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Topics - High Roller

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Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Valhalla City Protection Application
« on: November 27, 2012, 04:01:25 am »
City name: Valhalla

See Official City Page

City location: X:2500 Z:3200
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MileHighRoller(Trusted) - President
Nhataley(Trusted) - Vice President
Morgosin(Moderator) - Vice President

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): MileHighRoller

Approximate dimensions:543x472 see screenshots at bottom

Number of active residents: 14

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 19

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Very Far Along Still Adding Some Structures

Why should we grant this city protection?
       Because Hours of Hard Work Have been put into it and alot of progress has been made. It is in a beautiful area and I would like to preserve the many buildings that have been constructed. Another reason is the time that staff have had to spend repairing grief in the city and with city protection that could be totally avoided. It has contributed to the community in bringing many players to build in the same region and will continue doing so. But I think it is unfair to the staff for them to have to keep spending their time repairing what could just be totally protected. Thank you.


Pictues/Live Map Region:
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-If Nyssa Reads This: I know you said add more and I added about 3 more structures but the grief attacks were becoming so frequent and I had people on my land so I had to put this in and I promise I will finish my palace making a huge centerpiece

Trade Central / [Shop] Stacks Of Slimeballs For Sale
« on: November 07, 2012, 05:31:48 pm »
I Am Selling Stacks of Slimeballs:
-I have One Chest In Stock
-Each Stack Costs $5,500
-Put your ingame name and the number of stacks you would like to purchase below.

Suggestions / Votekicking
« on: November 07, 2012, 03:37:37 am »
I think it would be a good decision to have votekicking on the server. However:

1. Votekicking would only become enabled once there are no staff members online.

2. Only Trusteds could start the votekicking.

It would be a great way to do give warning kicks to people that think they are being sneaky by breaking the rules. Also a record of these kicks would show on a players history to aid staff members in decisions for things like banning.

Tell me what you guys think,
High Roller

Trade Central / ONE Chest of Slimeballs Up For Auction!
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:01:10 am »
One Chest Of Slimeballs!

Today I will be selling One Chest of Slimeballs! It took me a while to get these slimeballs so I hope it brings in lots.
Subject: One (1) Chest of Slimeballs

Item: One (1) Chest of Slimeballs
Enchantment(s): N/A
Condition: N/A
Level Enchanted On: N/A
Starting Price: $100,000
Price Increase: $500
Buyout Price: None
End Of Auction: After 5 Days have past from the last bidder.

I Reserve Right to: end this auction at any time

You May NOT Withdraw your bid once it has been placed.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Milehighroller Ban Appeal
« on: October 20, 2012, 07:06:10 pm »
Why I was banned: I believe for trying to go in someone's house

Listen i understand why I was banned, because i was trying to get in a house to look for incriminating evidence on someone that was griefing me.
And i know i was told by 2crzy to leave. I was just really frustrated and mad that their buildings weren't removed and they were perma-banned. I should have listened. But i really hope i can get unbanned and keep my trusted rank.


Suggestions / The Auctioning of Banned Player's Items
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:41:53 pm »
Hey Guys,

With all the people on opticraft who have banned their stuff is destroyed or just sits there. I think it would be a great idea if their items were to be sold as the chests. With players not knowing if they were getting dirt or diamonds it would be an awesome thing. Please tell me what you think.

High Roller

Trade Central / MileHighRoller's Shop
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:08:36 am »
Hey Guys,

As 1.4 is soon to release many new features are being added, as that is happening it will cost alot of money to explore those new features like buying wither skull heads or nether stars. With that said I am selling alot of items very cheap.

Put your item, how much you want, and I will try to meet you in-game.



Price Per Each:$125
In-Stock: 5 Stacks


Price Per Each:$1,000
In-Stock: 1 stack


Price Per Each (stack):$35
In-Stock: 25 Double Chests


Price Per Each (stack):$35
In-Stock: 33.5 Double Chests

Blaze Rods

Price Per Each :$5 | Or Per A Stack: $160
In-Stock: 1 Double Chests

Sugar Cane

Price Per Each (Stack) :$20
In-Stock: 3 Double Chests


Price Per Each (stack): $150
In-Stock: 1 Double Chests

Trade Central / Buying Redstone Lamps
« on: October 09, 2012, 03:46:22 am »
I'm Buying All Redstone Lamps for $599/stack

Support / Death Trap Death
« on: October 09, 2012, 03:24:17 am »
Today I was going to go enchant something, I had a friend named asoprych who had an enchanting table at his home of which he said I could use anytime. After sitting at a spawner for an hour i went to his enchantment table with 62 levels which I built up (yes i realize it's smarter to do it by level 30 as levels aren't linear). When I went there I immediattly went into lava and lost everything in my inventory. And since i had just finished building a walkway I had all my building materials  in my inventory. Mr_Mr_Mr witnessed me dying and saw the grief trap. He said talk to an op about getting my stuff back. Since there were no ops on I decided to post here.

I died on 10/08/12, at 8:45 Mountain Standard if that would help.

In my inventory I had:
-9 stacks of stone
-4.5 stacks of leaves
-2.25 stacks of fences
-2 stacks of half slabs
-60 redstone lamps
-60 levers
-62 levels
-one silk touch I, effiency III, Unbreaking III diamond pick
-3 stacks of grass
-28 diamonds
-10 sticks
-.5 stack of watermelon.

I really need that stuff back as I am building a town.

Note: I apologize deeply to the players of opticraft when I died, I went into full rage mode, only my foot was harmed when I kicked a bike tire.




MileHighRoller(Trusted) - President

Nhataley(Trusted) - Vice President

Morgosin(Moderator) - Vice President


Where Are We And How Much Does It Cost?
-We Are In The Member World At The worlds Border, it is in a mountain biome with much potential. Plots will be built upon request. Pictures Below.

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Plot Pricing

11 x 11

Cost: FREE!
Availability: Many
Ocean View: Yes
Cheap Ps-Stones Available: Limited


21 x 21

Cost: FREE!
Availability: Limited
Ocean View: Few
Cheap Ps-Stones Available: 1


Taken From Stugart's Laws (I hope you don't mind.)

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Special Occurences/Misc.
-Free Plots May Be Availible If I believe your builds are above average and would look great in the city.

-Your Builds should not go 35 blocks or higher, however you may go as deep as you wish.

-There are no taxes for this city however donations are always allowed.

-Chances are you will get accepted the sooner you apply.


Resident Application
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Project Application
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Trade Central / Silk Touch I, Effiency IV, Unbreaking III diamond pick.
« on: September 30, 2012, 06:18:21 pm »
Hi guys,

Starts at $10,000
Min. Incriment: $500

Buyout: $20,000

Good Luck

Suggestions / Enderdragon
« on: September 09, 2012, 06:46:45 pm »
The enderdragon is awesome, but I personally havent seen it spawned in months. I believe that it should be spawned on a weekly schedule by an operator in a designated area. That would give everyone a fair chance to get it and it would give players a fair chance of getting the egg.

-High Roller

Suggestions / New forms of auctions
« on: September 08, 2012, 05:20:17 am »
On some other servers I have seen some cool plugins that allow users to put things up for auctions all through the server.

1. Was the online mailbox, the plugin would let a user make an auction on the forum and the winner of the auction would go to the spawn of the server to make his payments and get his items through a a thing called auction mailbox, this would make auctions so much easier.

2. The other plugin I saw was a plugin that enabled the user to hold a live auction and have peoe bid through commands as well as payment and recieving the item.

I think 1 or 2 of these plugins would be awesome and should be put in opticraft

General Discussion / On The 12W36A Snapshot
« on: September 07, 2012, 01:32:31 am »
Hello Opticrafters,

I have a question to ask. When 1.4 is released (Around Halloween) and the server is upgraded will opticraft let the wither be spawned? Because after doing research the only way to obtain a beacon block is through a nether star and the only way to get a nether star is by killing the wither and the only way to get a wither is by spawning it with wither skull heads. So knowing this will the wither be able to be spawned even though it can go on a destructive killing spree?

General Discussion / Massive SugarCane Farm And Village MemberShips
« on: August 23, 2012, 07:49:30 pm »
Hi All!

Today I Am Selling Memberships to My Massive Sugar Cane Farm And Village. Below You Will Find More Info.

Cost: $75,000 Per MemberShip (Full Access)
Requirements: Must Be Trusted or Higher.
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