wish to see the server grow, and i want people to have the same experience i have had.

Side note: I have moderated on multiple other servers, and have prior experience with log block, and the precious stones plugins.

Thanks for considering my mod app, and best of luck to everybody applying!

Ban Appeals / Qtip99's ban apeal, (awesomealicia)
« on: March 27, 2013, 12:31:44 am »
this ban appeal is for Qtip99 who has forgotten his password, and cannot get on his forum page, he is typing the appeal its self, just letting you know.

i apologies for spamming, and i realize what i have done, but after being kicked, i came back, and posted the message again, and a few seconds later, i went to message a player, and hit the up arrow on accident, posting the message in global chat again, i apologies to the staff, and members who i annoyed, and i am truly sorry.

Offtopic / just letting everybody know.
« on: March 08, 2013, 06:44:11 pm »
I am playing hockey up north, if any of you have seen my try to come on, you will know the internet is very bad, if you would like to tell me something, or have any questions to ask me, you can ask me on this topic, i will try to come on time to time, but it is very bad internet. i will be away for 3-4 days, depending upon how we do. thanks for reading this, and see you all later.

Rejected / Booorad's Moderator Application
« on: January 30, 2013, 02:48:53 am »
Title: Booorad

Moderator Application - Booorad

Age: 15

Location: Canada

Timezone: central Canadian

Join Date: apx. Nov. 2011

Were you recommended by anyone?: No

Why you should become a moderator:
I truly believe that i have been on Opticraft long enough to understand all the rules and regulations, I have helped countless people. I am a dedicated player, I have been on Opticraft ever since I first got Minecraft, and I have never left nor been inactive. This is my favorite server, I will not misuse the privileges as moderator, and I do believe i will help in anyway I can. with more and more people leaving Opticraft, the server is in need of new ways to keep people active, and involved, i think the solution to this is, Opticraft's great community. Ever since I joined this community i have been welcomed as a friend, and that is what this server is all about. Opticraft makes you feel like part of a team, and like you are among friends, this is the feeling I aim to maintain. I have been the mayor of multiple citys, and have made many friends on this server, if I am selected for moderator, I will keep my city going, make time for tickets, and i will enjoy every second of it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my app, I know it is not the longest, but i do believe in short and sweet.
Good luck to all others applying for mod, I know there are plenty of others who deserve it as much, or more then me.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Silver City protection app
« on: January 24, 2013, 01:36:45 am »
City name: Silver City

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): Coords: X 916, Z 3004 guest world http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/1081/64/2983/-2/2/0

Contributors: Jaybrute, codepmman, winniethedoxie, crippnfoot, crippnfeet, megamoltar, and me.

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Jaybrute

Approximate dimensions: 700*700

Number of active residents: 8 (just the creators atm)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 18 at least, this includes the spawn, codepmman's underground district, and the ships in the port

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: plots are for sale, the population of the city should rise quickly, also we will continue to build

Why should we grant this city protection? this is a large city, with many valuable blocks (neer and around the spawn), and tons of lava, and fire (contained mostly within codepmman's district) this is an easily griefed area, i have had multiple accounts, when i have come to the city, to find a group of friends, tearing down the fountain (mostly lapis and Emerald blocks) i wish to make this a secure city for possible citizens, and also to keep the moderators less busy with grief. (PS. i was told to re-post this app, because of the amount of griefable blocks in our city, and was told that nick saw no reason for it to not be accepted.)

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