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Messages - Zezenov

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 7
General Discussion / Re: Time...
« on: April 05, 2014, 09:48:14 pm »
I'm so tired of posts about people leaving the server and how Opticraft is going downhill. I wish the people who post these would realize that their threads are pointless and actually have a negative effect and sour the mood on the forums. If you have some interest in enhancing the community, maybe you should actually do something instead of just complaining about it.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Sovereign State of Stuttgart®
« on: March 21, 2014, 12:55:23 am »
Stuttgart 1.4 Pack updated

  • Reworked Iron Sword Texture
  • New Gold and Diamond Swords
  • Fixed Sign
  • Redesigned Sign on Steve Skin

Glad to see the signs are sorted out. Proper good work.

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting
« on: January 04, 2014, 12:03:28 am »
Shocking Ban of the Year: _gavin
Topic of the Year: Sovereign State of Stuttgart
City of the Year: Sovereign State of Stuttgart

General Discussion / Re: $1,000,000 GiveAway - Less Than 6 Hours to enter
« on: November 10, 2013, 07:27:17 pm »
*enters contest*

We have a space agency?

Indeed we do.  As you might imagine, their work is highly secretive, lest some aggresive nation acquire our technology.


Metzen District of Stuttgart Evacuated!

The SSA (Stuttgart Space Agency) today evacuated its main research facility in the Metzen district, north of Stuttgart.  No reason was provided by the SSA and reporters were actively being turned away at the border entrance to the district.  Hurried scientists could be seen packing what appeared to be electrical equipment onto trucks in front of the facility while heavily armed security patrolled the perimeter.   Shortly after the evacuation was begun, Chancellor Tabooti issued a district wide notice that mandated residents be evacuated from the area immediately. It further stated that the area would be placed under quarantine until further notice.

Armed soldiers quickly arrived and surrounded the district and ushered the citizens out.  Final checks were performed of the buildings after the tide of people had passed through the checkpoints on the border of the district.

One unidentified man said he saw an odd blue glow emanating from the upper floor of the research center immediately before the alarm sounded.  Our conversation with the man was interrupted, however, when armed guards pulled the man into the back of a military police truck.


Men in hazmat suits seen entering the research center.

The Tabooti Administration has since released the following statement:
“Citizens of Stuttgart who experience unusual medical symptoms should IMMEDIATELY contact the SMS (Stuttgart Medical Service). Patients will be transported to a temporary field hospital set up in the neighboring jungle.  This is in no way related to the Quarantine in the Metzen district. One of the generators powering the SSA research center had become damaged which necessitated the evacuation.  Above all, remain calm.  A curfew of 10pm will be enforced until further notice."

Stuttgart Medical Service Casualty Clearing Tent

I would like to submit a building application I feel the city is going up and my current house has become insufficient and I would like to rebuild it if you click on the link below it should (hopefully) lead to a picture for my desired house.


That building look pretty nice if you're up to building it. We can always use more skyscrapers.

Proper good work Joe and Liek, the buildings are looking most excellent.

Projects and Creations / Re: huge melon farm hiring?
« on: June 20, 2013, 09:05:09 pm »

General Discussion / Re: Opticraft HorseRacing Organization
« on: June 14, 2013, 05:57:16 pm »
Y U DOUBLE POST? lol but is there like a minimum length of a track, or can it be like 5 blocks or something... there should probably be a set length, eg 100-150 blocks or something, and i seem to love run-on sentences :D

That's too short, you want to make them really long so that the race lasts at least a minute so that the suspense lasts awhile.  A longer race makes betting more entertaining.

Suggestions / Re: Compensation for "erased" book
« on: June 12, 2013, 02:58:56 pm »
I feel your pain.  I lost the original copy of the Pibbert bible to this.  Most unfortunate.

Projects and Creations / Re: Horse Stables/track(race)
« on: June 08, 2013, 08:12:09 pm »
I built one of these in Stuttgart when pigs became controllable with the carrots. My advice to you is make sure it's really large because mine turned out way to small since I didn't know the pigs could sprint.

We need a chinatown area somewhere igen.

I like the china town idea. That sounds like a good excuse to get some Asian themed buildings in  ;D

Tabooti, I have spoken to Zezenov About this affair, And Comporovere would like to support you In the Rebellion! So far we have an Embassy For a chance of an alliance...

*cough* Rebellion?

The government isn't rebelling... Perhaps the translator got a few words messed up.
Yes, we could construct a foreign office somewhere.
I'll build you a neutral meeting place if you want. So you can discuss the rebellion.

There's no rebellion!
There is a slight citizen "uprising"

Goalie, Smiffy said that he would help Tabooti in the Rebellion.  That implies that Tabooti is the one rebelling, which isn't right. Smiffy means to say that he wishes to help Tabooti put down the Rebellion.

General Discussion / Arson in Stuttgart!
« on: February 06, 2013, 10:29:51 pm »
Exalted Leader Tabooti's country home in the rural east of Stuttgart has been set alight by an armed group of terrorists!

click this >>>>http://zezenov.wix.com/stuttgart<<<< click this

Stuttgart's fire department rushed to the scene and luckily was able to save the building.  Upon hearing the dreadful news, Tabooti immediately held a press conference and declared a curfew for all citizens of 10 pm and dispatched armed patrols to all the outer districts. Though the identities of the terrorists remain unknown, Tabooti has blamed Igenerator's faction for the trouble and imprisoned 3 of his known associates.

- Stuttgart News Network

If for whatever reason you can't see the above link here's a still (unanimated) version

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