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Messages - Dalei

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 35
Forum Games / Re: 1001 MORE Things to do When You're Bored
« on: July 19, 2016, 01:17:10 am »
798: Think about girls

Forum Games / Re: You know what really grinds my gears?
« on: July 14, 2016, 11:03:00 pm »
When you have sore legs the day before a big race...
R.I.P My legs

Forum Games / Re: The Prediction Game!
« on: July 14, 2016, 11:00:54 pm »
Nah. ;)

I predict the next person hates green apple soda but drinks it anyway

Offtopic / Re: Sup, been a while
« on: April 10, 2016, 06:38:25 pm »
Oh and my new obsession is sharks, they're wonderful.
What happened to salsa?!

Hey salsa! A lot has changed, mostly the server as a whole becoming less active, but thats the way it goes. Instead of Classic, we have a Creative Freebuild server, (if you remember, there was a lot of debate about that) and very recently the staff members are in the process of making an RPG-type server. We have a ton of new players, many whom have climbed the ranks faster than I have ever imagined. And we now have Discord to replace IRC and Mumble. have a look. opticraft.net/discord

Nice to see you drop by, come say hello to me on discord, my username is Dalei ;)

Forum Games / Re: The Prediction Game!
« on: April 10, 2016, 06:30:34 pm »
Why wouldn't I?!

I predict the next person will be the first to say Hi to Salsa
(too late, I already said it... Hi salsa!)

Forum Games / Re: The Prediction Game!
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:26:17 pm »
Whatever the hell those are

I predict the next person is going to yell at me for necroposting and wonder why Im going on a posting spree

Forum Games / Re: Creative counting
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:23:49 pm »

Forum Games / Re: 1001 MORE Things to do When You're Bored
« on: April 04, 2016, 02:19:53 pm »
794: Think about being productive but instead google everything but the actual assignment you need to do.

General Discussion / Re: Possible Event?
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:19:31 pm »
I'm up for it, but if we do a bracket then there's all most likely going to be people sign up that then don't make it. So it'd need to be done in a way to allow that.

Good point. I'll rack my brains. Perhaps we could still do a bracket style, but it wouldn't be single elimination at first. Maybe a points system? Everyone plays an equal amount of games, say, 4 games, each having a different set of opponents.  Certain placements would award points, (winner gets 3, 2nd gets 2, 3rd gets 1, 4th gets none) and the 4 players that make most points at the end of the round would be the 'Final Four" or something and a 1v1 matchup on #1 v #2, #3 v #4, and then have a match for bronze.

So I'm guessing the "teams" idea is out of the picture, just a free for all.

If I can get at least 8 into the tournament, that would make "brackets" for the points round easy to make.

I think the only issue would be getting the right people in. We don't want people that are not competing to be getting into the tournament rounds. If people want to play as the matches are about to begin, I can certainly get them in somehow.

Thanks for the awesome feedback!

General Discussion / Possible Event?
« on: March 21, 2016, 05:18:17 pm »
I was thinking about an event in the Creative server that utilizes the spleef arena. Perhaps we can create a spleef tournament, wether that could be 1v1, 2v2, ffa, or a variation of such games. I think this event could create a fun competitive atmosphere for all. If a lot of people like the idea, and that they would sign up for such an event, I am willing to run it on a weekend that is open for a lot of people. Feel free to comment and discuss below. I would like to see if all of the following can either answered or discussed.
1. Is this a good idea?
2. Ways this event could work (bracket, game modes, teams, ect.)
3. Would you participate?
4. When a good time to host this would be, if this event were to happen. I am EDT currently (GMT -4) and available most weekends from 8am to 8pm.

I'd like to hear what you guys think.

Offtopic / Re: Any runners out there?
« on: March 19, 2016, 03:00:31 pm »
Hello there, Mr. Runner.. ;)

Congratulations first of all on your achievement.
Your pace is very good, especially if you have just started training.

I ran on November the Athens Classic Marathon in Greece.
Because of an accident I did it 4:10:00.
My training session was 2,5 months long with average 60Km/week.

The good thing is that I could have done it 3:48:00 or below and the very next day my legs were like I havent run.
However, I used to eat like a demon. Everything! I mean that.. Huge quantities and more than 8 meals for about 2-3 days..

Do you hold a Heart Rate Monitor?
That would be good to have, and it will help you build 'ergo' as we call it. IT is the ability to produce energy with high economy on your carbo by just burning fat instead of useful ingredients.

Hello Spamarian! I would love to run a marathon (once Im old enough, that is...) and hopefully by then I can get as close as possible to the Boston Qualifer (3:05:00 as of this year). AS recently I had a conversation with my coach and discussed future possibilities, and I think I would have a better time in further, but not insane, distances because I lack the leg speed to keep up with my massive cardiovascular potential I have due to swimming I used to do. So, I decided to sign up for the 3200 in my first indoor meet and performed AMAZINGLY! I kept up with a lot of my teammates that I wasn't able to keep up with in a long time.  Keep working hard, and you can achieve anything ;)

Awesome pace! What events are you planning to do in track? I'm 2 months into my first season (im a freshman scrub) and my main event is the 600m but I plan to get up to the distance events.
Well, I have no option to what I run, my coach (and sometimes the seniors) choose for me... So far, I have "officially" ran the 800 and 3200. my 800 went awful, so I think I can get at least a few seconds off that. My 3200 went almost too well. My 1600 was a time trial last week, but I made no improvment off of it (5:31 vs 5:32). I am really hoping I get to be in multiple relays soon. hope you do well in your track season! My 600's would be awful... lol!

Offtopic / Re: Any runners out there?
« on: December 10, 2015, 03:27:29 pm »
Actually I used to be a runner and was kinda trying to see how we compared when I was near your speed.  I was like 135 and 5'10 I think
I need to work on my efficiency, but I got the distance down! Track season is firing up in a few months and aiming for a sub 5:15 mile (timed myself a 5:32 mile not too long ago, INDOORS, and know i can go much faster) Not exactly a great 800 runner, so anything close to 2:25 would be great. \

Offtopic / Re: Any runners out there?
« on: December 07, 2015, 12:38:38 am »
Why do you ask? lol
About 114 pounds and just short of 5'6"

Offtopic / Any runners out there?
« on: December 05, 2015, 08:29:42 pm »
Hello! Nice to be back on the forums!

On November 7th, I participated in a local Half Marathon in Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana called the Monumental (Half)Marathon! Before this, I ran 450+ miles over the summer and Cross Country season, and know I can hold an 8 minute/mile pace fairly easily. Knowing this, I agreed to train for a short period of time after Cross Country season at about an 8 min/mile pace to train for the 13.1 miles ahead of me.

On race day, the weather could not have been more perfect for running. 45oF (7oC), partly cloudy, and a wonderful race crowd! Since this was my first half-marathon, I had to start outside of a corral, or group of runners who are placed torward the front according to their times. Dispite having to dodge hundreds, possibly thousands of runners during the miles 3 through 7, I was actually running FASTER and EASIER than I have been running during my training runs, with the exception of my first mile. (8:43!) The last three miles, however, were absolutely brutal and had to back it off from a 7:30 min/mile pace to about a 8:00 min/mile. Long story short, I finished the Indianapolis Monumental (Half) Marathon in a much faster-than-anticipated 1 hour, 40 minutes, and 42 seconds! That means I averaged a 7:41 min/mile pace over 13.1 miles!

Any of you completed a half/full marathon too? If so, comment about it below!

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Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: October 09, 2015, 01:25:43 pm »

Long time no see, hey!

Fixed. - Claw

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