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Topics - cattfish0612

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Moderator Application - cattfish0612
« on: June 20, 2013, 10:52:46 am »
Age: 13
Location:  Reading,Ma
Timezone: EST
Join Date: 1/2/12
Were you recommended by anyone?: Crippnfeet
Why you should become a moderator: I think I should become a moderator cause I love helping people and the sever. I know I could help many people. Ever since I was little just little things to help others always made me feel happy. On the sever say when staff are busy I try to help many if they problems like if they needed water I try my best to msg them and get to them. I know mod isn't all fun and I'm willing to but the time in cause I know with a little bit of help and lot's of practice ill be a great mod!. Like my parents always said "If it isn't helping other people it isn't worth your time".  I also would never abuse my powers. I hope you consider to let me on staff.

General Discussion / They way how people make money
« on: June 16, 2013, 02:04:11 am »
Hey guys I was wondering what the best way to make money is. But wait there's more. I think that in the game, we're separated as poor or rich people, there is no middle class. I think that the middle class players should be considered as  having about 20-30k. So I want to know what you guys think about the Opticraft economy and transitioning into a tripart economy. But my reasoning is different to other mediums of getting into the middle class. Say you worked on a massive project to achieve economic success, I want to know about the factors that contribute into your success; time, if you hired people, expensive supplies, etc.. In my opinion, the Opticraft Goal is completing that massive project and thinking how awesome it is. As an Opticraft player, I want to think about different ways of getting money, none of that mining dirt/cobble and selling it to the market, the market is a robbery in my opinion. I owned a shop for a while and had many people come, I checked many of their balances, and I'd say about 3/10 people I checked had over 25K/30K. I think that is kind of unreasonable, especially because of the hard work players put into their projects. But I don't understand or know every situation to getting money, so I want some of your opinions.

- Cattfish0612

Offtopic / What do you think will get more players
« on: June 08, 2013, 10:58:16 pm »
Hey guys I have seen that not many people are playing on Smp. Now I don't want a reply like "its how that's been" .Maybe some ideas like making a video then have people watch it over and over again to get popular or something else. I'd just like to see more people on cause from what I heard there used to be like 300 players a day on classic so why can't we make it just as popular or more popular on Smp ? thank you for reading -Catt

Offtopic / Your First Days on Opticraft
« on: May 23, 2013, 08:44:19 pm »
Hey guys I was wondering if you guys remember the first day/weeks of opticraft for you. These question don't have to be all answered feel free to ask others question and if you cant remember much that's ok.

How did you find out about Opticraft:

First person on staff that helped you:

First person you meet(or friend):

Who taught you most commands /pay /msg /home ect.:

Ill fill on out to start it :D.

How did you find out about Opticraft: A video (its down D:)

First person on staff that helped you: Crippnfeet was there in seconds and I think see was in training cause there were 2 of them and they came so fast I thought they were stalking so To this day I Check my windows for opticraft's moderators  before I go to sleep XD

First person you meet(or friend): Zeldafan

Who taught you most commands /pay /msg /home ect.: LecheMan

Edited to save space

 I would say hi then convise him to have a PIG RACE with me :D.

also how you play
1) you tells what you would say and ask and mabye do.
2) you can say what you like about others anwser
3) theres nothing to stupid to say
4) plz Have Fun :D

Trade Central / selling enchanted stuff
« on: April 23, 2013, 02:22:09 am »
hey guys im selling enchanted books

 lowest amout 1k
 payout for anybook 15k
     you can bid prices and we will talk :D
     The bidding ends 4/28/13

                                          book 1: efficiency 4
                                          book 2: protection 3
                                          book 3: respiration 2
                                          book 4: protechtion 3
                                          a diamond pickaxe (need repairing atm) with efficieny 4 unbreaking  and fortune 3

Offtopic / Cattfish's animations
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:19:36 am »
Hi guys im a  minecraft animator  (not the best one)  but good enghough i will be making short videos id like to make then about opticraft a have a preview for my newest animation for opticraft if you want you can leave a suggtion BELOW or just enjoy the video cause at the end of the day it up to you guys for feedd back cause your are the ones taking time out of your day to watch my videos thank u all -cattfish0612

OK hey guys trailer 1 is up at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HruN5dTP8oU&feature=youtu.be HOPE U ENJOY

Hey guys just wana let you know that ITS DONE and OUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fuXjk0xVnpE&feature=youtu.be
Hope you Enjoy and sub and like

Offtopic / OMG cool screen shots
« on: April 16, 2013, 11:25:03 pm »


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