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Topics - Hasan (Tabooti)

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Offtopic / Black march! (Protesting internet censorship!)
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:58:35 am »

Support / City of stettin bombarded to hell
« on: February 20, 2012, 10:13:49 am »
City of stettin got griefed beyond imagination, Who would put so much work to destroying it, I don't know
But it's getting bloody annoying.

Type /home zezenov please.

General Discussion / Happy Valentine's day everyone!
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:53:59 am »
Happy Valentine's day everyone! may this day be as special to all of you as it has been to me, for the past 17 years ;)

General Discussion / RE: Ban Guide
« on: February 10, 2012, 12:54:13 am »
Quote from: Relkeb on July 23, 2011, 06:14:04 pm
Post ban appeals by creating a "new topic" in the ban appeals board.
Please note that simply stating you were banned will not get you unbanned. You must include information as to what you did that might have gotten you banned.

Ask yourself these questions:
- Did you break any of the rules?
- Did you grief another players work?
- Did you swear excessively?
- Did you piss off an operator?
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks?

Any of the above things mentioned are valid reasons for you to be banned.

If you were banned, do NOT evade the ban by making another account!

- Did you piss off an operator?

Pissing off an operator should not be a reason why someone may be banned, That makes bans become a personal thing, as opposed to a tool used to protect honest, and rule-abiding members...

I plead for a removal of that "Reason" to ban someone immediately.

Introductions / Salutations
« on: February 02, 2012, 02:13:45 am »
Hello, My name is Hasan. Many of you may know me as "Tabooti"

I've been around the server forabout 2 weeks Edit: It's been a bit over 5 months now i think, and I must say I'm here to stay.

I was born in Beirut, Lebanon in February 14th, 1995. So I'll be turning 17 quite soon Edit: I'm 17 now. I've Lived the first 3 years of my life in Lebanon , the next 11 years were in the UAE (Aka Dubai) And then my family and I moved to Canada.
I come from a family of Lawyers, My Great grandfather was a judge, My grandfather was a politician, And my uncle a Lawyer too. The other side of the family which I'm not too proud about, are just some poor town-folk, that are still living in the dark ages, They are from my father's side, But my father worked his way up to the top.

I intend on studying international law, and grab a doctorate (PhD) In Political science, and then joining the Lebanese Armed Forces (With a commission if all went well).

I'm a perfectionist, So I do well in school as long as i care, sadly enough though. I have developed a severe case of what I think is S.A.D; Social Anxiety Disorder, which has lead me to prefer total isolation and to a certain extent, stopped me from leaving my home. Including going to school. (This conflicts with my goals).

Minecraft is a casual game that I play, out of all the others that I do.
My main game would be Mount & Blade Warband: Edit: Napoleonic wars MM3 Battalions mod. (So basically we do line battles)
Second to that, would be Company of Heroes or some other mod for warband.

As some may have already noticed, I am utterly ruthless when it comes to grammar. I have 0 tolerance to people who say "Me and my mom" as opposed to "My mom and I" or, "A elephant" As opposed to "AN elephant", or even lack of punctuation. Small mistakes like those make me go mad. (You can just imagine what the bigger mistakes may make me feel)

I am a huge ww2 buff, (Mainly axis) I also like the Roman Empire, and I'm getting quite interested in the Napoleonic era. It seems that the only thing that I can't stand is the Asian, African & Native American histories.

Music...Hmm, I love anything cultured. Anything that has a national element to it, let's say traditional music of whatever culture. Some I would like more than others, but that's just personal preference.
I have about 7000 songs in my iTunes. Most of them are German march songs. Ranging from late medieval times, up to the end of ww2 (It's mainly all from world war two) and It's amazing stuff! Aside from that I have a few red army choir songs, Italian & french marching songs (Although the french ones are mainly Napoleonic songs which are absolutely amazing as well!)

I'm an admirer of Mozart's genius as well, His well written opera's The stories, the acting, and of course, the amazing music in it, brings a stunning love, and admiration to culture, and the genius that is produced out of some people.

Now, as far as minecraft goes, I am a nice person IF you are on my right side. If i catch you using incorrect grammar, I will probably not like you at all, Regardless I will not treat you differently than anyone else. BUT If you get on my bad side, Expect utter ruthlessness, I will show no emotion to anyone who unfairly insults me, or become excessively annoying (Such as repeatedly calling my name 60 times in a row).

Attached are a collection of pictures of me.
(click to show/hide)

See you around.
Hail Caesar!

Suggestions / Extra rules?
« on: February 02, 2012, 01:57:30 am »
I noticed that there isn't a list of forum rules...
Personally I love the forums, I could spend maybe an hour just working on the forums :)

So Here are a few rules I have from my Regiment's (Clan's) website.
I hope this could be added to the list of server rules ;)

Forum rules (Of course you can switch things around)

Level 1 = Warning
Level 2 = Temporary ban
Level 3 = Permanent ban

Level 1:

1. Do not triple-post (double-posts aren't recommended either).
2. If you purposely post in the incorrect section of the forum, you will be given a warning.
3. Debates/discussions are not to get out of hand or derailed. If there is a massive amount of threatening/offending someone based on their views, action will be taken by the admins/moderators.
4. Do not use an offensive avatar.
5. No Racism
6. NO use of vulgar language.
6. False reports will result in a warning.
7. Slander will not be tolerated.
8. Don't post anything in capital letters alone.

Level 2:

1. Once three warnings are issued, You will be Temporarily banned
2. Do not advertise anything stupid and irrelevant to the forum.
An example would be advertising Viagra.
3. Do not post any type of pornography (Including links, and erotic stories)
4. There is to be absolutely no trolling or disruptive behavior (Even outside the forums, including ingame)
5. There is to be no religious or political action of the support/convert method.
An example would be attempting to convert people to Christianity.
6. If you believe that you have a severe mental disability/implication that can affect your communication negatively with other members, then do not join us.
7. Abuse of authority will not be tolerated by the Officers.
8. Do not offend other members of the community by implying they have a disability, illness or such. (General - Cat. #2 as variations in what is posted)

Level 3:

1. No posting of ANY child pornography. You will be permanently banned, and possibly reported to your local authorities
2. Eight warnings in one month results in a permanent ban.
3. Please do not exploit a loophole for any of these rules, as you will be permanently banned.


Age: 17
Location: Canada, Toronto
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
Join Date: January 17, 2012, 12:03:36 am (Joined the server about a day prior to registration)
Were you recommended by anyone?: No.
When, and how long can you be online? My schedule is very hectic. I can get on almost everyday for a few hours, what time really depends on my sleeping schedule.
(Mostly at night)

Why you should become a moderator:
I hope you don't mind the following text wall, But it's my reason:

1. The city that I help to run (Stettin) Gets griefed every 2 hours, (Especially with the massive surge of new players) and the scale of the damage takes up a lot of the moderator's time, and half of it doesn't get fixed, The city is too massive to have it completely protected by protection stones (The money could be spent for better use, or for really important structures as opposed to covering the entire city)
Other than that I'd be more than glad to spend my time repairing damage & dealing with nuances to the server with extreme prejudice.   

My personal promise: Within my term as a moderator, I pledge to clean up the entire area in north town which has been completely devastated by griefers. I will clean up the ditches, the 1 block towers, and the floating trees.

Resume: I have been playing Minecraft for about 6 months now, for about 4 months I've been playing on a server called Wrath Minecraft (A small pvp server)
Where I've been an admin for 3 months on it. I've always been referred to as fair because of the way i dealt with feuds between players, It has always been professional and unbiased (Fashioned after WoW Moderation; Professional & has near perfect grammar & spelling)

I don't get on mumble that often, but I will hang around there (preferably in a separate channel) since I do talk with other people of Teamspeak3 & Xfire.
I am unfamiliar with the anti-grief plugins, although I've observed it, further information may be needed.
This is probably the best server I've been on. I hope that i can help keep it that way.

Here is my gaming profile, as you can see I've been on minecraft for over 16 hours in the past week.

My motive:
My last goal that i can remember, would be the fact that I would like to help out the existing moderators by taking off the pressure that they get from relentless calls of "Help me!", "No, Help ME!"   I have nothing better to do all day, may as well moderate ;)

Please don't hesitate to type in /Home zezenov.
Most of the buildings there were built by Zezenov, although I have participated in the small details... Oh, and i built that massive wall.

Points made, in case you didn't bother reading the text wall;

1. I Have always been helping people.
2. Mature & Patient.
3. Fluent English speaker, and can use correct grammar & spelling.
4. Has previous experience as a moderator and Administrator (Equal to an operator)
5. Friendly and outgoing
6. Can be online everyday for at least an hour.
7. Extremely prejudice toward those who break the rules.

Thanks for reading.
I could answer any further questions.

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