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As you read in the title, my external IP changed, and now no one can connect to my server with my new IP, my old IP, or even via hamachi. My router doesnt block ping.. ports opened.. help?

Offtopic / What's Your Dream Car?
« on: November 30, 2012, 01:40:03 am »
My dream car is
(click to show/hide)

Rejected / [Moderator Application] LIEKABOWSE (rewritten)
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:38:58 am »
Location:Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Timezone:Central USA
Join Date: Late May, or early June
Were you recommended by anyone?: No, feel free to add names if you do =)
Why you should become a moderator: I feel that I want to help the community in any way possible. In no way shape or form do I want to become a moderator to get a personal advantage, but to help others. I want to be part of the staff team because there are new members everyday and they all have specific needs. I generally love to help people, and I promise I will give fair punishments to people that do not abide by the rules. I will give my 101% effort into this task and do my best to help. I understand that I have to give up any projects or task's i'm doing when help is needed. I also have a decent history of being a moderator on a couple of other servers. I know that this is an enourmous responsibility. I understand that it is not only the SMP server I moderate, but the forums also. I am usually active on the forums, hence the full member. *woot woot* I have made a lot of friends on this server, and lets face it, I know i'm not nessecarily mature. I think that if I were to come to being a moderator, I would mature and take this a lot more seriously. I hope this application has appealed to you and I hope it shows my enthusiasm of becoming a Moderator. Thank you!

General Discussion / Inactivity Notice
« on: November 21, 2012, 07:54:03 pm »
Hey guys, you all know it's thanksgiving tomorrow.
I'm gonna be in Houston, TX until saturday, so I most likely won't be able to get on until then.
Edit: i'm not going apparently, family is coming HERE. yay :D

Suggestions / IRC Problem?
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:43:31 pm »
Well, sometimes when I'm in IRC, it freezes up and does this:
(click to show/hide)
This is happening to me right now and I can't get on to IRC.
Sidenote: I have refreshed it, still the same thing

Support / Failed to login: Error
« on: November 11, 2012, 05:03:33 am »
Hey guys, today i've been getting the Failed To login: Error message
Sorry if i spam chat with joins, it keeps failing.

User Events / THIRD? Opticraft SMP marriage? I think so.
« on: November 06, 2012, 03:11:54 am »
Divorced, please remove or lock.

Offtopic / Tobs74 birthday party!
« on: November 06, 2012, 12:17:02 am »
Hi guys! Today (In england ;)) November 6,2012, is Tobs74 birthday! please wish him a happy birthday if you see him ;)

Happy birthday tobs!

Support / Malware Detected!
« on: November 05, 2012, 11:04:02 pm »
<Please sticky this topic, it's a problem with google's servers and has been for a while>
Hello, please be assured that if you get a screen when getting on that looks like this:

Do not fear. This has happened on the minecraftforum also, referring an advertisement problem. I don't recall using advertisements so this might be Google's problem and I'll guarentee they'll fix this soon. Hang in there, there's no malware on opticraft.
Edit: this is firefox's:

Suggestions / Adding some items to market
« on: October 28, 2012, 11:45:24 pm »
Hello, I am here to ask of some additions to the market
-Carrots (buy)
-Potatoes (buy)
-Beacon blocks no.
-Nether stars (buy and sell)
- Leather (buy and sell)

Support / 1.4 stuff
« on: October 28, 2012, 09:12:07 pm »
this is quite possibly in the wrong section, but will 1.4 stuff be added to market? (potatoes, carrots, beacons, item frames etc)

Support / Crashed at LordOfTheBlock's Home
« on: October 21, 2012, 10:32:56 pm »
#The only mod i'm using is optifine and the texture pack I'm using is Soartex Fanver.
      Minecraft has crashed!      

Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem; Unexpected error
This error has been saved to C:\Users\Con-Con\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\crash-reports\crash-2012-10-21_17.30.37-client.txt for your convenience. Please include a copy of this file if you report this crash to anyone.

--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 2748da41 --------
Generated 10/21/12 5:30 PM

- Minecraft Version: 1.3.2
- Operating System: Windows 7 (x86) version 6.1
- Java Version: 1.7.0_07, Oracle Corporation
- Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
- Memory: 432777624 bytes (412 MB) / 519110656 bytes (495 MB) up to 1037959168 bytes (989 MB)
- JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
- LWJGL: 2.4.2
- OpenGL: Intel(R) HD Graphics GL version 2.1.0 - Build, Intel
- Is Modded: Very likely
- Type: Client
- Texture Pack: Soartex
- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
- World MpServer Entities: 19 total; [atg['LIEKABOWSE'/8242271, l='MpServer', x=-1419.72, y=129.62, z=27.69], mt['Pig'/8202404, l='MpServer', x=-1369.69, y=59.00, z=-38.50], jz['Painting'/8202400, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.50, z=38.00], jz['Painting'/8202401, l='MpServer', x=-1432.00, y=132.00, z=41.94], mo['Chicken'/8202402, l='MpServer', x=-1407.47, y=62.43, z=24.53], mz['Wolf'/8202399, l='MpServer', x=-1441.44, y=128.00, z=29.78], jz['Painting'/8202398, l='MpServer', x=-1437.06, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202397, l='MpServer', x=-1431.94, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202396, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=30.06], jz['Painting'/8202395, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=24.94], jz['Painting'/8202394, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.00, z=20.00], jz['Painting'/8202393, l='MpServer', x=-1433.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], no['Creeper'/8202390, l='MpServer', x=-1455.50, y=30.00, z=35.50], jz['Painting'/8202389, l='MpServer', x=-1450.94, y=135.50, z=27.00], jz['Painting'/8202388, l='MpServer', x=-1447.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], mo['Chicken'/8202387, l='MpServer', x=-1467.56, y=70.00, z=58.16], jz['Painting'/8202385, l='MpServer', x=-1458.50, y=132.50, z=30.94], mo['Chicken'/8202383, l='MpServer', x=-1477.53, y=64.00, z=16.34], aur['LordoftheBlock'/8187449, l='MpServer', x=-1427.94, y=128.00, z=35.84]]
- World MpServer Players: 2 total; [atg['LIEKABOWSE'/8242271, l='MpServer', x=-1419.72, y=129.62, z=27.69], aur['LordoftheBlock'/8187449, l='MpServer', x=-1427.94, y=128.00, z=35.84]]
- World MpServer Chunk Stats: MultiplayerChunkCache: 169
- Forced Entities: 31 total; [atg['LIEKABOWSE'/8242271, l='MpServer', x=-1419.72, y=129.62, z=27.69], jz['Painting'/8202400, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.50, z=38.00], jz['Painting'/8202401, l='MpServer', x=-1432.00, y=132.00, z=41.94], jz['Painting'/8202398, l='MpServer', x=-1437.06, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202397, l='MpServer', x=-1431.94, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202396, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=30.06], jz['Painting'/8202395, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=24.94], jz['Painting'/8202394, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.00, z=20.00], jz['Painting'/8202393, l='MpServer', x=-1433.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], jz['Painting'/8202389, l='MpServer', x=-1450.94, y=135.50, z=27.00], jz['Painting'/8202388, l='MpServer', x=-1447.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], jz['Painting'/8202385, l='MpServer', x=-1458.50, y=132.50, z=30.94], aur['LordoftheBlock'/8187449, l='MpServer', x=-1427.94, y=128.00, z=35.84], mt['Pig'/8202404, l='MpServer', x=-1369.69, y=59.00, z=-38.50], jz['Painting'/8202400, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.50, z=38.00], jz['Painting'/8202401, l='MpServer', x=-1432.00, y=132.00, z=41.94], mo['Chicken'/8202402, l='MpServer', x=-1407.47, y=62.43, z=24.53], mz['Wolf'/8202399, l='MpServer', x=-1441.44, y=128.00, z=29.78], jz['Painting'/8202398, l='MpServer', x=-1437.06, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202397, l='MpServer', x=-1431.94, y=128.50, z=27.50], jz['Painting'/8202396, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=30.06], jz['Painting'/8202395, l='MpServer', x=-1434.50, y=128.50, z=24.94], jz['Painting'/8202394, l='MpServer', x=-1424.06, y=132.00, z=20.00], jz['Painting'/8202393, l='MpServer', x=-1433.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], no['Creeper'/8202390, l='MpServer', x=-1455.50, y=30.00, z=35.50], jz['Painting'/8202389, l='MpServer', x=-1450.94, y=135.50, z=27.00], jz['Painting'/8202388, l='MpServer', x=-1447.00, y=132.00, z=11.06], mo['Chicken'/8202387, l='MpServer', x=-1467.56, y=70.00, z=58.16], jz['Painting'/8202385, l='MpServer', x=-1458.50, y=132.50, z=30.94], mo['Chicken'/8202383, l='MpServer', x=-1477.53, y=64.00, z=16.34], aur['LordoftheBlock'/8187449, l='MpServer', x=-1427.94, y=128.00, z=35.84]]
- Retry Entities: 0 total; []

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
   at aew.a(SourceFile:111)
   at aig.b(SourceFile:486)
   at ConnectedTextures.isNeighbour(
   at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTextureVertical(
   at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTexture(
   at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTexture(
   at ConnectedTextures.getConnectedTexture(
   at avg.k(
   at avg.b(
   at aus.a(
   at avb.a(
   at auw.a(
   at auw.b(
   at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.J(SourceFile:607)
   at Source)
--- END ERROR REPORT 141bca61 ----------

#The only mod I have installed is optifine, I'm using the soartex fanver texture pack. help?

Rejected / Moderator application- LIEKABOWSE
« on: October 05, 2012, 12:25:34 am »
Location:Oklahoma City, OK, USA.
Timezone:USA Central
Join Date:Sometime in feb.
Were you recommended by anyone?: Unfortunately, no.
Why you should become a moderator:I'm friendly and love to help people. I think I would help the community by making the community more aware of the resposibility of moderators. I have previous experience as a moderator on 3 servers, and know how to use coreprotect but not logblock. I love every bit of opti; it's players, it's rules; it's staff. I am experienced and I know when enough is enough. I love the feeling of rolling back grief, banning spammers and hackers.

I know that it is a HUGE responsibility of being a moderator. I have proven before that I at least CAN be responsible and not take my power for granted.

General Discussion / I got pictures with Alicia while she was afk! :D
« on: October 04, 2012, 11:44:29 pm »
:D  I got pictures with alicia.

Alicia shall never know =.=
If she does, murder will come to opticraft.

Support / Multiplayer not working- Server responded with HTTP...
« on: October 02, 2012, 02:15:01 am »
Hello fellow Opticraftians- I am here to let you know that this is NOT client-side and is simply one of many mojang's screw ups. Wait about a half hour and go to and you can see if Multiplayer Sessions are working. If not, wait it out.. they WILL come back eventually. Mojang's servers (this happens alot in different parts, minecraft logins, skins etc.)
are down and will come back up. We're in this together! :D

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