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Topics - Coolcrab88

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Happy birthday w0n3!
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:54:28 pm »
Decided to add to this trend, happy birthday our beloved wone! Although it was yesterday in his timezone. :P

Rejected / Moderator Application - Coolcrab88
« on: June 20, 2013, 02:55:14 pm »
First and foremost I'd like to say that I would be surprised if I got Moderator. However, I felt I might as well have another try, who knows; I might get lucky. I also apologise for my bans and if they stop me from getting Moderator I also fully understand that. With that set aside, please read my Application and consider me as a possible new member to the Staff community.

 11, from 11th of December.
 North East England.
 GMT +0
Join Date
 May 2012, exact date unknown.
Were you recommended by anyone?
 Not so far. Edit if necessary.
Why you should become a moderator
 I feel I should become a Moderator because I will obviously try to help players, those who grief and spam shall be brought
 down by the mighty Ban Hammer! Above all I will not abuse my powers, but use them for helping players. Although I do not
 have much experience with Log Block, I'd be sure that other staff members would only be too happy to help me. If you're
 looking at my age and thinking "is he going to be a worthy staff member?" then remember this: "Age is no guarantee of
" - Lawana Blackwell. There are still advantages to my young age aswell: I will have more free time and so can be
 online when other staff are not, which happens quite often. If you are still not convinced, then I'll tell you that I wish to
 prove myself to you all. Although my bans could be a drawback, I'd be pleased to set it behind myself and start fresh again.
 That is all I am asking for. Show your support if you'd like me to be a future Moderator. :)

Projects and Creations / [DONATIONS!] My Modern House for the Server
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:16:18 pm »
Modern House!

Well as the title says I've decided to make a cool house for the server! :D It's going to need a lot of donations, so this is where you can help! Whether it be money or blocks, I appreciate anything given to make this wonderful house. :)

This building has already been made by me before hand on a Single Player creative world, so I'm copying a block-to-block replica. Here's the link to the original topic I made of it (minecraft forum): http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1720112-my-modern-house-1/

(click to show/hide)

Things I need:

White Wool (Lots!)
Black Wool (Lots!)
Glowstone (Lots!)
Stone Slabs (Lots!)
Glass (Lots!)
Purple Wool
Oak Wood Slabs
Spruce Wood Planks
Oak Leaves

I hope you can help contribute to my first project. :)

Rejected / Coolcrab88 Mod App
« on: January 30, 2013, 09:00:19 pm »
IGN: Coolcrab88
Age: 11
Location: Great Britain, England
Timezone: GMT +0
Join Date: Early May 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Nope, not yet
Why you should become moderator:
Firstly, I'm going to be more active. I would help players with rule breakers, or even help with placing blocks. I would have something to do, because I'm not gonna lie: I'm getting bored. I have 2 bans (it say three but one doesn't count), and I have learnt from my mistakes and I would like to prove myself. I can help the newbies, by helping them to get out of spawn, recommending to sign up for the money and protection, and I would like to make the best server better if possible.

Thanks for Reading,

Offtopic / Lolwut?
« on: October 15, 2012, 08:08:06 pm »
Yes, this is sort of Offtopic/ Support, but I figured I'd post it on Offtopic. When I decided I was bored of "Tiny" render distance I decided to switch to "Normal". But since then I've been having a lot of strange tunnels I can see which I'm presuming is like "X-Ray". O.O

(click to show/hide)

This is sort of annoying so can you tell me how I could stop this if possible? (Btw I don't X-Ray.) ???
(I also have more screenshots if necessary.)

Rejected / [Coolcrab88 - Moderator Application]
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:42:22 pm »
Age:10 years (11th Dec)
Timezone:GMT +1
Join Date:Sometime around May...
Were you recommended by anyone?:Not yet...
Why you should become a moderator:I know I got rejected once (twice if you count whilst Mods were closed),
 but I just feel like I'd be a good moderator. I still don't have any buckets, so I had wanted to help but, obviously,
 I couldn't. I know I have not been very mature or helpful these past few days, but I'm going to try and improve that.
 Also, I haven't been very active I know...:-\

 Furthermore, I think I'd be a good mod because I'd try to help more, whether it being telling people to keep in order
 of the channels, or helping out new guests, and I definitely won't abuse the powers I'm given, (/fly, /god, etc.).
 I think I am ok when I try to be, and will help out players, getting rid of griefers and spammers, enforcing the rules
 even more than before. I am reliable and helpful, and also will get to help others first, and understand listening
 to "Lava! Water! Portal! Fire!", even if it isn't in /helpop, I will still come to the rescue. :3

 I can be mature, spell things right, and will post correct things on everything, and yes I realise I will need to, of course,
 moderate the forums. I can guess how much harder it'll be than just being...me, but I'm prepared to take it on.
 Things will change. I will stop being silly, and seeking attention. I will enjoy my job, and be a good mod, but also I'll
 still be having fun...(Adventures with mrpooey! :D)...and I'll try to be the best mod EVER!

 Activity. I can be very active when I want. But lately I have felt Minecraft is losing it's touch, nothing to do, etc.
 I, like I've said previously, can be on 5-6 hours each day (weekends), and 3-4 (weekdays) at least. If I became a Mod, I would
 always have something to do, I'm sure. I'll never get bored whilst helping all those tickets. :P

 So that is why I want to be Moderator. I'm sure I could help quite a lot. ;)

 Thanks for reading my Mod app,

(click to show/hide)

Introductions / Haaai! :D
« on: September 14, 2012, 05:30:43 pm »
Hi. I'm Coolcrab88! :D
I am Recruit on Classic, and Trusted on SMP.

Also I am 10 years old, am a boy, and live in England!

I know some of you, but some of you not. Also I kept thinking I'm not making an intro. But oh well. :D

Also I'm a cool crab.

I am also sometimes on mumble if you want to chat to me under "Coolcrab".

Rejected / Moderator Application - Coolcrab88
« on: August 22, 2012, 02:13:54 pm »
Age: 10 years old
Location: Great Britain (England)
Timezone: GMT +0
Join Date: About 4/5 months
Were you recommended by anyone?: troddenostrich (If anyone else recommends me edit this bit)
Why you should become a moderator: Yes, I understand I've been an idiot and have not a great ban history. But, I'd be glad to
  put all that behind me by coming into Moderator, and being more responsible. I am eager to become Moderator, to help
  others, and ban/kick spammers or griefers, or others disregarding the rules. Speaking of rules, I will try to enforce rules as  
  much as I can. I try feebly as a Trusted, but I think I will get more respect and attention being Moderator, with a shiny new
  title, and shiny new colour. I can make it online quite often, normally 3-4 hours (weekdays), and 5-6 hours (weekends). I
  know I have been quite inactive recently, but I have been busy, and will come more on. I know I am quite young, well, for
  some of you at least, but I have made a desicion and hope it's a good one. That is why I want to become a Moderator :D

If I don't get accepted (which is between Admins), thanks for reading this Application anyway :)

 Kind Regards,

Offtopic / Holiday!
« on: August 11, 2012, 09:57:14 am »
Hello, I was just gonna say that tomorrow I am going on holiday (To Majorca/Mallorca near Spain). I will be gone for 10/11 days, packing and other stuff, so expect a bit of inactivity from me :)

Just wanted to say...

Rejected / [BUILDER APP #1] - Coolcrab88 :)
« on: July 28, 2012, 07:49:52 pm »
Title: [BUILDER APP #1] Coolcrab88 :)

Ingame name: Coolcrab88
Join date: About 1/2 months (for classic, I found SMP first)
Briefly describe all your creations: I made a small(ish) castle, a village called Crabville with quite a few things, and some 3D mobs, Enderman and Creeper :D
What worlds are the creations on: They are ALL at /j Recruit, at the far right back corner
Links to screenshots of the creation: I didn't put links, I will just put screenies :P

Ship on da pond :D
I am not the best at mobs, FAT creeper and small enderman :3

Probably one of my best ;)

These were made by gavin1928374655, many thanks. I will add them anyway, but don't count them in your head :P

This was my Coolcrab88 sign, 2 crabs, and 86 other dots. Formally known as "The 88 Crabs." ;D

This was just made in spare time, but I would like to add it overall.

3 buildings, which were my houses, made in Crabville.


This is the left of a big wooden sign spelling out "Crabville <3" (but with a real heart).

And obviously this is the other half :P

Names of players who helped contribute:Me and gavin1928374655
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Guest/Recruit
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): No, I don't think so...
Do you agree with our terms(http://www.opticraft.net/index.php?topic=3.0) ?: Of course I do ;D

Thanks for reading my builder application!
 - Coolcrab88 :)

(EDIT: Oh dear, something went wrong there... they are very small :-X If you want to see them better, until I solve the problem you will have to go to /j recruit and see 'em for yourself...  :-[)

Rejected / Early Moderator Application - Coolcrab88 :)
« on: July 23, 2012, 05:37:40 pm »
Moderator Application - Coolcrab88 :D

Age: 10
Location: North East of England
Timezone: GMT
Join Date: Unknown ???
Were you recommended by anyone?: No. (If you are staff and recommend me, add your name here)
Why you should become a moderator: I have been staff on 2 other servers, 1 in-dev, I understand LogBlock,
and how to get the water/lava blocks. I understand how to rollback grief, and I will moderate chat, for
people shouting "Water! Grief! Lava! Fire! Portal!". Also, I will try to get to HelpOps first (;D), and
as Trusted, I didn't have much chance of getting to place water. I hoped to be able to help even more,
by becoming Moderator rank. Even though 10 might sound a BIT too young, for some of you, age does not
dampen your spirit, nor maturity. I will concede to the rules even more, and if people get things wrong,
I will tell them right. (E.g. [G] Coolcrab88: Selling/Trading/Buying), I will put them right ([G] Coolcrab88:
Use /ch t for trading.) Sorry if that sounded dodgy :D I believe that daily, not many staff are online,
and I can make it online LOTS of time a day, weekdays about 3-4 hours, weekends 5-6... I know this is
a VERY early step, but I feel like I am ready. I will take it seriously and I will enforce the rules even
more. If I become mod, I will try to add to already what is the best server in the world ;D I know it's
early, I mean VERY EARLY indeed for a Trusted, but I find a decision, and I hope it will be for the best.
I was thinking about applying after 3/4 weeks, but heck, I'm desperate to join the team :D
Many a time I have seen griefs around my mansion, but small griefs. It really annoys me, but not
that bad. I can soon put that right, if I have the POWER of mods. Bring it on! :D

If I don't become Moderator, and get rejected, at least thank you for reading this Moderator App. This may sound poor, and yes, it's very early, but please, I like to try XD

Kind regards,
    Coolcrab88 :)

Trade Central / Random Stuff - Auction :)
« on: July 08, 2012, 08:02:05 pm »
Ok then. I need money, and as not many (not at all) are interested with my Mansion, I decided to sell some other cool stuff :)

Diamond Pickaxe (Unused/Unbreaking II/Shiny ;D)

4 Slime Balls (Totally random, but attractive I'd think ;))

2 Diamonds (Not very interesting, but still selling :P)

You can bid for each one individually, I don't mind.

Starting Bid:

4 Slime Balls ($5,000)

2 Diamonds ($250)

Diamond Pickaxe ($3,000)

The bidding will end at 25th July (as of my mansion), and the player who bids most can get it, and we'll meet up in-game to trade. I have permission to close the Auction Post if I am not happy with the bid.


- Coolcrab88

Hello, Coolcrab88 here. I am selling my mansion, the brick one some of you may know. Whoever does not know, these screenshots may help you to recognize. This mansion can be located at /home Coolcrab88, ingame Opticraft.

Front Doorway, where you spawn at the /home.

Relaxation Room located in the Furnace Room.

Wheat Farm at the back of the Mansion main ground floor.

Hot Tub, Water 2 blocks deep, glass underneath, and then 1 block deep lava, be careful of that! :)

Furnace Room where the Relaxation Room can be located to the right at the front, next to the door.

All-around view from the staircase at the back of the mansion, looking towards the front.

This is where the balcony is, looking towards the front, at the front of the mansion, leaning forwards above the doors.

This is the bedroom, obviously, to the right of the door which leads into the Balcony, where the two Nether Portals are.

This is where the attic is, on the left of where the Balcony is, above the staircase. This view points towards the back of the mansion.

This is looking towards the front of the mansion, where a small glass room is so you can enjoy the landscape (not very interesting, I must say :P).

This mansion includes Spleef arena, Mine, Wheat Farm, Balcony, Nether Portal (2), and a Relaxation room, and another few more rooms. I am selling this, and the bidding will start. Starting Bid will be $30k, because I am greedy, I mean, because I need money, I mean because it is good, and big, and there is a lot of room. Bidding will end at the 25th July, British Time!
EDIT: Please bid $1000 more than the last one, so we don't get something like $40000.01.  ;)

- Coolcrab88  ;D

Ban Appeals / Coolcrab88's Ban Appeal :'(
« on: June 27, 2012, 08:58:31 pm »
Ok, so this is the true story: I went <AFK> for a few minutes (to answer a phone call), and when I came back I was banned; my bro had griefed to get me banned. Please unban me... :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Ban Appeals / Goodbye World
« on: June 05, 2012, 09:40:10 am »
Goodbye World.

I HAVEN'T USED A MODIFICATION, but as you insist, permanently ban me. Give all my stuff to 10916, my only true friend.
I am sad, because my dreams of becoming Trusted, even maybe Moderator Ranks, are now crushed. I'll miss you all, because I have lots of friends on Opticraft but ViperZeroOne in particular wants me to be perm-banned. Goodbye, but I don't want anything more to do with you all...


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