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Topics - khoiboy51

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« on: May 08, 2015, 05:52:06 am »
As a few of you may know, Pim is one of the most respectfully hilarious human beings on opticraft. She's funny awesome and always laughs...(seriously she always does :)). Today is her birthday so I thought I might make a forum post for this awesome person. HAPPY BIRFDAY PIM!!!!!!!!


:D :D

Suggestions / More Mods
« on: March 07, 2015, 09:38:27 pm »
Well I go on smp often and a couple of days ago I think I was talking with tom and pimkey and matt about how there wasn't enough mods on. Most often when mods are on they seem either afk or their chat is turned off because they do not make any noise...perhaps a selection of mods should be taken by not only their 'helpfulness' but also to where they live and how often they play because, I myself as a proud liver of the land of vegemite thinks that while the american peoples play their are american mods while the canadian people play their we have canadian mods? And while the aussies play their are rarely any mods. Except for trap hes on sometimes on at a time that coincides with the aussies. Thank you. :)

User Events / Opticraft Food Fest
« on: December 10, 2014, 06:03:44 am »
Hey it's Khoi!

Well, I'm making a Christmas Food Fest which is basically a dome with dispensers filled with food and when you walk on the they dispense food! I haven't made a date but it should be some time around Christmas. Yes, there will be a prize fo the best looking skin, ie. a cake, a carrot, a potato....:

1st, 7k
2nd, 5.5k
3rd, 3k

I wil post agan when the date gets closer but message my ingame name khoiboy51 and I might need donations for food so msg me if you can


Rejected / Moderator Application- khoiboy51
« on: November 18, 2014, 11:20:42 am »

Age: 14

Location: I am a proud Aussie! btw i hate prawns and cricket

Join date: I believe it was around last year

Were you recommended by anyone? ,B1ueJ0ker
I can't really well I suppose I do the odd job helping a mod out but I'm more one for helping people and not I suppose doing much except talk to people online and have a good joke so even if some recommend I am not really around when the server is busy with people so I can't really say for that question

Why should you become mod? I guess I just have experience in taking charge and helping people out. And i suppose now that I am reaching near my school year I'll a whole lot more time to play Opticraft. Now, please don't judge me by my list of bans I know that at the start of opti I didn't quite catch the hang of minecraft as opti was the first server I played kindly recommened by none other than the trusted pimkey5 but I do like helping people when I don't have much else to do so I suppose that's it


Support / Trusted issue??
« on: November 02, 2014, 12:24:05 am »
Well you see I haven't played opticraft since August apart from hopping onto minechat every few days but i havent physically played minecraft for awhile. A month ago on minechat I was talking to somebody that i cant remember when i realize my name was orange. I was pretty darn excited and just before i hoped onto mc realizing that my name was still displayed as top voter for goodness knows how long. I am unsure whether now I am top voter (haven't voted in ages besides today to access my house) and minechat STILL says im trusted and mineCRAFT says I'm top voter??

Suggestions / Time Zone tab
« on: May 02, 2014, 09:53:39 am »
I was thinkin because recently it was the first and i wanted to know when everyone else had the may the first at the same time so i could 
(click to show/hide)
I don't know if this will be necessary but maybe I was hoping we could implement a tab next to home, forum, search profile etc. and add an opticraft time zone. For example when cora does an event she puts the time zones in. Wouldn't it be easier to just have like a clock indicatin 'opicraft time' and underneath just little grid boxes of all the other necessary time xones like gmt so we dont have to do the conversions and stuff. P.S if you dont like my idea don't say mean things

Offtopic / What do you like the most about opticraft?
« on: April 11, 2014, 11:48:29 am »
As the title says, write what you like about Opticaft the most! People, amazing builds, helpful staff, anti-grief, the pure smp-ness of our server.

I like how everyone is from around the globe but despite that fact evryone still unites likes one giant opticraft family. I like how the staff are always willing to help with anything you need. But most of all i like our lack of disrespectiveness towards each other in chat etc.


Introductions / Hi it's me KHOIBOY51
« on: April 10, 2014, 09:13:25 am »
Hi everyone,
I am khoiboy51. I am a young teenager and please ignore the name as i am a girl. I love minecraft, my best friend and I love cookies. Pimkey5 recommended this server to me and I don't regret it. When i first came on I was yes i was a noob. But know i have developed a small circle of friends. Opticraft is by far one of the best servers i know. Although i used to grief i now respect all builds by each and every player. I watch youtube 24/7 and recommend stampylongnose one of my youtub heroes. I don't play minecraft that avidly anymore but still plunder the forums. My name khoiboy51 was invente by one of my relatives whom quit minecraft so i now use their account. Hope yall are having fun and remember

If you wrong shed the light cause you know you're right!



Support / I'm having voting problems
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:26:44 am »
I voted about five minutes ago abd went back to vote for the three other websites and it said that i hadnt voted for thr one I had previously voted for which I think is a bit fishy

Suggestions / Silent Chat
« on: March 20, 2014, 07:06:52 am »

I was wondering if their was a command that we could use to toggle the chat on and off but still allows you to have commands? If not I was wondering if this could be added because sometimes opti is so fun but gets abit rowdy so I turn my chat off then realise i need to go back home so I need to turn chat on and off. I know you are meant to be active on this server but I love doing commands. You know when opticraft has like thirty people on an everyone is goin on about how the moths are eating there underwear and it isnt considered spamming but it is tarting to get annoying is when I like my chat silent

Trade Central / Accepting Donations
« on: March 16, 2014, 12:20:36 am »
Hi Opti Members,
I am going to make an amusement park but will need all the average stuff.
-Tons of wool
-Dirty Dirt
-Stone Bricks
Please reply to this thread soon

Thank You

Support / I don't know how to get optifine
« on: March 09, 2014, 02:02:52 am »
Can someone help me through the steps for this mod called optifine (that is allowed on opti right?) I have no idea how. If you can help me successfully get optifine I will build a statue or whatever for you anywhere you want for free.

Suggestions / Skyblock
« on: February 23, 2014, 12:03:31 am »
I was wondering if we could make one of the new memberworlds into a skyblock. It wouldn't cost much and it will be more to advertise for opticraft. This is just a suggestion and I think that maybe all those people who are getting bored of minecraft may think this is a cool idea. I know some servers have the skyblock on seperate like worlds but we could just do a few little islands then have a challenge board. If you finish your challenge you get a mod to justify it then you can continue.

Suggestions / Community Service
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:14:34 am »
I have started to notice that opti is getting fairly boring. I think we should have a warp where you can do jobs like say someone needs a job for you to do instead of them asking you to  do it you could go to a warp where there can be a list of availible jobs. Now think of like a long board with lots of signs. You could ask an op or mod to approve of a job that needs constant doing everyday eg. Harvesting, Flattening out worlds, Collecting objects, and then you could get a certain amount of money. People also may use this as an advantage so maybe limit to a five-eight jobs a day?

Suggestions / Suggestion /warp fleamarket
« on: February 05, 2014, 08:03:08 am »
I think that in the market you should be able to sell more things. Maybe a whole seperate shop for selling things like /warp fleamarket and people could pay rent and be able to set up stalls of their own eg. khoiboy's cheap junk store buy more or be a bore. It could come with like plots but really tiny 3x3 squares, maybe if you have an approved stall you could have half a stack of signs that you right-click and it instantly buys.

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