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Topics - Paul

Pages: [1] 2
Rejected / [Operator Applcation] _Deimos_
« on: March 27, 2011, 09:09:19 am »


Location: Australia

Timezone:GMT+11 (i think)

Join date:Within one week of Opticraft starting.

Forum Join date: November 12, 2010, 12:43:04 pm

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: Right now there are a lack of Operators. Operators are need more than ever, with the steady increase of players, we are at an all-time-high for assistance.

Why you should become an operator: I should become an Operator for numerous reasons, though first of all, i know i have flaws, just like everybody else.
- I Am usually nice
I am Nice to almost everybody on the server, save for a few people, though i am always friendly towards new people trying to start in our server.

In Touch with Rules
I am completely sure of both the server and forum rules, and not only do i obey them, but i always enforce them

I Am mature for my age

Though seeminly unmature at times, i assure you people of opticraft that i am almost always serious, and ready to do almost anything for this server.

I've been one before

As some of you know, i have already been al Operator for a long while before my demote. Therefore, i am already in sync with the commands, and in what occasions to use them.

I am Prepared

Having plenty of Free time on my hands, i am usually ready for duty on the server

Extra information:Very bored these days, definitley need something to do. This could help fill a certain timespace.

Helpful articles / Dejong's and Muffin's Guide to Joining The IRC!
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:06:06 am »
This is our Guide to joining the IRC!

Step 1: go to this following website:

Step 2: follow the Picture guide as it goes along.

Hit the Following Button on

Type in your name here

Note- it is advised that you use your regular MineCraft name, or something similar.

Step 3, Actually Connecting:

type in the channel name, which is ALWAYS #opticraft

and hit "connect"

After hitting "Connect" you will be greeted by this window

the big blue box is where peoples chat goes, including your own. the top right is people connected.

Step 4, Using IRC:
your typing comes up here

Hitting "enter" will input your message.

(as far as i know) this link puts you to the OptiCraft Server. Correct me if i am wrong.

Step 5, Using Commands.

NOTE: the Squiggly in Blue means that that person is the IRC owner
If you click somebodies name, that tab will come up. the 3 things that occur are:

1: Whois, tells you what other Channels they are connected to, and also their internet connection status
2: Query, enables you to use Private Messaging
3: Slap, basically spam. try not to actually use it.

~more to be added~

/request sticky

Introductions / Seriously Considering Leaving the Forum
« on: March 02, 2011, 08:39:08 am »
do not attempt to start a flame-war with me. i just fell that the majority or posts here (including my own) lack ay actual sense of intelligencs. absolutey ridiculous ones like

Quote from: ???
+ 1

Quote from: ???

furthermore, i almost despise the person who posted the above messages because they are being hypocritical.

AND it breaks a rule.

for an example, the average size of a post from another forum i go on is like this, talking about WWII:

Quote from: Dick_Winters
Actually I followed your link, and then went from there to the wiki pages on the ammunition in question.
and here:

The Military issue .45 ACP is a 230 grain Full Metal Jacket round, with a muzzle velocity of 835 FpS, and delivering 356 ft.lbs of kinetic energy

The military issue .445 Webley ammo was manufactured by several companies each of whom had their own standards and QC issues.

The most powerful was a  265 grain full Metal Jacket round, with a muzzle velocity of 757 FpS delivering 337 ft.lbs of kinetic Energy.

 So not that much of a difference in stopping power, but with the .45 ACP having a slight advantage.

 Add in the fact that the Revolver, being a revolver has a lower ammo capacity and a much longer reload cycle and the Webley looks to be a downgrade in weaponry.

 My Uncle Dave used to do competitive pistol shooting. There were lots of .45s, and almost no .455 Webleys at the pro and Semi-pro level. Which is not surprising since it was manufactured from 1887 till 1923 [/i]  and went out of service issue in 1963.

 Where as lots of guns firing the .45 ACP are still under manufacture.

that is the AVERAGE Post size, so as of now, i have made my mind to leave the forum.

Offtopic / PANICS
« on: February 28, 2011, 05:56:15 am »
i just found this series. if youve played F.E.A.R, youll love these comedies.


contains some swearing.

still, extremely funny
EDIT: cant do individual links. below te video there is a tab called "Trends". next to that there is "PANICS" just click that tab.

Offtopic / Game Topic.
« on: February 21, 2011, 05:48:01 am »
i honestly have nowhere else to post this so i'll just say it.

if you find a game on the internet or such, then post it here.

Sierra 7

probably one of my favourite at the moment.

also this.


Offtopic / Zombies
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:51:43 am »
you fall into a hole thanks to A.C.E for the pic
and see this.

~refer to title~

what would your actions be?

Discussion forum / Discussion- Can Blind People Dream?
« on: February 05, 2011, 09:36:28 am »

EDIT: dont give some stupid 2 word answer.

take into consideration that they are blind, so it might affect their sleeping patterns.


Offtopic / Post What The Avatar Above You Is Thinking
« on: February 04, 2011, 08:34:35 am »
refer to title.

no rude or flamebaiting replies please.

Offtopic / Game Thingy
« on: February 02, 2011, 09:07:04 am »

this is a situation.

its a nice, warm day.
so warm, in fact, that you need some refreshment.
so you, being the cheap person that you are, seek out the nearest Vending Machine, and put in $1.
nothing happens.
you kick the machine.
still nothing.

post your reaction to this situation below this. be as creative (or llama-ry) as you like.
creativeness is good!

Offtopic / Corrupt-A-Wish
« on: February 01, 2011, 08:17:15 pm »
more or less, somebody wishes for something, then the next poster "corrupts" it and wishes for something else.

(the person that posts after this only posts a wish, not a corrupted one)
anyways, have fun.

Rejected / Proper Operator Application >BakedMuffin<
« on: January 08, 2011, 02:15:28 am »
Name:my name would, of course be BakedMuffin, now _Deimos_


Location: NSW, AU

Timezone: GMT + 11

Join date: Dunno, but i was registered 3-4 days after this server was created, Opticalza can vouch for that

Forum Join date: November 12, 2010, 12:43:04 pm

Current rank:Builder

Reason for application:my Reason to become an Operator is because, as of now, there is only one Operator in the Australian Timezone, who, of course, is my sister. Noticing this, you should know that whenever i am on, she can not be, and thus no Operators would be present. also, as few Operators are present at some times, newbies who have just joined are not guided by anyone, nad this will most like end up with them spamming, swearing and/or griefing.

Why you should become an operator: as i was an Operator some time ago, i already have experience with the type of work an Operator needs to complete. just consider me a person working at a place for 5 years, quitting, and coming back next week. i also notice that there, as mentioned above, a lack of Operators in separate Time zones. Also, some Operators have left. Feanor is gone and Spartan might be leaving soon.

Extra information:oh, yeah, im also extremely active on the server. I have also noticed that a number of Operators ignore Guests at certain times. i will give them my full undivided attention to help them with anything they need help with.

Offtopic / QWOP
« on: December 31, 2010, 10:01:05 am »
play this game.


this is by far the hardest game i have ever played.

i swear to god, anybody here that can post a screenshot of them beating it will become a legend.

Offtopic / Takin' a break
« on: December 21, 2010, 09:18:51 am »
from the 22nd of December i will be gone south to Melbourne.

i will be celebrating my Christmas there on the 24th (as of my part-German family) then flying back on the 25th to celebrate regular Christmas.

i will be gone until most likely the 26th or 27th.

just saying bye!

Accepted / Bot Application: BakedMuffin
« on: December 08, 2010, 10:15:27 am »
Bot Approval
Username: MuffinGrr
Bots Username: BakedMuffin
Bot users. i have removed some of the people but the list is stated here
Reason for Bot: as almost all of my creations are big or require lots of work (see my Reich Tank, me and Dark's mansion etc) it generally takes a short amount of time to make an enormous wall that would take a regular player 20 or minutes to create. there is also a matter of Spleef. Spleef, as you may know, is a game that requires destroying the floors of the arena. utilizing the Bot, one can quickly repair the damage done to launch the next game almost immediately.

Extra Information: BakedMuffin is a Builder, and the syntax(called that?)is a full stop. that syntax is completely unique to other bots' so does not cause 2 or more bots saying "im sorry, but you cant use this bot"

Offtopic / Favourite Movie Collection
« on: December 07, 2010, 08:35:42 am »
for those of you who have found an absolutely awesome movie online, post it here!

EDIT: needless to say, because of some young people on the server, you should not post any with axtreme Violence, Swearing or Nudity

if the Video is one of the above, please advertise it above the link.

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