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Topics - SuperCreeper007

Pages: [1]
Support / Public Chests
« on: June 17, 2012, 06:49:31 pm »
Can you check if someone has taken something from a public chest?

I want to make a donation box and I don't know if making a chest public will be safe.


Projects and Creations / {NEEDS DONATIONS} Huge Automatic Farms!
« on: June 09, 2012, 01:39:23 pm »
Alright peoplez,

     I've been playing minecraft for about 5 months, and I've been playing on another server for about 3 months, and over that tiime I've gotten to be extremely good at redstone. I can build walls that slide in and break away to reveal secret passageways, floors that split apart with no sign of redstone anywhere, 9x9 secure combination locks that require a code pressed in sequence, and automatic farms of all type (yes, including tree!, though it's only semi-automatic). Anyway, the point is, that server I used to play on is undergoing an upgrade from 4.0 to 5.0, and until then I've been planning out new builds to put on it's 5.0, but I decided I wanted to share some of my creations with another server, and everyone seems interested in auto farms here, so looks like this is the one!
     I've been playing on this server for only a few days now, and my plan has been to (1) set up a little non-auto farm COMPLETED, (2) start a medium sized quarry and sell all the cobble/sand/gravel/iron I got to the market COMPLETED, (3) make it to 10,000 by quarrying 5,000/10,000 COMPLETED, (4) buy a lapis ore and set up a nice little shop in the sky NOT STARTED, (5) make enough profits from that, and further quarrying, to get to 50,000 NOT STARTED, (6) make enough profits to buy tons of pistons, redstone, etc for the farms NOT STARTED, and finally (7) use those and the diamond ore to create the farms.
     However, I've seen that there is a lot of interest in these farms, so I think this proccess can be cut short by quite a bit if people just donate the diamond ore/$$/redstone, etc. Obviously, all donations will go to the farms, not to my shop, because that would be unfair. I will also return any unneccessary donations. Look below to see what you can donate, and what rewards you will get:

Diamond Ore

If 1 diamond ore is donated, I will create a large auto-farm of each type.
If 2 diamond ores are donated, I will create a huge auto-farm of each type.
If 3 diamond ores are donated, I will create auto-farms of unbelievable proportions.

Whoever donates a diamond ore will not only recieve full access to the farms when they are completed, but if I am to leave the server (which I most likely will in a few months, maybe less), they will recieve full ownership of the farm. If more than one person donates an ore, they will recieve their respective sections.

Pistons (Regular)

If 5 stacks of pistons are donated, I can create a large auto-farm of each type.
If 10 stacks of pistons are donated, I can create a huge auto-farm of each type.
If 13 stacks stacks of pistons are donated, I can create auto-farms of unbelievable proportions.

Whoever donates more than a 1/4 stack of pistons (16+) will recieve many stacks of goods from the farm when it's finished.
Whoever donates more than a 1/2 stack of pistons (32+) will recieve full membership of the farm and can use it freely once finished.


If 10 stacks of redstone are donated, I can create a large auto-farm of each type.
If 15 stacks of redstone are donated, I can create a huge auto-farm of each type.
If 20 stacks of redstone are donated, I can create auto-farms of unbelievable proportions.

Whoever donates more than 1 stack (64+) of redstone will recieve full membership of the farm and can use it freely once finished.

Redstone Repeaters

If 10 stacks of redstone repeaters are donated, I can create a large auto-farm of each type.
If 15 stacks of redstone repeaters are donated, I can create a huge auto-farm of each type.
If 20 stacks of redstone repeaters are donated, I can create auto-farms of unbelievable proportions.

Whoever donates more than 1 stack (64+) of redstone repeaters will recieve full membership of the farm and can use it freely once finished.

How to Donate:

To donate, you must post here saying what you will donate. All donations made in-game and not on here will not be counted.

All donations will be made theoretically. When I see enough donations have been made to create a certain size of farms, I will collect them and begin construction. This is to prevent getting many donations, realizing I don't have enough, and trying to get them back to everyone.

As you can see, I need a specific amount of everything to create a certain size (Large, Huge, Unbelievable) of farms.So, if I recieve enough of diamond ore, redstone, and pistons to make a 'Huge' size, but not enough redstone, I will have to stick with the 'large' style, even though I almost recieved enough.

Trade Central / {FOR SALE} 11x11x11 Multi-Level Farm
« on: June 06, 2012, 08:04:35 pm »
Please post offers below. This is not an auction. All MONEY offers are acceptable. The only non-monetary offers I will accept will be either in diamonds or in protection stones.

If you would like to make an offer, please post in the following format:

PSTONE: Yes/No (yes = I want the coal ore protection stone included in my purchase, no = I do not want it)
If two people offer the same monetary offer and one says 'yes while the other says 'no', I will choose the 'no' person.

OFFER: Offer goes here, either in money, diamonds, or protection stones, or a combination (ex. $1,000 + one tiny stone plus 8 diamonds)

If there are no offers high enough for me to sell, I will be withdrawing this building from the market.

Now on to the building:

The building is built around an 11x11x11 field, and includes 4 plots of wheat farms, 2 plots of melons, 2 plots of pumpkins, a full plot of trees (NOT PROTECTED BY FIELD), 2 plots of cactus, and 2 plots of sugarcane, and a glass surrounding (NOT PROTECTED BY FIELD). Each 'plot' being 1/4 of the 11x11 level, and a 'full plot' being the whole 11x11 level.


Screens below:



A startup kit with seeds to plant, etc. WILL be provided with purchase.

Support / Question about protection
« on: June 05, 2012, 07:59:13 pm »
This is my first post on this forum, and I am new to this server. I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong section, or if the question has already been asked and answered, etc. If I am doing something wrong, please just say so in the thread.

     Alright, I've been making a farm around an 11x11 protection stone (you can see it at /home SuperCreeper007), and I've been trying to get my door to be able to be opened by me and someone else, but only us two. I have no trouble doing this with the protection stone (as in giving the rights to the 11x11x11 area to someone else), but I can't seem to do this by /lwc.
    First of all, I don't understand what half the commands mean :/.
    Second, when I do /lwc [command], it tells me what command I'm doing, but it's referring to chests when it does that, not doors. Does that mean anything? For example (I'm using a bogus command here): it'll say /lwc giveuserrights [username] gives specified user access to the chest., even though I'm trying to get it to work on a door.

Help anyone?
Thanks for reading :).

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