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Topics - Afro_

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Support / I know it's coming out "soon" but when is "soon"? PvP!
« on: June 24, 2013, 08:44:40 pm »
 Yeah. It's all in the title. I can't wait for PvP and it's the same with lots of other people. Please answer my unanswered question that people only answer with "soon"- When is PvP coming out?

   Anyone wanna ally with meh when if it comes out?

Hey! If you'd like to sign up to be a captain of a team, please enter the following information below:

Team name(you choose):
Ban history:
Why should I be captain?:
The people that I think should decide who should qualify should be mod+, and it can be like mod applications with people supporting each other.
Accepted teams so far:
DD- SalsaInABowl
PorkVille Piggus- Afro_Rick

Projects and Creations / Opticraft Rep and house league spleef teams
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:44:07 pm »
Hey. I got the idea of having spleef teams. 1 match would go like this- 6 people on each team, 3 playing at a time. The arena would have to be 60-90x60-90. Platforms would rise when the match started, and best 2/3. Team captains would make subs and decisions. At the end of one season, the winning team would get prizes and so would so,e other teams.

 Team application form example would be
 IGN: Afro_ Rick
 Team: AfroTime Afros
 Ban History: 3 times, griefing
 Experience/ skills/why should I be on the team: I am very good at spleef and would love to play for this team. I have always been good with reflexes at school, and so yeah. Pleaser accept!

 Then the Cpt. Of the team would say Rejected or Accepted. 2 teams world have to clear times they could play against each other.

Rejected / Moderator application form- Afro_Rick
« on: June 22, 2013, 07:08:40 pm »
I don't think I'll get mod, but its worth a shot.

Age: 10
Location: Ontario, Canada
Timezone: GMT-4
Join date(forum): November 20 2012 and late-October for SMP
Were you recommended by anyone?: Sadly, no D: feel free to add your name here, staff!
Why you should become moderator: I won't lie. I love Playing Opticraft and playing on it. I love helping and assisting in any way and making sure people are happy. I play on almost everyday as long as I can. Just because I'm young doesn't mean can't be mature and trustworthy- I have a younger sister and she is someone that needs very responsible gaurdians and I think I could apply the same "responibility" to opticraft users. To finish off, I'd be o happy if my name were in light blue!!

Suggestions / (If there is a plugin) Vote-ingame
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:28:35 pm »
HEy. I always have to vote when I'm ingame, and it gets really annoying to go AFG etc. Can we install a pllug-in if there is 1?
      BTW check out my village, PorkVille! PM me for more info.

Introductions / Very late intro
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:02:07 pm »
Heya.  Afro_Rick here. I am an SMP trusted, and first logged on to this server in October or November of 2012, when I first purchased my account. I live on Ontario, Canada and live not far from Toronto. You can call me Afro(I find it funny) use please don't call me Rick. It's not my real name, it just goes well this Afro. Imagine Afro_Gavin. I'm quite young, younger than most people on this server. 10... Well I'm 9 while I'm writing this but I'm turning ten in July.

  -Afro_Rick, SMP Trusted ::)

Suggestions / Spawn eggs
« on: June 11, 2013, 10:45:04 pm »
Hey. I've noticed the lack of animals at my place, and its not cuz I kill them all. With spawn eggs in the Market, it would make it much easier to get animals etc. For the price it would probably cost like 10k per egg, depending on the mob/animal. And having to earn the money wouldn't really count as lazy, would it, if you staff told us we were being "lazy"?

Projects and Creations / Horse Stables/track(race)
« on: June 02, 2013, 08:39:58 pm »
 Hey. I had this idea with my friends a few weeks ago. Once the new 1.6 update comes out, we should get Tiggy or another good builder to build a racetrack for Opticraft. I know lots of other people want to build 1 too, but I think this one should be free and just for fun, like Opticarft itself. If you Staff don't want to, well we'll lots of other ones.

Support / IRC Chat
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:48:14 am »
 Hey mods and ops and opticrafters. I have recently tried to go on IRC chat but it won't work. Mods or ops, please help me!

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:15:57 am »
 :( I'm sorry I greifed out of Cory's house; I didn't know what I was thinking. Again, I'm very sorry I griefed out. As for the farm, I know I griefed it but I replaced everything in the right place with the right seeds and the other stuff. I dnow if don't know if that makes a difference, but I said it already.
  Thanks, and please get me unbanned or at least please shorten my ban.

Ban Appeals / [Salsainabowl] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:51:29 pm »
Was it Cory_S that made the ban? Or Piperwarrior because I live with him. If you don't believe me, ask him. Please respond A.S.A.P. because I really need to get on.

Ban Appeals / [Winniedoxie] My ban is overdue
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:39:33 pm »
 I was banned and It was like 20 minutes after the expiry. I kept trying but it said I was banned and in was way over the expiry time. ?

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