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Messages - Twackimus

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Griefing Question
« on: March 04, 2012, 03:08:21 am »
I also live in Skyrim, and I got on today to see that someone had destroyed part of the walkway by my house and had planted several trees outside of my protected area. It wasn't a hassle at all to fix, but I'd say that qualifies as griefing as well.

Offtopic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: February 27, 2012, 11:02:38 pm »
The Black Keys!
Listening to some of their older albums right now:


General Discussion / Re: Diamond Pricing
« on: February 27, 2012, 10:57:03 pm »
I say we make it fair and its the same price for everyone

Thanks for everyone's input. I didn't expect this many replies!

I just wanted to remind everyone that this list is not server-wide.
These prices were set by me alone, and I didn't intend for anyone to interpret
that everyone had to sell diamonds by these prices.

I may decide to shift the prices soon, and I see the logic in reversing the
ranked prices (members/guests paying the least), but I'm keeping it like this
for now. As far as I know, the prices I am offering are some of the cheapest on
the server. I simply can't afford to sell everyone diamonds for $100.

Again, thanks for everyone's input!

General Discussion / Diamond Pricing
« on: February 26, 2012, 10:38:01 pm »
Hello everyone!

I'm fairly new to the server but have had some success at finding diamonds.
I've set up a pricing system for the diamonds I am selling based on the rank of the buyer.

Moderators - $100 a diamond

Trusted Members - $150 a diamond

Members & Guests - $200 a diamond

I hope to do business with you!

Pages: [1]