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Topics - iGenerator

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Offtopic / 2013 Optiwards Results!
« on: January 11, 2014, 10:39:23 am »
Welcome everyone to the 2013 OptiWards Results!

Thank you all for voting in the 2013 Optiwards! Here are the results:

Member of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Staff Member of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Moderator of the Year:


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Operator of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

New Member of the Year:

(click to show/hide)

Return of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Best Build of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Best Skin of the Year:

(click to show/hide)

Most Improved Member of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Shocking Ban of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Best Username of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Topic of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

City of the Year:


(click to show/hide)

Also a special thanks to Tobs for designing the Optiwards Trophy Cup.

Offtopic / 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 03, 2014, 10:48:00 pm »
Welcome everyone to the 2013 OptiWards!

This is where we appreciate the members of this great Minecraft community. This is where we recognize the Opticraft communities best members. BUT first, we need YOUR help. Over the next few days, we'd like YOUR input on who you think fits these categories below until Friday, January 10th.  With all that said, the floor is yours ladies, and gentleman, begin voting... NOW!

Member of the Year:
Staff Member of the Year:
Moderator of the Year:
Operator of the Year:
New Member of the Year:
Return of the Year:
Best Build of the Year:
Best Skin of the Year:
Most Improved Member of the Year:
Shocking Ban of the Year:
Best Username of the Year:
Topic of the Year:
City of the Year:

Helpful articles / How To Make a Spoiler
« on: August 10, 2013, 05:41:59 am »
In this little Helpful Article I am going to explain how you have the ability to place text, images or any other helpful tidbits inside of a Spoiler tag.

First you go to Reply as shown here:
(click to show/hide)
You will then be prompted with this screen:
(click to show/hide)
Now to actually use it, there are two ways of doing this.

The First Way is Shown Here:
(click to show/hide)

The Second Way is Shown Here:
(click to show/hide)

Enjoy using Spoiler tags! :)

Trade Central / [Selling] Large Amount of Obsidian
« on: August 03, 2013, 04:03:57 am »
Item: 33 Stacks of Obsidian
Enchantment(s): Well, its 33 Stacks of Obsidian
Condition: Obsidian-like
Level Enchanted On: "N/A"
Starting Price: 1k/Stack
Price Increase: $500
Buyout Price: $180,000
End Of Auction: <August 10th>


Accepted - Mod Applications / Moderator Application - <iGenerator>
« on: April 01, 2013, 09:31:57 pm »
Age: 15
Location: Iowa
Timezone: CST
Join Date:[Forum] 1/4/12 [Classic] 1/3/12 [SMP] 2/27/12
Were you recommended by anyone?: Chipaton & hammysandwhich
Why you should become a moderator: I am more than familiar with the social workings of the server as I have been here for 16 months.  I have been granted with my current rank by an administrator and am more than grateful of it, but I have found it somewhat redundant of the day to day events that I encounter as a non staff member.  For this reason I am putting in my application for moderator.  With my long time of being on the server I have gained a vast array of skills and knowledge about it and its players, this information will become useful while selecting the ample staff member. Along with knowing the average day in the life of an Opticrafter I am more than active in game. Since I am so active I am online when little if any other staff members are online. I also rarely go more than a day without logging on so inactivity will not become a problem.

Support / Strange Glitch
« on: March 17, 2013, 03:31:52 am »
So when I log in I can type perfectly fine, but if I type /list then the chat will freeze and anything I type after that wont go through and then will eventually time out. The next time I log in I am falling in a void at about a block per second. On the third log in I am back to where I started at the first log in but cant type after doing the /list command. Anyone know the cause of this?

Offtopic / Pi Day!
« on: March 14, 2013, 07:46:34 pm »
Happy pi day everyone, today March 14th is pie day. Eat pie, recite your favorite numbers from its endless slue, enjoy 3.14. Also don't forget, in two years it will be super pi day (3.14.15)

Suggestions / Opticraft T-Shirts
« on: February 01, 2013, 01:34:24 am »
Why don't we have T-Shirts for the server? I was just on mumble talking to people about the idea of having Opticraft T-Shirts, the over all idea was that it would be sweet. We could maybe even have like a customization option so you could put your name on the back or something. Most plain t-shirts cost like a dollar and you can mark them up to like $20 dollars, I would love to buy one and know others would as well.

Suggestions / New Subforum Idea
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:08:33 pm »
So I have noticed the General Discussion forums on both Classic and SMP with the occasional Offtopic forums have been cluttered by leaving/returning notices. I don't see a particular problem with them but I think if there was a possible renaming of the "Introductions" to Member Announcements or something of that likeness.

A possible description could be like "If you are a new user introduce yourself here. Also you can post here if you have something relevant about you to share with the community." It seems like a better place than having these types of posts which aren't really a discussion more of an announcement.

Trade Central / All Items Sold Please Lock
« on: January 20, 2013, 04:11:27 am »
NPC Village with Five Villagers:

What Villagers do you have?
*Two Priests
*Two Butchers
*One Farmer

How Many Buildings are there?
Eight total

Are there any farms?
Yes, two in total

Is there a way to keep the villagers safe?
Of course there is, there are glass walls protecting them from outside threats and if those fail there is on iron golem inside the walls to keep them safe.

Starting Price:

Buyout Price: $40,000


Five Stacks of Obsidian

Starting Price: $4,000 for 5 Stacks

One Stack of Obsidian

Starting Price:
$1,200 for 1 stack


Bottle o' Enchanting:

Ten Bottles of Enchanting

Starting Price:

One Bottle of Enchanting

Starting Price:


Minimum Increase bid is $100 for all

Offtopic / One year ago...
« on: January 03, 2013, 10:10:15 pm »
On this day in history, yours truly joined the opticraft community as a guest. Come onto classic ( to hang out and talk about the old days

Support / Livemap Issue
« on: December 25, 2012, 11:14:46 pm »
To be fair I am using my phone to view the livemap when having this problem.  When I go to view the livemap of Stuttgart which is in the first guest world it is all black. Is this happening to anyone else attempting to view links to the original guest world or is it just me?

Offtopic / Oh hey
« on: December 18, 2012, 05:21:18 am »
So to basically anyone who plays opticraft knows I am ingame a lot. But recently, as in the last week or so I have not logged in because of my computer comitting suicide.  I deeply miss you all and am having to realise how long I had gone without opticraft. Which if anyone wonders is eleven months, this is the longest I have ever been away. But hopefully Wednesday afternoon I will be taking a trip to Best Buy to purchase a new laptop. Cant wait to be back

Offtopic / WWE '13
« on: October 30, 2012, 03:17:45 am »
So I am super physicked for this, JH knows the feeling : D
But yeah just putting it out there...

This is basically me saying "Im not gonna be on for a few days" so yeah.

Offtopic / 999 ways to use initials game
« on: October 10, 2012, 03:55:16 am »
 Some guest said "afk 2-3 min.mab" which caused DJ and I to attempt to figure out what that might stand for.
we had a good time guessing so now its your turn!
What do you think mab might stand for?

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